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I've got a russell pup from a line of workers,but at just 5 months he's already 7kg and not fat.Ive got a2year old bitch off the same people who has matured to 7kg but is small and heavy.Is the pup going to be too large for den work,he's already taller than the bitch.

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I had a russell 14 inch tts and broad chested he worked fine. No idea what kg he was though

Guess it depends what your after as well. I remember mine getting a fox out of a set of rabbit holes once in a hedge row when we were ferreting. I was amazed there was a fox in there but there was. Though I did have to dig on a little bit that time. That was a good day with a few rabbits and a fox. Jack of all trades him literally lol

Edited by terryd
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I've got a russell pup from a line of workers,but at just 5 months he's already 7kg and not fat.Ive got a2year old bitch off the same people who has matured to 7kg but is small and heavy.Is the pup going to be too large for den work,he's already taller than the bitch.

You tell us ?

If you use your two year old as a bench mark then tell us is she the ideal size for your type of hunting.

If she's too small and game is pushing her out of the way then you might need a bigger terrier.

If she struggles to reach her game then that answers that question about your pup who's obviously going to be bigger.


OR, have you the variety of hunting about you that you might need different sized terriers ?


Only you can answer those questions.


I've seen lads ridiculed for keeping large terriers yet when you hunt with them they nearly always get their quarry.

Like wise you see lads with terriers the size of large ferrets but ,again, they have high success rates.

It's a big factor in being successful by realising what works for you and then you've lads who never learn what they want and go through life swapping and chopping with out much success.

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No sometimes they can't get to there quarry and you need to give them a bit of a hand but I would rather have a big 1 that tried than a little 1 that never.Am no digging expert at all but by chance I have ended up with an above average terrier he been dug to in drains,tight rabbity places all season and sometimes he ain't been up to his quarry but we always got the result in the end and it was not for want trying he was not upto them.

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Got a young black dog here-he's bigger than anything I've ever owned or dug too myself.but he's bred right and will get a fair crack when his time comes.had a t shirt early 90's it read-"it's not the size of the dog in the fight-but the size of the fight in the dog"-no fear lol-thought it's often true.atb dcpost-99494-0-74823400-1490990222_thumb.jpglurcher bitch is 23tts lol

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Thanks for your opinions.He''s a remote relative of my bitch who's father is a big wooley coated dog which gets to and usually kills its fox.The pups paren'ts aren't as big as him and have better temperaments, as my bitches father is very aggressive with all other animals and has to be kennelled seperately.They reckon he's a pain,but I'd love to own him.These are my first denning terriers and are hard to come by where I live.The people I got them off are in high demand by the property owners around here to clear foxes,so am hoping for the best.

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