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Family Disputes

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The Mrs just showed me a dispute two sisters are having over there recent heritage its on Facebook how can two close family members like that lose it like that over a bit of coin and start dragging each others pasts up makes good entertainment for some by what about the other family glad I don't have any family disputes theses two really do dislike each other

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Annoys me that people fighting over money they never earned.....get your own money and dont rely on others its no different to a government hand out......ponces !

I told my mum (not that their will be much) that she's free to spend all the money travelling or doing what she wants before she goes

There are some greedy b*****ds out there. I hate it when you hear of families getting torn apart by money. Usually there is the brother/sister who has ran hand and foot for the parent till there dying

The Mrs just showed me a dispute two sisters are having over there recent heritage its on Facebook how can two close family members like that lose it like that over a bit of coin and start dragging each others pasts up makes good entertainment for some by what about the other family glad I don't have any family disputes theses two really do dislike each other

mate believe me money can be the route of all evil , i know from 1st hand experience ,my father died and left couple bob to all of us (5 kids) but i got 1 sister who just a greedy b*****d , and tried to take more money off him when he was dying . i only found out, because i was looking after my old man for 4 months before he died , he had stomach cancer , and i found out after he died. and i never spoke to my sister since and that 10 years ago fook her :thumbdown:

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Wasn't there a case a few weeks back where the three kids ended up in court fighting over the old mans house after he died and what ever way it ended they would all do more money on legal bills than they could get back ..pure greed can be fcuking expensive ..happy legal team though .

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Me and the wife have sod all so there won't be nothing for the girls to argue about unless they have scuffle over me Long netting from peg to peg book :laugh:

But wills definitely bring out the worst in folks at times

Edited by terryd
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My sainted mum hasn't got a great amount, but always tells me that, if I need anything, to ask and if she can help she will - says she'd rather see the good she might do while she's still here.....


As for my kids - I'm worth f*** all, so there'll be no rows there !

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My wifes the middle one of three sister when her parent died all she took was a clock to remember them by , her elder sister went right threw the house and took her dads watch etc , the youngest grab furniture and even put a table up in the loft

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