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Who Will Be The Lions Captain?

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I was listening to the radio the other night and some rugby guru reckoned Alun Wyn Jones would be the best Lions Captain. :hmm: I can't see that someone who recently led his team to 3 defeats out of 5 games would be up there in the possibilities but apparently he is.


I reckon Sam Warburton will get the job and rightly so. :thumbs:


Who do you think will be Lions Captain?

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Can't even see Alan Wyn Jones getting on the plane apart from him being Gatlands mate, nothing against him as he seems a great bloke and would of been a good option at anytime up until this year but on 6N form he wouldn't even of made the England bench let alone compete with Henderson or Gray ( either ) as well.

Think Warburton should get it, last time I didn't think he was the right guy seems a good candidate for this tour. None of the national capt's are seem to be first choice in their positions, Hartley and Best may not even be on the bench with Owens and George playing as well as they are, Laidlaw probably won't be on the plane.

Edited by Paulnix
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