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Questions I Asked Countryside Alliance Today.

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when you look at all the loop holes that where left in the law, it more or less allows the rich too do as they wish, ie if they want to hunt foxes they do as we all know, even under labour it was laughable the way it was policed , if they want to kill badgers they can, if they want to course hares again they can legally by taking a hawk or shotgun with them, cos of theor acseess to all the land they or their friends own or can affrd to gain entry on, this allows the rih too continue to do as they wish blatantly without police intervention, although the police might turn up too stop anyone protesting aginst said illeagle hunt, its that bloody stupid its obvious, in fact yet again the poorgot sd all in fact less than we did have before, surprise surprise eh, the ban only really affects the working man, could it be that when they 'banned fox hunting' they banned us as a way of getting back at the lower classes (as they perceive us) by making the man with a whippet saluki lurcher a criminal as well?


mind they where kind enough too chuck us a few bones we welcome if we 'beg' to go and clear up their pest problems, mind we have to be grateful for this , why cos we poor and don't own any land lmao


Going down to London saying ' we not like them nasty lurcher folk in the papers that break the laws, we want to be able to do what we doing without loosing the right to do it even though it not under any pressure? seems all like a bit of a waste of time and nobody seems to have to the bottle to run with that approach, why? cos its about hunting ban at a time when we/the government need to worry about our economy terrorism, Eu, Refugees Poverty abuse etc etc


Argument needs a different approach imho, maybe once we shot of the EU and see our own identity again and regain control and sense that been lost for last two decades, then maybe we can have a real conversation about sorting the mess out, cos it was never about cruelty or saving deers foxes hares, its always been about class, labour promised the poor the chance too kick the rich right in the bollox by banning the richs favourite sport and that started the whole knock on effect, look at the rest of the leagacy left by Nu Labour and the war criminal who fetched this on us, we are hated throughout the world due to starting endless wars that allow the rich to benefit, our children are abused not only by refugees imports but by our own government who can fund wars but not good quality care for those unfortunate enough to need looking after, same with the elderly neglected, better money spent on bullets n bombs than safe homes and better future for all who needy young old and vunerable, sending troops to war without proper equipment or enough ammo etc, all based on lies pissed away all our assets, pride, national identity, send police to chase dog lads whilst the counties of Lincolnshire all suffer massive crime drug violence problems not too mention all the illegal workers on said farms etc


Rant Over lmao, just my vie and no I dnt want anything at all to do with any of it, if it happens it will take somebody bigger than me to carry it off, I will be busy doing what I usually do take me dogs out for a walk and praying that no accidents occur

Edited by arcticgun
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Was it   Why don't you fuk off you scruffy ,lurcher owning oik ,we don't want to associate with your type Yours sincerely, Double barrel chinless twat .esq

I hunted these lands as a child and as a Student I then left the Country to follow my chosen career. In the Twighlight years of my life I returned to the UK for one of my Childrens professional stud

Unity has never been a strong point when it comes to hunting with dogs in general,the red coated horse back hunting enthusiasts,the footpack followers of hounds were & never likely are to unite wi

It doesn't matter how much we try, or do, there isn't a party, govt, mp or any club that is ever even consider fighting to bring back coursing, foxhunting might just get a sniff,but highly unlikely, [to be honest, i think that it would be daft to bring the hunting bill back into the spotlight as the hunts have really not been that affected ].

A lot might think i don't care enough about my sport by saying this but i am afraid we lost the battle years ago, i did all the marches, London 3 times, Newcastle, Edinburgh, even went to barrack that arsehole Blair when he came to open a new wing at Carlisle hospital, i took my kids with me and ended up getting done for keeping them off school, i have been a member of the BFSS, national coursing club, fell and moorland, union of country sports workers,National lurcher racing club , and fck knows what else, and none of them did any good.

I am lucky as my job lets me get some graft for my dogs, but talking to a lot of landowners who are pissed off with people hammering there land, leaving gates open, driving through hedges, knocking down walls,panicking flocks of sheep that are not far off lambing, i can see why they say they would rather shoot every Hare on there land than let any one on.

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Some of the anti hunt videos actually have me siding with them so god knows how the general public feel about stuff

Would'nt imagine fieldsports ever crosses the minds of the majority of the general public, just like the hunting act has nothing in common with wildlife or conservation. Working dogs, ferrets, and falconry are as beneficial to the countryside and it's wildlife as it gets, spraying poisonous chemicals all over cereal crops and the destruction of habitat should be a far more important rural issue to be addressing than something as natural as hunting
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The hunting Act is Bollocks plain and simple a good QC could drive a herd of Elephants right through it. Example A terrier (singular) can be used below ground to flush a fox to waiting guns but the terrier should be a Bayer and not come in contact with the fox under Ground, The fox should be one that is likely to prey on game birds of a shoot..

No more than two dogs can be used to flush a hare to waiting guns for shooting purposes but there is no restriction on the number of dogs that can flush a hare or a fox to a bird of prey. A dog can track a wounded animal that has been shot then when found the wounded animal can be dispatched by the most humane method available. . The Act was drafted and introduced as hastely as possible and as has been pointed out basically criminalising the ordinary man and turns the clock back to when hunting was only permitted by Noble men while the serfs were hung for poaching in the kings forest perhaps that law would have been used today but substitute the Fens for the Forest.

Surely this illconceived unjust, Biased Act has to be challenged at every available forum in order to redress a wrong perpertrated on the ordinary working man for the last 12 years. Police numbers cut on the beat ,Police stations closeddown but helicopters and multiple police vehicles and dozens of police can be employed to catch a lad or two out with the dogs doing what? hunting a quarry that has been hunted for thousands of years. The resources sqandered and thrown at this unenforceable law must total millions of pounds a year funds can be found for this but other more importan tissues go way down some second secrataries list of priorities. Yes those that love to hunt with their dogswill carry looking behind and risking even imprisonment North of the Border because some f***ing Moron wants to make the whole of the country side into some kind of pets corner.

Edited by desertbred
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Matyrs boys eh?

To be honest I know a few lads who just ignored the ban and cracked on as per normal, cutting around under the radar

The only people that bothered by the ban are those who want to go round telling the world

Sadly due to the environs tell me what options were in the cards for lurcher men other than to totally ignore it and carry on?

I haven't had a running dog in nearly two years desert bred mush , the first time since I was born we haven't had one in the family's home so 33 years out of 35


That okay?


Had about 12 all up, some good, some bad, most average,


Do I pass?

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The hunting Act is Bollocks plain and simple a good QC could drive a herd of Elephants right through it. Example A terrier (singular can be used below groundto flush a fox to waiting guns but the terrier should be a Bayer and not come in contact with the fox under Ground, The fox should be one that is likely to prey ongame birds of a shoot..

No more than two dogs can be used to flush a hare to waiting guns for shooting purposes but there is no restriction on the number of dogs that can flush a hare or a fox to a bird of prey.A dog can track a wounded animal that has been shot then when found the wounded animal can be dispatched by the most humane method available. . The Act was drafted and introduced ashastely as possible and ashas been pointed out basically criminalising theordinary man and turns the clock backto when hunting was only permitted by Noble men while the serfs were hung for poaching in the kings forest perhaps that law would have been used today but substitute the Fens for the Forest.

Surely this illconceived unjust, Biased Act has to be challenged at every available forum in order to redress a wrong perpertrated on the ordinary working man for the last 12 years. Police numbers cut on the beat ,Police stations closeddown but helicopters and multiple police vehicles and dozens of police can be employed to catch a lad or two out with the dogs doing what? hunting a quarry that hasbeen hunted for thousands of years. The resources sqandered and thrown at this unenforceable law must total millions of pounds a year funds can be found for this but other more importan tissues go way down some second secrataries list of priorities.


Then why are people prosecuted if it's a piece of piss to get away with?


Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of reasons for disliking it. It's absolutely draconian but never forget the original act was drafted and presented by Michael Watson , a Scottish mp who in his spare time was a match fisherman and was later charged with arson of an Edinburgh hotel,


That enough should tell you what we are thought of by other field sports

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Matyrs boys eh?

To be honest I know a few lads who just ignored the ban and cracked on as per normal, cutting around under the radar

The only people that bothered by the ban are those who want to go round telling the world

Sadly due to the environs tell me what options were in the cards for lurcher men other than to totally ignore it and carry on?

I haven't had a running dog in nearly two years desert bred mush , the first time since I was born we haven't had one in the family's home so 33 years out of 35


That okay?


Had about 12 all up, some good, some bad, most average,


Do I pass?


I have had them nearly twice as long do I pass or am I one of the nieve ones? or just being a Martyr

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Stop being touchy it's only my opinion tha the ban will never be lifted for us anyway, I believe too much money and water under my he bridge has gone to backtrack now


But if and if there was a documentary showing hare coursing would you be prepared to be identified and to be shown on national television prime time walking the stubbles with your jukels?



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The hunting Act is Bollocks plain and simple a good QC could drive a herd of Elephants right through it. Example A terrier (singular can be used below groundto flush a fox to waiting guns but the terrier should be a Bayer and not come in contact with the fox under Ground, The fox should be one that is likely to prey ongame birds of a shoot..

No more than two dogs can be used to flush a hare to waiting guns for shooting purposes but there is no restriction on the number of dogs that can flush a hare or a fox to a bird of prey.A dog can track a wounded animal that has been shot then when found the wounded animal can be dispatched by the most humane method available. . The Act was drafted and introduced ashastely as possible and ashas been pointed out basically criminalising theordinary man and turns the clock backto when hunting was only permitted by Noble men while the serfs were hung for poaching in the kings forest perhaps that law would have been used today but substitute the Fens for the Forest.

Surely this illconceived unjust, Biased Act has to be challenged at every available forum in order to redress a wrong perpertrated on the ordinary working man for the last 12 years. Police numbers cut on the beat ,Police stations closeddown but helicopters and multiple police vehicles and dozens of police can be employed to catch a lad or two out with the dogs doing what? hunting a quarry that hasbeen hunted for thousands of years. The resources sqandered and thrown at this unenforceable law must total millions of pounds a year funds can be found for this but other more importan tissues go way down some second secrataries list of priorities.


Then why are people prosecuted if it's a piece of piss to get away with?


Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of reasons for disliking it. It's absolutely draconian but never forget the original act was drafted and presented by Michael Watson , a Scottish mp who in his spare time was a match fisherman and was later charged with arson of an Edinburgh hotel,


That enough should tell you what we are thought of by other field sports


Most people cop a plea of tresspass in search off. Only a handfull have been prosecuted under the Hunting Act as usual it boils down to the easy option or lack of funds to defend a full blown defence most take the easy option I know quite a few folk who havebeen charged under the Hunting Act and been prepared to test the case in the court and low and behold the CPS have dropped the cases like hot potatoes someof the lads are on this forum..

Edited by desertbred
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Stop being touchy it's only my opinion tha the ban will never be lifted for us anyway, I believe too much money and water under my he bridge has gone to backtrack now


But if and if there was a documentary showing hare coursing would you be prepared to be identified and to be shown on national television prime time walking the stubbles with your jukels?



I have photos for my driving licence my passports and my military I/D I am not about to volunteer to be plastered all over national tv. would you be plasteredall over it if you won the lottery? I didnt even have photographs for my marrages LOL I would sit with judges and police to justify hunting and coursing though

Edited by desertbred
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I also know a young lad who had his arse handed to him over a deer so make of that what you will


Car, licence, dog, the works


Buckshee this hunting crack ain't it?

Win some lose some law of averages innit ? I know plenty got Asbo,s banning orders cars confiscated dogs pounded but it does not make it right or just I wouldnt expect anybody to stand and take a kick in the testes without defending it just my opinion.

Edited by desertbred
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