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Questions I Asked Countryside Alliance Today.

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If you believe lurcher men are honest old country rascals nipping one for the pot then your naive mate


I don't believe the majority of things printed either and I live in the heart of gallelio country but to be honest , we are our own worst enemy ,


I'll say it again, those lads in the daily mail not long back are absolutely average in the world of lurchers


I know that when I was younger , every time I slipped a dog on a hare, i was breaking at least 10 laws



I am most certainly not naive mate we have all been there slipping a dog on a hare yes we are our worst enemy so what do you suggest then do nothing.

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Was it   Why don't you fuk off you scruffy ,lurcher owning oik ,we don't want to associate with your type Yours sincerely, Double barrel chinless twat .esq

I hunted these lands as a child and as a Student I then left the Country to follow my chosen career. In the Twighlight years of my life I returned to the UK for one of my Childrens professional stud

Unity has never been a strong point when it comes to hunting with dogs in general,the red coated horse back hunting enthusiasts,the footpack followers of hounds were & never likely are to unite wi



If you believe lurcher men are honest old country rascals nipping one for the pot then your naive mate


I don't believe the majority of things printed either and I live in the heart of gallelio country but to be honest , we are our own worst enemy ,


I'll say it again, those lads in the daily mail not long back are absolutely average in the world of lurchers


I know that when I was younger , every time I slipped a dog on a hare, i was breaking at least 10 laws

I have coursed within the law and may have coursed outside it. I know which I prefer to do. If the landowner gives permission to run my dogs why should some permed headed tree hugging twat or a Hampstead Heath cowboy in a suit tell me I cant run my dogs? So i will continue to struggle and fight against what is a repressive law and a supression of a basic right without the need to be criminalised

Edited by desertbred
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If you believe lurcher men are honest old country rascals nipping one for the pot then your naive mate


I don't believe the majority of things printed either and I live in the heart of gallelio country but to be honest , we are our own worst enemy ,


I'll say it again, those lads in the daily mail not long back are absolutely average in the world of lurchers


I know that when I was younger , every time I slipped a dog on a hare, i was breaking at least 10 laws

I have coursed within the law and may have coursed outside it. I know which I prefer to do. If the landowner gives permission to run my dogs why some permed headed tree hugging twat or a Hampstead Heath cowboy in a suit tell me I cant run my dogs? So i will continue to struggle and fight against what is a repressive law and a supression of a basic right without the need to be criminalised


I would rather be on the right side of the law is there any young lads have fight in them.


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Matyrs boys eh?


To be honest I know a few lads who just ignored the ban and cracked on as per normal, cutting around under the radar


The only people that bothered by the ban are those who want to go round telling the world


Sadly due to the environs tell me what options were in the cards for lurcher men other than to totally ignore it and carry on?

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Young or old male or female it doesnt matter , right is right the C/A , COHA , AWL etc are deafening and very obtuse in speaking about anything that challenges what is permitted under the Hunting with Dogs Act 2004. Terriers killing fox below ground, single handed Hare coursing , running fox or deer these are all things that need to be discussed and the present legislation challenged bu tif discussion is taboo where do you go for resolution of the anomalies within present legislation ?

Edited by desertbred
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Matyrs boys eh?


To be honest I know a few lads who just ignored the ban and cracked on as per normal, cutting around under the radar


The only people that bothered by the ban are those who want to go round telling the world


Sadly due to the environs tell me what options were in the cards for lurcher men other than to totally ignore it and carry on?

Martys you throw the term about very lightly. Worked dogs long have you?

Edited by desertbred
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The packs are still running legal we can't even go into a field if the police stop you the police try and say it is hare ground not rabbit ground even if you have permission.

difference is the packs have permission to be on land , what they do their is up to them, but the likes of hare coursers nobody will give permission as its actively fought against and discouraged with threats of fines for hosting hare coursing events by the local police and PACT groups, they don't hassle famers who allow foot packs or mounted packs or threaten them with actively encouraging foot packs or mounted ones


do the police have an anti foxhunting section? they do have an anti hare coursing operation expensive though it is, as far as I know they only turn up at hunts too stop the anti's and huntsmen from clashing in any other way but verbally, to be fair they likely called in by the hunts as there are a lot of dubious sorts hanging around when the anti's turn up, and kids and people with valuable property motors horses equipment turn up to hunt and support the hunt , so it keep the undesirables at bay

Edited by arcticgun
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Young or old male or female it doesnt matter , right is right the C/A , COHA , AWL etc are deafening and very obtuse in speaking about anything that challenges what is permitted under the Hunting with Dogs Act 2004. Terriers killing fox below ground, single handed Hare coursing , running fox or deer these are all things that need to be discussed and the present legislation challenged bu tif discussion is taboo where do you go for resolution of the anomalies within present legislation ?

Exactly what i was "trying" to put over in an earlier post DB,if it's taboo to even speak about it then surely we are never going to get anywhere in terms of a "full" repeal of the hunting legislation? From what i can make out the AWL want to promote & protect the taking of rabbits with dogs,I've not seen or heard ANYTHING other than that but i stand to be corrected if I'm wrong? At the end of the day no c**t likes us or me lol,personally i couldn't give two hoots..Sometimes it's better to walk alone than it is to follow the flock for who knows if the one at the head of the flock actually knows where they are truly heading? ?

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Not everyone that runs dogs are undesirables the Antis are against anything against the system I am for every part of hunting for all it is freedom of speach in our country well is is supposed to be but without a voice we won't be anywhere.

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" so it keep the undesirables at bay" thats the police accounted for but what about the scummy Antis


in the case of hare coursing were the scum as you know lol in the case of the hunts the antis are the ones where they not supposed to be the hunts are all legal

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Spot on Fujji you notice reaponces from the groups are non existant. :hmm:

Yeah I've noticed DB ? ,it's ok promoting & protecting what we have obviously but again it's a bit like "I'm alright Jack but f**k you" ..They are making a division in OUR division that of running dogs,I've not seen anything otherwise,either that or I'm just thick ?

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