desertbred 5,490 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 (edited) People are always ready to accept the prevailing situation, no matter how good or bad it is or what it relates to. Their are two major changes I have have witnessed in my life, when massive changes have Occured one was the Culmination of the Revolution in Iran when the Western backed Shah was removed from power by ordinary people and the second was the Vote for Brexit in the UK IN 2016. The Hunting ACT 2004 destroyed country life and activities for thousands of folk who worked dogs. They became pariahs over night and wheRe forced to be modern day outlaws by a Legislation that was railroaded through the Parliament to satisfy the whims of those with the ear of the egotystical money grabbing twats like T Blair Esq. Their are those who keep plodding on their heads down and as they say remain under the Radar. They are certainly not under the radar as they become targets for vilification and abuse by every nosey busy body with a mobile phone and nothing better to do than report folk for things they are doing. No doubt some anti social shameless b*****ds step out of line and get us all tarred with the same brush, that has been and always will be the case. The question is why those who want to follow Ceturies old country passtimes should be forced to give up their freedoms and passtimes to satisfy and comply with a law that is applied multi faceted allows the priviledged few to continue with their hunting activities yet forbids hundreds of thousands from following their own?. Fairness in the interpretatation of the law isnt that the basis of a just society. Those who are forced to act in a criminalised way to hunt and keep quiet about unfairness and injustice within the use of to hunting Act are burying their heads in the sand by thinking we are under the radar or our particular activity is protected .Qne unjust law leads to another just as one unjust tax leads to others. Some folk may be content to ignore reality some may be willing to accept that times have changed and they are never being reversed that is for them and their own consciences.Nothing ever changes unless people bring about the change. Still folk can show future Generations what hunting was and record it on DVDs and photographs or exhibits in Museums oh wait even past history is now rationed as Museums are being closed because of financial restraints caused by men in suits f***ing people over history Eh? Edited April 1, 2017 by desertbred 4 Quote Link to post
dog man 176 Posted April 1, 2017 Author Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 People are always ready to accept the prevailing situation, no matter how good or bad it is or what it relates to. Their are two major changes I have have witnessed in my life, when massive changes have Occured one was the Culmination of the Revolution in Iran when the Western backed Shah was removed from power by ordinary people and the second was the Vote for Brexit in the UK IN 2016. The Hunting ACT 2004 destroyed country life and activities for thousands of folk who worked dogs. They became pariahs over night and wheRe forced to be modern day outlaws by a Legislation that was railroaded through the Parliament to satisfy the whims of those with the ear of the egotystical money grabbing twats like T Blair Esq. Their are those who keep plodding on their heads down and as they say remain under the Radar. They are certainly not under the radar as they become targets for vilification and abuse by every nosey busy body with a mobile phone and nothing better to do than report folk for things they are doing. No doubt some anti social shameless b*****ds step out of line and get us all tarred with the same brush, that has been and always will be the case. The question is why those who want to follow Ceturies old country passtimes should be forced to give up their freedoms and passtimes to satisfy and comply with a law that is applied multi faceted allows the priviledged few to continue with their hunting activities yet forbids hundreds of thousands from following their own?. Fairness in the interpretatation of the law isnt that the basis of a just society. Those who are forced to act in a criminalised way to hunt and keep quiet about unfairness and injustice within the use of to hunting Act are burying their heads in the sand by thinking we are under the radar or our particular activity is protected .Qne unjust law leads to another just as one unjust tax leads to others. Some folk may be content to ignore reality some may be willing to accept that times have changed and they are never being reversed that is for them and their own consciences.Nothing ever changes unless people bring about the change. Still folk can show future Generations what hunting was and record it on DVDs and photographs or exhibits in Museums oh wait even past history is now rationed as Museums are being closed because of financial restraints caused by men in suits f***ing people over history Eh? Well DB I do agree with you so what can the honest law abiding man do if we all want to try for our right our hunting rights in all of our country I think we do need to join hands. Quote Link to post
desertbred 5,490 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 (edited) its hard to form a circle holding hands with 3 people in it They used to form the wagons in a circle for protection now it appears to be the safest has the fastest horse or 4x4. Edited April 1, 2017 by desertbred Quote Link to post
dog man 176 Posted April 1, 2017 Author Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 its hard to form a circle holding hands with 3 people in it They used to form the wagons in a circle for protection now it appears to be the safest has the fastest horse or 4x4. Yes but we do have to try something not have our head in the sand Try something if you had a dog that could not stick you would get shot of it owners must have staying power too. Quote Link to post
jeemes 4,524 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 I cant believe you havnt joined yet. You wont see any court cases being fought for lurcher people until they are members,but somehow its easier not to spend a few quid and just be negative. You can pay monthly and they have a offer atm for new members which costs less than a fiver a month or putting it another way.. two very cheap pints!! If you want to be heard then join in or carry on grumbling like old farts from the sidelines. I would love to have seen the CA tested on here when we have had people picked on by the RSPCA like the lad who we had the auction for whos terrier was returned in pieces in a bag. if that lad or others we have seen had been a member of CA we wound of seen there true colours as far as ordinary lads with lurchers and terriers go,but still you just carry on putting up your negative barriers and coming up with reasons why not to join. You must like being losers and on the losing side because when it comes down to it they are our only chance. If we are members in number we have a say if only because we are worth a few quid to them in subs,but otherwise why would they bother? The losers are folk like yourself afrraid to stand up for what is right why the f**k should folk contribute to an organisation that even you yourself say are not interested you are short in the grey maytter department. I was taught as a kid if you believe in something be prepared to fight for it, not be prepared to let others carry the burden for you if your not prepared to yourself. what have you done so far in the great fight? Not just ask others what they have done simple as that so apart from not asking others (not sure how thats a virtue) what if anything have you done to fight the cause? Quote Link to post
desertbred 5,490 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 (edited) I cant believe you havnt joined yet. You wont see any court cases being fought for lurcher people until they are members,but somehow its easier not to spend a few quid and just be negative. You can pay monthly and they have a offer atm for new members which costs less than a fiver a month or putting it another way.. two very cheap pints!! If you want to be heard then join in or carry on grumbling like old farts from the sidelines. I would love to have seen the CA tested on here when we have had people picked on by the RSPCA like the lad who we had the auction for whos terrier was returned in pieces in a bag. if that lad or others we have seen had been a member of CA we wound of seen there true colours as far as ordinary lads with lurchers and terriers go,but still you just carry on putting up your negative barriers and coming up with reasons why not to join. You must like being losers and on the losing side because when it comes down to it they are our only chance. If we are members in number we have a say if only because we are worth a few quid to them in subs,but otherwise why would they bother?The losers are folk like yourself afrraid to stand up for what is right why the f**k should folk contribute to an organisation that even you yourself say are not interested you are short in the grey maytter department. I was taught as a kid if you believe in something be prepared to fight for it, not be prepared to let others carry the burden for you if your not prepared to yourself. what have you done so far in the great fight? Not just ask others what they have done simple as that so apart from not asking others (not sure how thats a virtue) what if anything have you done to fight the cause? Probably a lot more than you but do not feel the need to broadcast it .. More to the point why would I feel the need to discuss or account for my actions and activities to you? Edited April 1, 2017 by desertbred Quote Link to post
mushroom 13,302 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 I Have no intention of getting into a slanging match with You D B , You lost me at LACS . However at no point have i stated we are failing to attract members . Your steering group LAGBI had 2 members to whom I have the most utter respect, I have communicated with both Those day are gone, we are in the here and now , it doesn't bode well when You answer a question with a question . I too speak with certain individuals , and trust me, I am aware of how folk feel, but actions will always speak better then words . The grass is never greener, its fake . The grass is greener where you water it 2 Quote Link to post
Flynn 314 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 The Grass is greener where You water it. Quote Link to post
dog man 176 Posted April 1, 2017 Author Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 The Grass is greener where You water it. Quote Link to post
mushroom 13,302 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 The Grass is greener where You water it.Listen sweetheart we tried to water it in a different place, unfortunately you lot started calling the council 2 Quote Link to post
bendrover 556 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 The packs are still running legal we can't even go into a field if the police stop you the police try and say it is hare ground not rabbit ground even if you have permission. difference is the packs have permission to be on land , what they do their is up to them, but the likes of hare coursers nobody will give permission as its actively fought against and discouraged with threats of fines for hosting hare coursing events by the local police and PACT groups, they don't hassle famers who allow foot packs or mounted packs or threaten them with actively encouraging foot packs or mounted ones do the police have an anti foxhunting section? they do have an anti hare coursing operation expensive though it is, as far as I know they only turn up at hunts too stop the anti's and huntsmen from clashing in any other way but verbally, to be fair they likely called in by the hunts as there are a lot of dubious sorts hanging around when the anti's turn up, and kids and people with valuable property motors horses equipment turn up to hunt and support the hunt , so it keep the undesirables at bay thing is rich . The enemy lies within . Land drivers etc . So getting permission to act within the law (as the hunts do)is near on impossible 3 Quote Link to post
desertbred 5,490 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 (edited) i know farmers and others who will give permission for hare coursing tomorrow if the legislation is changed.However when threatened with fines up tp £5,000 if they are found to be allowing their land to be used for hare coursing.Most farmers/landowners /Gamekeepers are between a rock and a hard place, pressurised by the Police Wildlife Officers, and small groups of toss pots who think its ok to damage property ,vandalise crops and threaten people who dont want them on their land. Not forgetting the Lacs and Antis vigilanty groups who try to pressure the land owners to not permit any kind of Hunting or shooting activity on their land. The struggle is a multi fronted one to try to regain any of the ground lost to the Authorities. The LACS and even certain groups within Country sports groups appear to be anti any other activity, protecting only their own particular niche interest. Edited April 2, 2017 by desertbred Quote Link to post
trenchfoot 4,243 Posted April 1, 2017 Report Share Posted April 1, 2017 The packs are still running legal we can't even go into a field if the police stop you the police try and say it is hare ground not rabbit ground even if you have permission.difference is the packs have permission to be on land , what they do their is up to them, but the likes of hare coursers nobody will give permission as its actively fought against and discouraged with threats of fines for hosting hare coursing events by the local police and PACT groups, they don't hassle famers who allow foot packs or mounted packs or threaten them with actively encouraging foot packs or mounted ones do the police have an anti foxhunting section? they do have an anti hare coursing operation expensive though it is, as far as I know they only turn up at hunts too stop the anti's and huntsmen from clashing in any other way but verbally, to be fair they likely called in by the hunts as there are a lot of dubious sorts hanging around when the anti's turn up, and kids and people with valuable property motors horses equipment turn up to hunt and support the hunt , so it keep the undesirables at bay thing is rich . The enemy lies within . Land drivers etc . So getting permission to act within the law (as the hunts do)is near on impossible It's the elephant in the room. There are enough loopholes in the law, that if you work savvy, and on permission it should be cushty. Most of us have jumped the fence, but claim that we creep in and out and nobody knows they were there. If caught on the wrong side of the fence, polite apologies and soft, sharp exit smooth things over etc, etc. But he fact is theres a notable percentage that go all gungho, f**k the ban, driving the land and putting the wind up anyone who dares to stop them. Hungry eyes seeing far and all that doesnt help either. My personal situation means that I mix with all kinds of land owners, keepers, sportsmen etc. Almost to a man they all have respect for lurcher work, but those rotten apples are spoiling our barrel. 6 Quote Link to post
Flynn 314 Posted April 2, 2017 Report Share Posted April 2, 2017 There have been mistakes made way back, ( heaven knows I trawled through enough posts to see that ) but we are in the here and now. It is of little value revisiting the past! @ Trench I could not agree more. @ Mushroom I am not Your enemy. There are some I simply cannot help , nor do I wish to. Holding grudges is a reflection on Your self. The more foot soldiers the better, we can only seek out information and act on it, I didn't have to share the discussion in Parliament , I could have simply kept it to the members. So to conclude unite and put the endless bickering and work together, or let it rumble on and on. I have a pretty good team , whos opinions I value . The more suggestions we have the more we have to work with , Join the AWL, voice those opinions, and we shall endeavour to address them all . 4 Quote Link to post
arcticgun 4,548 Posted April 2, 2017 Report Share Posted April 2, 2017 The Grass is greener where You water it.Listen sweetheart we tried to water it in a different place, unfortunately you lot started calling the council any grass and the likes of us simply smoking it Quote Link to post
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