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harder and harder

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is it just wer i live or is it the same all over . in the last 3 weeks ive checked about 15 sets many good reliable fox holding holes. but cant find a thing is it the weather or are the foxes moving to pastiers new or is it that there are to many people working terriers in such a small place it is heart breaking when you have a young ready to work dog and cant get the chance to see what he can do. at times you just feel like throwing in the towel. but only for the love of getting that fox the next time thats what keeps you going. i have spoke to a lot of experianse terriermen they say its getting harder then you meet mister arse hole whos been in the game to minutes saying he got 3 yesterday and 2 the day before you now there liing through there teeth. it drives me mad i would just love to now where they get them.




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Having the same trouble just cant find a fox to ground for a young bitch yet when im lamping the same areas with mates im seeing foxes regularly there is a full street of bunny huggers down my way im sure they are putting them up in bedrooms during the day.

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was out lamping on a well known fox ground last nigh ,the place used to be lowsy with them there is only owo of us that shoot the ground but they have all dissaperd i spoke to terrierman last week who lives 5 miles away and he has seen fox that used have an earth on my land now living on his land why the move ?????

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