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Family Disputes

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my old mans family have never really got on with each other much always bickered what little i know of them, anyway i remember it like yesterday when he got a phone call to say his mother had died and he was excited about all the cash he was going to come into with the sale of her house and here life savings. they hadnt got on brilliantly over the years. little did he know she was going to have the last laugh. she stated in her will that her sons were not to have a penny from her estate. her life savings and all the money from the sale of her house was to go to the cats protection leauge. a couple of her grandchildren had small amounts of cash and some small gifts.


there was a claws in her will that went something like this, i wish to make it clear that my son kenneth blah blah blah is under no circumstances allowed to overturn this will or have any ill gotten gains from me when i am gone, her other son had nothing as well. crazy thing are familys i think thats bad when your parents wont leave you a bean.

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Annoys me that people fighting over money they never earned.....get your own money and dont rely on others its no different to a government hand out......ponces !

I told my mum (not that their will be much) that she's free to spend all the money travelling or doing what she wants before she goes

There are some greedy b*****ds out there. I hate it when you hear of families getting torn apart by money. Usually there is the brother/sister who has ran hand and foot for the parent till there dying

I know its going to kick off when my Mrs step dad passes. He had a well paid job at a formula 1 team and has a fair bit to his name . His daughter from his first marriage is extremely hard work to put it lightly . He as always had a used f1 visor from a helmet that was taken of a championship winning drivers winning race and signed for him . He gave it to her and her kids and it was on eBay pretty soon. Same with watches etc .He married my Mrs mum when my Mrs was 6 . My Mrs dad used to beat her mum so for my Mrs and her mother this guy was a saviour . He's basically been my Mrs dad and has been major part of the 2 older brothers lives . Even playing the part of father of the groom at one wedding when his real dad couldn't be bothered to go . Now he's said before everything he leaves behind is split with the kids . His real kid and his 3 stepkids he took on . The shitstorm will hit when his real daughter gets greedy as thinks the stepkids don't deserve as much as her . Luckily my Mrs family can't stand her already

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My parents are elderly Dad 92 Mum 89 & few years ago they sorted everything in a will one of my brothers is executer trust him 100% wouldnt trust my other one. Told my parents if you wont spend it all before you go then plz sort it out legally before you go as if any bickering after there gone id lose the plot!! Bless them hope there here for goid while yet. Atb

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never spoke to my sister for 16 years when my dad died,or should i say she never spoke to me he left a lot of money but left nothing to her in his will as she had not spoke to him in 30 years not even going to see him when he was dying or going to his funeral,to make things ok i offered her 10,000,which i was advised not to bye my wife she said if she did not get half she did not want any,she got none ,money can cause a lot of problems,i talk to her now but we will never be the same after all the years we lost

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Well I've just had the complete opposite ... my youngest brother lost his license last year and he works nights so my old dear has been lending her car so my middle brother can give my youngest a lift into and out of work every night ... so she send me a message tonight saying she has a guilty conscious because she has helped him out and has transferred money into my bank account ... Ive obviously just sent it straight back ........

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