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Looking for Yoda??


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Hi all, does anyone have an idea of where a good club or a place to get good advice/hands on teaching with Harris Hawks?


I have decided to build a Breeze block Mews starting next year. During which time I'd like to tap into a good supply of Falconry know-how before I get the Bird later on in the year if not next.


the one thing I've picked up so far is, to be 100% prepared before the bird arrives is paramount. So I'm up for the long way round if it means successful hawking.



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Hi all, does anyone have an idea of where a good club or a place to get good advice/hands on teaching with Harris Hawks?


I have decided to build a Breeze block Mews starting next year. During which time I'd like to tap into a good supply of Falconry know-how before I get the Bird later on in the year if not next.


the one thing I've picked up so far is, to be 100% prepared before the bird arrives is paramount. So I'm up for the long way round if it means successful hawking.





Here's one near you dont know if it will help you


get out on field meets and find falconers near you sorry I cant be more of a help the best of luck

SPAR :thumbs:

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