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Dont be silly pal, if jesus followed the talmud, we would be jews not christian.

They crucified him.

Jesus was ethnically Jewish and lived his life as a Torah-observant Jew, do you actually know anything about your own religion?

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Personally I think that christians should behave more like christ, and muslims should behave less like muhammed.

Ok, let's have it right with our resident Muslim multi personality poster.......the various Christian faith are far from perfect and in fact are disgusting since the subject of all the abuse came out.

I consider myself a Christian though I don't follow any denomination. I read the Bible as an allegory to guide you how to live your life in a positive way. What I take from it is that you should try a

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Thats a funny 1.. scottish got scared from aboriginal

"You f***ing wombat " lol

You're one strange cnut Axum.
You wanna see strange ?
PMSL = Prophet Muhammed Shagged Little aisha
Poor little aisha!
I read that in genesis , isaac married rebbeca at age 3.
Poor Rebecca
Do not listen to this tripe mate, ridiculous
Everyone talks shit at times but 95% of what AXUM says is bollocks
Tbh what happened 1000+ years ago is beyond my control and care. My problem is the millions who want to live their life in Mohamed's image in these times and are causing untold grief for families, communities and countries. I especially despise those who don't want to live in Mohamed's image but somehow feel the need to defend the barbaric and ancient customs of these people.

Dont know a muslim who would defend marrying a 9 years old.. or killing ex muslim


At least i dont. I think its disgusting.. but i will remind u of christianity and talmud.. jesus follows talmud too

I am glad to hear you think paedophilia is disgusting and that you don't know any muslims who think otherwise, but there was a post recently which claimed in iran last year FORTY THOUSAND!!! underage girls were married off and I forget the exact numbers that were quoted but a good percentage were very young. desertbred was asked to comment but I guess he was busy at that time. Maybe he could enlighten us now with how sharia law deals with paedophilia in his beloved mother country.

That is just one muslim country out of how many? Let alone what has happened in Rotherham and many other non muslim countries there must be millions of vile paedophiles of the islamic faith.

Before anyone starts on there being paedophiles in all walks of life, I am well aware that this is true and I wish nothing but painful, slow deaths to all of them and they also need to be dealt with, but I am talking about the very real problem in islamic communities where the problem has very unique issues and manifestations.

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Arguing over who's religion gives the biggest endorsement to paedophillia to gain the 'moral high ground'. f***ing unbelievable.

Where did I take moral high ground? every culture, race and religion is different and needs to be dealt with differently. That is a pesky (pardon the pun) attempt at deflection.
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Thats a funny 1.. scottish got scared from aboriginal

"You f***ing wombat " lol

You're one strange cnut Axum.
You wanna see strange ?
PMSL = Prophet Muhammed Shagged Little aisha
Poor little aisha!
I read that in genesis , isaac married rebbeca at age 3.
Poor Rebecca
Do not listen to this tripe mate, ridiculous
Everyone talks shit at times but 95% of what AXUM says is bollocks
Tbh what happened 1000+ years ago is beyond my control and care. My problem is the millions who want to live their life in Mohamed's image in these times and are causing untold grief for families, communities and countries. I especially despise those who don't want to live in Mohamed's image but somehow feel the need to defend the barbaric and ancient customs of these people.

Dont know a muslim who would defend marrying a 9 years old.. or killing ex muslim


At least i dont. I think its disgusting.. but i will remind u of christianity and talmud.. jesus follows talmud too

I am glad to hear you think paedophilia is disgusting and that you don't know any muslims who think otherwise, but there was a post recently which claimed in iran last year FORTY THOUSAND!!! underage girls were married off and I forget the exact numbers that were quoted but a good percentage were very young. desertbred was asked to comment but I guess he was busy at that time. Maybe he could enlighten us now with how sharia law deals with paedophilia in his beloved mother country.

That is just one muslim country out of how many? Let alone what has happened in Rotherham and many other non muslim countries there must be millions of vile paedophiles of the islamic faith.

Before anyone starts on there being paedophiles in all walks of life, I am well aware that this is true and I wish nothing but painful, slow deaths to all of them and they also need to be dealt with, but I am talking about the very real problem in islamic communities where the problem has very unique issues and manifestations.


Pedophile means someone who fantasize or has sex with prepuberty person..


In iran the age limit is 12 years old, for girls and 16 for boys.. you probably saw 16 year old couples or over 18 married to 15 years old or so.. thats not pedophilia according to definition.


So wherez the millions of pedophilia you talking

bout.. pedophilia is illegal there

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Dont be silly pal, if jesus followed the talmud, we would be jews not christian.

They crucified him.

Jesus was ethnically Jewish and lived his life as a Torah-observant Jew, do you actually know anything about your own religion?

Lol so silly little man, iv read it all before an i read your link, another jew trying to discredit jesus.


Do you know jews reject jesus, thats why they crucified him, an you want me to beleive there assumptions about the bible, lol.

The jews say there torah men, first five books only of old t.

Heres an eg, they said moses is the greatest prophet ever, but on the same breath, deny what moses said.


Moses spoke about jesus in old t, but they reject it still, i could put a list on what reject in torah.


So dont try to be a wiseman looking in, go read the bible an then come back to me.

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Jews didnt reject him as a jew but his claim to be the annointed one or christ. Thats all. Matter fact had no problems with his healing of sick as it wasnt against laws of moses.. so your reply to BGD doesnt justify your claim .. jesus did follow torah.. if he comes back he will follow torah only and visit the synagogue to recite the torah and pray, he wont go to church , pray with gentiles or wear cross.. things he never did even. Since he follows torah he will rekect your christian claim that he is God because thats against torah.


Jesus followed judaism and torah he also taught it and regularky attended synagogue or jewish temple.. the jewish people rejected him because he claimed to be the anointed one..


Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.


"Jesus frequently visited the Synagogue (Mark 3; Luke 13) so He obviously kept the Sabbath and He also attended the Jewish festivals or high days including the Passover (John 2:13, 6:4, 11:55) even from His youth (Luke 2:41-43). Jesus not only regularly attended Synagogue on the Sabbath but He taught there too as Matthew writes “when he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came up to him as he was teaching” (Matt 21:23. )"

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The lie that Jesus Christ is the God of Christianity is the concept I was raised with. For me, there were two groups of people in the world—Jews and Gentiles, or Christians (we generally perceived them to be the same). We had our God – the God of Israel – and Christians had their God, Jesus Christ, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ. And somehow this Jesus-God was a child who had become God.


I was also taught that Christians believe in three Gods: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This, too, is a deception and a stumbling block for Jews, who, even if not religious, know one thing: God is One.




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Thats a funny 1.. scottish got scared from aboriginal

"You f***ing wombat " lol

You're one strange cnut Axum.
You wanna see strange ?
PMSL = Prophet Muhammed Shagged Little aisha
Poor little aisha!
I read that in genesis , isaac married rebbeca at age 3.
Poor Rebecca
Do not listen to this tripe mate, ridiculous
Everyone talks shit at times but 95% of what AXUM says is bollocks
Tbh what happened 1000+ years ago is beyond my control and care. My problem is the millions who want to live their life in Mohamed's image in these times and are causing untold grief for families, communities and countries. I especially despise those who don't want to live in Mohamed's image but somehow feel the need to defend the barbaric and ancient customs of these people.

Dont know a muslim who would defend marrying a 9 years old.. or killing ex muslim


At least i dont. I think its disgusting.. but i will remind u of christianity and talmud.. jesus follows talmud too

I am glad to hear you think paedophilia is disgusting and that you don't know any muslims who think otherwise, but there was a post recently which claimed in iran last year FORTY THOUSAND!!! underage girls were married off and I forget the exact numbers that were quoted but a good percentage were very young. desertbred was asked to comment but I guess he was busy at that time. Maybe he could enlighten us now with how sharia law deals with paedophilia in his beloved mother country.

That is just one muslim country out of how many? Let alone what has happened in Rotherham and many other non muslim countries there must be millions of vile paedophiles of the islamic faith.

Before anyone starts on there being paedophiles in all walks of life, I am well aware that this is true and I wish nothing but painful, slow deaths to all of them and they also need to be dealt with, but I am talking about the very real problem in islamic communities where the problem has very unique issues and manifestations.


Pedophile means someone who fantasize or has sex with prepuberty person..


In iran the age limit is 12 years old, for girls and 16 for boys.. you probably saw 16 year old couples or over 18 married to 15 years old or so.. thats not pedophilia according to definition.


So wherez the millions of pedophilia you talking

bout.. pedophilia is illegal there

The legal age in iran is twelve??? That is disturbing. Do you think that that is ok? Would you let an adult wed your twelve year old daughter? I most definitely would not, regardless of the law.

Paedophile by definition is sexual activity with a child. In Australia, where you live, anyone who engages in sexual activity with someone below the age of sixteen is a paedophile, I hope you realise this. I personally am glad we don't have the same laws as iran and if you think the laws in iran are ok I will be seriously worried about you. Poor iranian children...

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Dont be silly pal, if jesus followed the talmud, we would be jews not christian.

They crucified him.

Jesus was ethnically Jewish and lived his life as a Torah-observant Jew, do you actually know anything about your own religion?
Lol so silly little man, iv read it all before an i read your link, another jew trying to discredit jesus.


Do you know jews reject jesus, thats why they crucified him, an you want me to beleive there assumptions about the bible, lol.

The jews say there torah men, first five books only of old t.

Heres an eg, they said moses is the greatest prophet ever, but on the same breath, deny what moses said.


Moses spoke about jesus in old t, but they reject it still, i could put a list on what reject in torah.


So dont try to be a wiseman looking in, go read the bible an then come back to me.

As I said, totally ignorant of your own religion :laugh: I sometimes wonder if you've ever even read the Bible TBH

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