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Questions I Asked Countryside Alliance Today.

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We had our chance, on The March,.but we were too polite to press home our cause.... :censored:


Facts are "Shy Bairns get no Sweets".....

We should have used that unique, coming together, of Field Sports enthusiasts to our advantage...

Half a million bodies on the streets of London,.could have been a powerful force ....


We had our chance... :yes:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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Was it   Why don't you fuk off you scruffy ,lurcher owning oik ,we don't want to associate with your type Yours sincerely, Double barrel chinless twat .esq

I hunted these lands as a child and as a Student I then left the Country to follow my chosen career. In the Twighlight years of my life I returned to the UK for one of my Childrens professional stud

Unity has never been a strong point when it comes to hunting with dogs in general,the red coated horse back hunting enthusiasts,the footpack followers of hounds were & never likely are to unite wi

  On 26/03/2017 at 17:17, desertbred said:

If a land owner with game on his land and the willingness to allow me to run my dogs be it on Hare Deer or Fox as well as the permitted vermin then why should a Draconian Law introduced by that twat Blair prevent him , from authorising whom ever he wishes to hunt his land be it with lurchers, coursing dogs, , fox hound pack foot beagles, Terriers etc the only criteria should be no cruelty involved , no causing nuisance or in convenience to other users of the land their with the owners permission. Public footpaths and rights of way criss cross the land enabling dog walkers, orienteers, ramblers , foragers , bird watchers. ,,ferreters,hawk fliers snarers shooters to enjoy the countryside for the enjoyment of their passtimes and sports even anglers have access to river banks ponds lakes and streams yet the only ones penalised and criminalised are lads working their dogs in millenium years old passtimes because a few people who probably rarely get of the couches or out of their cars decided along with some arse wipe politicians that meat and game should only be shot or hunted in the aisles of Waitrose Harrods and Sainsbury,s.. Time is rapidly passing us by to fight like we have never fought before a multi pronged unified sustained campaign to get this un enforceable expensive law repealed . We are not as portrayed drunks Gamblers, thieves, drugdealers and all round scoundrals that some like to portray us as. Most come from every profession trade occupation and walk of life imagineable participants from infants to centurians male and female even some not sures. Seriously its the time for the campaign of a lifetime to get the rights to hunt back for the future Generations Why should Blair, Sturgeon Brian May , John Craven and the likes dictate how to spend your liesure hours Blair bankrupted the Country cost lives in conflicts no one appeared to support and still his legacy is causing unknown hardship despair and suffering to hundreds of thousands if not millions of Country life enrthusiasts . Time is now to be counted and do your bit.

that would take possibly 6-10 like minded and intelligent people like yourself to get the ball rolling if it was a March you're thinking of . Most on here will say "no point " at the very least it would tell the politicians we are still here .
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  On 26/03/2017 at 16:40, FUJI said:

The whole scenario is just like banging your head constantly against a brick wall,no one cares,the CA never have been interested in lurcherfolk,i think the AWL is only interested in promoting the legal side of lurcherwork,ferreting,rabbiting etc which is all well & good but it's not going to ever help us get back the running of hares & deer with dogs,every f****r is frightened to mention it & that goes for on here too,you dare not even mention the word hare or deer without getting yourself a ban on here,we should be talking about what it was we done in yesteryears,educating the uneducated as to why & how we done things..This f***ing pussy footing about by 99% of folk inc us on here,the CA & AWL is like pissing in the wind & we just become more recluse like in the whole by saying nothing about what has gone on legally for generations yet now everyone is fearful of mentioning how we went about our business..Anyhow I'm retired now lol,hope things take a turn for the better guys but I'm not gonna hold my breath

I keep reading about the ban,the hunting act etc. and its makes no difference to some.Hows the early retirement going mucker?.Ive been nearly retired for a year,only because ive found it almost impossible to find something thats worth bringing me out of my doldrums,picked a pup up for my lad today and ended up bringing another home that stirred my emotions a couple of weeks back.Its not my jukel of choice yet its Irish terrier heritage is going to get grafted and the folk that fail to fight our cause will have little input into how the mutt progresses.

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Still got the full squadron of mutts Morton lol,4 lurchers plus Ruby the Pom,still out daily with them,still feeding them,cleaning up after them,ordered new kennels for two of them so it looks like the c**ts are staying until they pop their clogs now..I went on my farewell hunting trip several weeks ago now,had an amazing day with my Boots dog & my buddy & his sidekick.I'm off hiking up Scotland this week for a couple of days,just Ruby & Don,19 years of service between them so be a pleasant couple of days in the Glen's & Mountain's with just them,hassle free & no chance of getting me in trouble lol,weather to take a turn for the worse but it's not like we've never been wet before lol..Will be just walking & photographing,eating & drinking ..So far so good anyways buddy,hope the young recruit does all you ask of it,i have a mutt here carrying Irish Terrier blood,can be strong headed at times but if it has a pulse she's up for it ?

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I hunted these lands as a child and as a Student I then left the Country to follow my chosen career. In the Twighlight years of my life I returned to the UK for one of my Childrens professional studies. I was brought to ground by a shuddering bump after meeting some old school running lads from 35 years before they recounted the events over the years the End of the Waterloo Cup The Calender, The Foley etc the Hunting with Dogs Act 2004. I Hhave had the misfortune to experience first hand, the Helicopters, the police vehicle convoys, the Name , and vehicle reg checking, the vehicle inspections even had beenpursued by police mounted on off road motor cycles and on horse back. If I had not experiencedtthe lengths and expence the Police will go to to capture people for chasing a hare or a deer with a dog.I would not have beleived it

We were threatened by gangs of farmers had dogs mouths swabbed given banning orders something I and countless old school lads would never have dreamed could happen in this country who whole history is linked to Country activities and hunting. Even after heart stents my enthusiasm and love of my dogs and sport has not diminished my wife says i am a crackpot. LOL

I really feel for the younge lads who never gotto experience the hunt pre ban walking 5/6 abreast across thefens and doing it all day without looking over your shoulder or scanning the heavens for the humming of the helicopter rotar. The worst that would happen a farmer or a gamekeeper wouldtell you okfish your ru and then get of heland but most times permission was asked andfor and often given. The thrill of that crisp frosty morning the dogs ready the breath freezing on your tash or the end of your nose isw something that should not be lost to futre Generations if you are not bothered for yourself do it for the youngsters of the future stand up be counted and unite to get this piss pot Ban lifted.

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  On 26/03/2017 at 18:48, FUJI said:

Still got the full squadron of mutts Morton lol,4 lurchers plus Ruby the Pom,still out daily with them,still feeding them,cleaning up after them,ordered new kennels for two of them so it looks like the c**ts are staying until they pop their clogs now..I went on my farewell hunting trip several weeks ago now,had an amazing day with my Boots dog & my buddy & his sidekick.I'm off hiking up Scotland this week for a couple of days,just Ruby & Don,19 years of service between them so be a pleasant couple of days in the Glen's & Mountain's with just them,hassle free & no chance of getting me in trouble lol,weather to take a turn for the worse but it's not like we've never been wet before lol..Will be just walking & photographing,eating & drinking ..So far so good anyways buddy,hope the young recruit does all you ask of it,i have a mutt here carrying Irish Terrier blood,can be strong headed at times but if it has a pulse she's up for it

I got them both home after a quick drive from Nelson and carried them to a warren at the back of my house with the Akita,Lakey and 2 Bedlingtons in tow,i only had to twat the Lakey with my toe end to learn it another lesson that Lakey,s fail to learn,its in their nature.Their bold nature was evident straight away and the attention of the adult dogs never fazed them in the least,i spent an hour walking a quarter of a mile and the next 999 hours i spend educating 1 of them will decide its working fate.

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Firstly Hats of to You Dog Man for actually time to write to the CA . You have received no more than I would expected . BUT the Lord Bonomy report may, have ramifications here, but that for now is as much that can be said.


If we had a lot more like You, our countryside sports would be united.


The AWL does hold a position on the Council Of Hunting Association , and is represented at every meeting.


Everything is never clear , cut and dried in every corner , however I have always, since taking the temporary position as Chair, given every member a chance to have their input into all things, the clear message from our members is the aspect of Legal Lucher work is to maintained at all times.


Members are at liberty to speak with me openly and in confidence . the Members get a vote in all that should be, so, ie - finding a Chairman. was always going to be the members choice .


One member, who just like Your self felt the need to speak with the CA himself, he knows the Law, just like You and I do , there are ways to do certain aspects of lurcher work, but it is a question of being savvy enough to know how to continue.


The Lurcher world is in chaos without doubt, the rescues are full and spilling over, which begs the question WHY?


I could go on and on for the many reasons, but that would be futile , as most have bee aired not just in this topic , but throughout the forums .

Lurchers being sold by a raffle, or swapped for a play station ? :icon_eek: images of lurchers on quarry that should NEVER be seen on face book and other social media sites .


The one good thing is that one face book page which has long been a bug bare is about to get its comeuppance .


Some time ago, I posted that Sir Johnny Scott, would host an evening with himself, after our AGM , which is held on the 27 th May . the response was pathetic. yet Sir Johnny a staunch coursing supporter ( pre ban ) and a great man in his own right, rejected , to have to inform this wonderful man, that he would not be needed made me feel horrid, and I am sure he felt even worse .


Such is the case of Apathy, which one encounters every day .


Without question the AWL needs a bigger platform , to which end, I had approached one such person, to whom has that platform, and although he played lip service to the job, I never did receive and answer.



I too like many of You have had the very best of times, pre ban, where walking the line, watching the finest coursing to be seen and enjoying the craic that ensued.


We all would like to see the wretched ban lifted, but one has to choose ones battles carefully .


I joined this club so that I could hopefully try to restore the lurchers good name, and leave it in a better place, long after I am gone, I am not here to be liked , just known as the batty old woman, who at least TRIED.


My final say is simple, You have to be ' in it , to win it'



No sitting behind a key board, saying the AWL or the CA should be doing this , that or the other. Join, and have Your say, if You think the member ship fee is too high, or too low, You at least get a say so.......


So I ask of You Desert bred, for the LAST TIME, what are YOU DOING ?



If any one wishes to speak with me personally, I will happily do so after the AGM .


Kind Regards


Jayne (Acting Chair of the AWL )

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  On 26/03/2017 at 16:40, FUJI said:

The whole scenario is just like banging your head constantly against a brick wall,no one cares,the CA never have been interested in lurcherfolk,i think the AWL is only interested in promoting the legal side of lurcherwork,ferreting,rabbiting etc which is all well & good but it's not going to ever help us get back the running of hares & deer with dogs,every f****r is frightened to mention it & that goes for on here too,you dare not even mention the word hare or deer without getting yourself a ban on here,we should be talking about what it was we done in yesteryears,educating the uneducated as to why & how we done things..This f***ing pussy footing about by 99% of folk inc us on here,the CA & AWL is like pissing in the wind & we just become more recluse like in the whole by saying nothing about what has gone on legally for generations yet now everyone is fearful of mentioning how we went about our business..Anyhow I'm retired now lol,hope things take a turn for the better guys but I'm not gonna hold my breath

Yes Andy I knew I could count on you to say it as it is just what I like being straight yes there is a lot of people on not saying anything just looking yes I agree about what it used to be deer and hare but there is hundreds of thousands of us just sitting back and excepting being sh-t on I am only asking people to speak up everyone knows it is a feck up day looking over your shoulder wish there was more like you that speak up.



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  On 26/03/2017 at 17:17, desertbred said:

If a land owner with game on his land and the willingness to allow me to run my dogs be it on Hare Deer or Fox as well as the permitted vermin then why should a Draconian Law introduced by that twat Blair prevent him , from authorising whom ever he wishes to hunt his land be it with lurchers, coursing dogs, , fox hound pack foot beagles, Terriers etc the only criteria should be no cruelty involved , no causing nuisance or in convenience to other users of the land their with the owners permission. Public footpaths and rights of way criss cross the land enabling dog walkers, orienteers, ramblers , foragers , bird watchers. ,,ferreters,hawk fliers snarers shooters to enjoy the countryside for the enjoyment of their passtimes and sports even anglers have access to river banks ponds lakes and streams yet the only ones penalised and criminalised are lads working their dogs in millenium years old passtimes because a few people who probably rarely get of the couches or out of their cars decided along with some arse wipe politicians that meat and game should only be shot or hunted in the aisles of Waitrose Harrods and Sainsbury,s.. Time is rapidly passing us by to fight like we have never fought before a multi pronged unified sustained campaign to get this un enforceable expensive law repealed . We are not as portrayed drunks Gamblers, thieves, drugdealers and all round scoundrals that some like to portray us as. Most come from every profession trade occupation and walk of life imagineable participants from infants to centurians male and female even some not sures. Seriously its the time for the campaign of a lifetime to get the rights to hunt back for the future Generations Why should Blair, Sturgeon Brian May , John Craven and the likes dictate how to spend your liesure hours Blair bankrupted the Country cost lives in conflicts no one appeared to support and still his legacy is causing unknown hardship despair and suffering to hundreds of thousands if not millions of Country life enrthusiasts . Time is now to be counted and do your bit.

Desertbred thanks for taking the time and not be scared to say what you think too many people sit on the fence I agree with everything you say yes it is time to be counted and there is a lot of us I want to leave hunting anything the way it was for my grandkids,


Yes we are not all bad people we want a fare crack at the whip.




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  On 26/03/2017 at 20:44, Flynn said:

Firstly Hats of to You Dog Man for actually time to write to the CA . You have received no more than I would expected . BUT the Lord Bonomy report may, have ramifications here, but that for now is as much that can be said.


If we had a lot more like You, our countryside sports would be united.


The AWL does hold a position on the Council Of Hunting Association , and is represented at every meeting.


Everything is never clear , cut and dried in every corner , however I have always, since taking the temporary position as Chair, given every member a chance to have their input into all things, the clear message from our members is the aspect of Legal Lucher work is to maintained at all times.


Members are at liberty to speak with me openly and in confidence . the Members get a vote in all that should be, so, ie - finding a Chairman. was always going to be the members choice .


One member, who just like Your self felt the need to speak with the CA himself, he knows the Law, just like You and I do , there are ways to do certain aspects of lurcher work, but it is a question of being savvy enough to know how to continue.


The Lurcher world is in chaos without doubt, the rescues are full and spilling over, which begs the question WHY?


I could go on and on for the many reasons, but that would be futile , as most have bee aired not just in this topic , but throughout the forums .

Lurchers being sold by a raffle, or swapped for a play station ? :icon_eek: images of lurchers on quarry that should NEVER be seen on face book and other social media sites .


The one good thing is that one face book page which has long been a bug bare is about to get its comeuppance .


Some time ago, I posted that Sir Johnny Scott, would host an evening with himself, after our AGM , which is held on the 27 th May . the response was pathetic. yet Sir Johnny a staunch coursing supporter ( pre ban ) and a great man in his own right, rejected , to have to inform this wonderful man, that he would not be needed made me feel horrid, and I am sure he felt even worse .


Such is the case of Apathy, which one encounters every day .


Without question the AWL needs a bigger platform , to which end, I had approached one such person, to whom has that platform, and although he played lip service to the job, I never did receive and answer.



I too like many of You have had the very best of times, pre ban, where walking the line, watching the finest coursing to be seen and enjoying the craic that ensued.


We all would like to see the wretched ban lifted, but one has to choose ones battles carefully .


I joined this club so that I could hopefully try to restore the lurchers good name, and leave it in a better place, long after I am gone, I am not here to be liked , just known as the batty old woman, who at least TRIED.


My final say is simple, You have to be ' in it , to win it'



No sitting behind a key board, saying the AWL or the CA should be doing this , that or the other. Join, and have Your say, if You think the member ship fee is too high, or too low, You at least get a say so.......


So I ask of You Desert bred, for the LAST TIME, what are YOU DOING ?



If any one wishes to speak with me personally, I will happily do so after the AGM .


Kind Regards


Jayne (Acting Chair of the AWL )


Thanks for taking the time to pass on your thoughts I have been waiting for people to start saying what they thing but only a few I do agree with you I am home on Wednesday from overseas pm me I would like to talk please.



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It took around 700 hours of parliamentary debate to then force the hunting act through, that was ten times longer than the debates on the invasion of Iraq, hardly surprising that they don't want to drag it all up again, it's been and is an absolute cluster fukc, Blair even says he regrets it, what a waste of 12 years

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  On 26/03/2017 at 17:45, Phil Lloyd said:

We had our chance, on The March,.but we were too polite to press home our cause.... :censored:


Facts are "Shy Bairns get no Sweets".....

We should have used that unique, coming together, of Field Sports enthusiasts to our advantage...

Half a million bodies on the streets of London,.could have been a powerful force ....


We had our chance... :yes:


Yes I agree but not everyone that has a lurcher can afford to go to London we should all go but there is poor people that can't and a lot of them.







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  On 26/03/2017 at 21:07, Flynn said:

I will just add, this quote.


​If a loss, a set back or a refusal was enough to put You off Your passion , then it never was Your passion.

In Response to the acting Chair,s of the AWL question to me. A lot more than you and your group apparantly .As you pointed out things like your open evening with Sir Jonny Scott was a dismal failure ask your self why and why the apathy amonst not only the young up coming dog workers but even the limited number of old school lads still dipping there toe who were there from the year dot on the Marches. When the two groups the AWL and the new Group were both trying to move towards a sustained Campaign for repeal of the Act it was pointed out by your previous chair that all facilities were in place for the AWL to continue the long standing work the previous renamed group had been doing. It was pointed out that the AWL had the ear of the C/A and the seat on the COHA . At a meeting with Tim Bonner at C/A offices in London the two representatives from the newly formed group were during the meeting asked that they should talk with AWL to find a common way forward. Later it was decided that the New Group would cease its establishment programme and the way forward was left open for AWL to do its own thing following their chosen programme.. After a year has passed The old chair of AWL retired due to age and health issues. AWL has on your own admission been struggling to attract new Members and experiencing apathy amongst people in generating enthusiasm and support..Have you been able to ascertain why and rectify thematter? Apathy has been around for generations it is something that effects all kinds of assemblies and groups of people. Now you ask what I am or have been doing i was one of fivepeople whofter serious discussion decided to establish a representative group as the input andfeed back we received from dog workers from all over UK was that working dog lads in general andlurcher and running dog lads were not being represented or listened to. This even now seems to be the feeling. I have always run my Salukis andlets say jumped or nowadays crawl under fences to do what I love to do I did have permissions to hunt but it was a matter of the grass always being greener and the game always faster. I took a back seat in the new group bacause of my hunting activities as in the groups opinion it was not desireable for a board member to be prosecuted for illegal coursing this was also my opinion it waalso our intention for the original 5 to be a steering group to get the ball rolling then step aside to hold elections and personally I was not willing to give up on a sport I have took part in for over 60 years.. I meet quite regularly with MP,s and Police Officers etc in matters relating to community activities so at every opportunity I raise the issue of my hobby and draw to the attention of those that will listen the problemswith the Hunting Act. As I am a realist also and know that many people in the Hunting/Dog world would not be happy that I am a Muslim and that would alienate certain people in the working dog community from becoming active members of the Group. Dont get me wrong I am always willing and more than able to defend myself and my corner in any matter but side issues would only detract from the job in hand. i raise the plight facing working dog lads at every possible forum so dont for one minute assume I am sitting contemplatingmy navel.. now ask the members here why the lack of interest it will be more interesting than my activities and may very well suprise you ATB

Edited by desertbred
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  On 27/03/2017 at 08:27, desertbred said:


  On 26/03/2017 at 21:07, Flynn said:

I will just add, this quote.


​If a loss, a set back or a refusal was enough to put You off Your passion , then it never was Your passion.

A lot more than you and your group apparantly .As you pointed out things like your open evening with Sir Jonny Scott was a dismal failure ask your self whyand why the apathy amonst not only the young up coming dog workers buteven the limited number of old school lads still dipping there toe. When the two groups the AWL and Lacs were both trying to move toeards a sustained Campaign for repeal of the Act it was pointed out by your previous chair that all facilities were in place for the AWL to continue the long standing work the previous renamed group had been doing. It was pointed out that the AWL had the ear of the C/A and the seat on the COHA also. At a meeting with Tim Bonner at C/A officesin London the two representatives from the newly formed LACS were during the meeting asked that LAC SHOULD TALK WITH awl to find a common way forward. Later it was decided that LACS would cease and the way forward was left open for AWL to doits own thing following their chosen programme.. After a year has passed The old chair of AWL retired due to age AND HEALTH ISSUES AND THE awl HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTING ITS AGENDA. o


DB, LACS is the League Against Cruel Sports :icon_eek:

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