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I bought a black/bronze bitch early 2000 from one of the names-handy bitch by all accounts -3/4 black dog 1/4 Russell so I was told-bumped in to the man long after the bitch was gone-mentioned I'd had

Not my place to out the dream sellers rh-not my style and not on here. Best quid I'd spent in a long time-she did 8/9 seasons so I'm not bothered she served me well was an honest bitch.around 10 mont

Good question Dc. I seen a nice stamp of a white bitch last season, strong bitch. I seen her work and I asked about the breeding and was told she's from mostly all black stuff. The only white pup in t

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Must have been russell in winston then lol

No more likely shite breeding .Ward came down with winstons sire had a days hunting his dog was tried but could or more likely wouldnt work any put to ground by hounds..Then the next day a Sunday I took winstons owner and Ward out for a dig ..Small place well used on top of a pit winston was tried came out his sire was dropped and came out Winston was dropped again and ward then dropped his sire behind him ..I went mental located them out in the field both the idiots shouting there on ,I said they are at each other after awhile both came out ..Russell was dropped and dug to says it all really

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Ps don I'm only keeping u going by the way but you kind of begged for in your initial post lol

Not really just sounding people on whats what in their breeding ..Anyone who knew me in the 70s up until now thought I was a fanatic on russells and truth is I am...Years back if a white was put to say a border or fell 99.9% came red nowadays they come out like russels and all colours..It was me reminicing on an old friend RIP who showed a white bitch under me when judging a big show up north..He was in stitches laughing and I asked him what was funny he said how do you reckon this bitch is bred..It came out his blacks LOL very tidy bitch..few years back now..Trouble is you infered that Nipper 1 was put to a coloured or produced a coloured Yes he did but he was not owned by me at that time

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No Russell or white dogs in the bloodlines I had ( not that I'm racist or byst) and everyone to the own. The probably obviously some lakey way back, because of whats near fact through names but not looks .type of work standards and what one sees and hears in life puts the mind in prospective

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Not to cause an argument or name dropping exercise, but what would be considered the best white lines around now? Genuine question.


Arthur Nixons stuff had a good name over the years. Whats about now? initials would do and let us "try" to figure the rest out......

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Back in the 80s there was a man from kells who bred really good white stuff by the name of mc dowell unfortunately hes not alive anymore the last of his white stuff from derry ended up in mount charles in donegal and thats no longer about now either mores the pity.. if i was enquiring about getting white types today it would still be Ireland id be looking..

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