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Field Sports Britain Cleaning Up After The Lurcher Boys

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Well for starters I wouldn't be getting cosy with wild life crime units and all that old bollocks, I'd make it publically known I wanted nothing to do with them because as an organisation we don't bel

Bit of a crap analogy really, personally I don't see why they even need to mention "codes of conduct"........one line of "we don't condone any criminal conduct" is enough if they really feel the need

I'm completely flabbergasted by some of the posts on here   Why are people even bothered?   We are not needed , required or liked by any authoritiive body   We're so easily vilified it's comi

Don't know If it been seen before worth a watch

Thanks for sharing DD! No wonder we are in the state we are when a fieldsports channel who should show support to every country pursuit deem it fit to include this on their channel. Together we stand (not) ATB
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Is it not possible that the wounds could of come from something else? Maybe a car , another buck , barbed wire or just bad luck. And as for a broken leg , lets not be silly , if a dog caught the deer and broke it's leg even if it got away I would of thought it would quite easily catch it again.

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Its 2 years old, i see the subscription to this channel had dropped signifcently to be fair, I have seen worse. I will contact some one from there .

Two years or today it is immaterial mate damage is being done! We are all fighting the same battle against an enemy we should be aware of but surely this equates as the enemy within? I do hope you will contact them and hopefully get an answer why they feel they can once again betray lurcher lads! One more thing did you hear the way the guy described the dogs responsible! Absolutely disgusting! ATB
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Is it not possible that the wounds could of come from something else? Maybe a car , another buck , barbed wire or just bad luck. And as for a broken leg , lets not be silly , if a dog caught the deer and broke it's leg even if it got away I would of thought it would quite easily catch it again.

Yes if it had a broken leg when ran with dogs it would have been dead but he is no expert on running dogs just another one getting on the wagon if we talked about something about shooting or fox hunting we would be in court let there be no mistake.

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They don't tell you the other side of it though when some of these stalkers go out wound a deer and it's running round for days in aganising death or worse and on the past a dogs put it out of its missery I'm all for different types of field sports I've always had lurchers and unfortunately from days gone by along along time before all of us were walking this planet a lurcher and a poacher went hand in hand and even today certain people still look at it that way it's always Gona be that way and that's a fact

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Hi All,


I have just sent an email to the channel and waiting for a reply I suggest everyone sends them as the presenter obviously knows nothing about running dogs Feck wit.


My letter.


Dear sirs,

After watching a video from your channel I have attached the youtube under.
That deer could have been hurt by any means not just lurcher or sighthounds I do not think your presenter knew what he was talking about as if by any means that deer had beed ran with lurchers or sighthounds and it recieved a broken leg it would have been dead I can assure you it would not have got away,
I would love you to answer me some questions please for all hunting people right across UK.
1. Has your man in the video any experience in running dogs or has he seen a dog run a deer.
2. Did your man in the video just make the assumption that it had been ran with Lurchers or sighthounds.
3. Did your man in the video see the the deer ran with Lurchers or sighthounds.
4. Is it not heard enough hunting in our great country these days without someone making acquisitions about another mans sport ( explained how he knew the deer was ran with Lurchers or Sight hounds please)
5. I thought all hunters loved country life and all hunting and support all hunting Explain why you would even put that in a hunting video without evidence please
6. if you have not seen the deer ran with Lurchers or sighthounds will you give all hunters an apology for really making bad press about the hunting with lurchers or sighthounds I thought we were all on the same side but really you were selling a new rifle were you any comments about another mans sport must be backed up with proof.
Sirs I do want a reply to everyone of my questions please and if you do not have proof of the deer being ran with any dog I would like to see a public apology to all hunters not only the Lurcher and sighthound feternety for misleading all hunters for the sale of a rifle.


this is the email address all send them a complaint.
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My answer but not finished yet


Thanks for this. I was just contacted by AWL chair Jayne Moyseson the same subject a few moments ago. I am editing this week's show right now so I'll just ping you the same email I sent her:

We had to pot down years of deerstalker Paul Childerley's ugly relationship with a few specific lurcherman into one short outburst from him. In the past, the conflict between them has been violent. I wish we had the resources to look deeper into the subject and I am sorry it looks like we are having a go at all lurcherwork.

On the positive side, we have done several films about good quality lurcherwork:

We are keen to make more of these. I am especially looking for a ferreting day on downland in sunshine - so do let me know if you can fix this.
Regards Charlie

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Dear Charlie,

Not the answer I was wanting you bypassed all my questions I am not a little boy you used it to sell not very good do you have proof of this event with the deer if you do please let us all know please.
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