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Gc! Going Crazy!

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I have a new playlist in my channel: "GC! GOING CRAZY! "

Every time you can read before the Videoname a "GC!", You know that the video is not to be taken seriously and just fun. You will find Slow Motion videos, Destruction videos, trickshots and everything else makes no sense. The Playlist is something quite different from what you can see in my channel. But to open a separate channel for it I do not feel like.


So have fun watching! You can click on the "Save" button as soon as you have clicked on the link. Then you always get with when something new enters this Playlist.

So, and now have fun!

Best regards


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If the people know me, they are asking questions to me. I get about 5-10 a day per Mail, FB, Forum or my YouTube-Channel. But if nobody knows me, what i am doing and what i like, nobody can ask me something. So i have to promote me and my channel to be useful for somebody :-)


If you take a look at my channel or FB-site, you see that i am answering every question the people have.


Have a great day guys!



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a new, absolutely meaning-free video I just uploaded in my Playlist "Going Crazy!":


If you see the "GC!" In the video title, then you know that you can turn off your brain for the next minutes. You don´t need to speak any language for this video! Just watch it…

Have lots of fun with it. If my other videos are too boring, then you can only subscribe to this playlist ;-)

Best regards


Edited by Andreas Hofmann
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