desertbred 5,490 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 (edited) At the end of the day all these attacks are carried out by Muslims..... From un educated to the highly educated Its not one or two attacks or even ten or twenty its hundreds So any one of them could suddenly get the calling Nothing to do with illegal wars , invasions ,political decisions ,over throwing Sovereign Governments, Hatred ,Predjudices. All the turmoiland strife has ignited without a spark and tinder and its the Muzzies responsible for all .Was it the Cork or the Belfast Muslims who caused the 1916 uprising that led to a civil war in Ireland. When were the Folk i the 3rd world subjugated along with Africa America oh it must have been the Muslims. Did the Muslims ignite the Hundred year war with France. Study History its a great leveler as it has a habit of being truthfullYou're at it again, they have their reasons obviously but it's no excuse to go and kill innocent civilians. Go and fight in the battlefield instead of running down old men. No one said it was a reason but its certainly a contributing factor towards raicalisation . As for battle fields I certainly dont need some one whos probably never even visited one never mind fought on one telling me what i should do.I don't care, all radicalisation should be squashed immediately no questions asked. Give over with yaslef Rommel, don't try and kid me you're a battle hardened vet when you can't walk a field with ya dogs. You comment on things you have not even got a clue about even dogs and you dont even own one. LOL Edited March 26, 2017 by desertbred Quote Link to post Share on other sites
DogMan85 722 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 DogFox grew up in a village far rougher than any battlefield, have some respect DB. You know it Liberal Len.? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
DogMan85 722 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 At the end of the day all these attacks are carried out by Muslims..... From un educated to the highly educated Its not one or two attacks or even ten or twenty its hundreds So any one of them could suddenly get the calling Nothing to do with illegal wars , invasions ,political decisions ,over throwing Sovereign Governments, Hatred ,Predjudices. All the turmoiland strife has ignited without a spark and tinder and its the Muzzies responsible for all .Was it the Cork or the Belfast Muslims who caused the 1916 uprising that led to a civil war in Ireland. When were the Folk i the 3rd world subjugated along with Africa America oh it must have been the Muslims. Did the Muslims ignite the Hundred year war with France. Study History its a great leveler as it has a habit of being truthfullYou're at it again, they have their reasons obviously but it's no excuse to go and kill innocent civilians. Go and fight in the battlefield instead of running down old men. No one said it was a reason but its certainly a contributing factor towards raicalisation . As for battle fields I certainly dont need some one whos probably never even visited one never mind fought on one telling me what i should do.I don't care, all radicalisation should be squashed immediately no questions asked. Give over with yaslef Rommel, don't try and kid me you're a battle hardened vet when you can't walk a field with ya dogs. You comment on things you have not even got a clue about even dogs and you dont even own one. LOL I'd say my knowledge is about on par with yours, I very much doubt you've been in any war zone but if you want to tell stories than carry on son. I don't have to have a dog on to know yours are not much cop, I wouldn't be buying Iranian anytime soon. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 At the end of the day all these attacks are carried out by Muslims..... From un educated to the highly educated Its not one or two attacks or even ten or twenty its hundreds So any one of them could suddenly get the calling Nothing to do with illegal wars , invasions ,political decisions ,over throwing Sovereign Governments, Hatred ,Predjudices. All the turmoiland strife has ignited without a spark and tinder and its the Muzzies responsible for all .Was it the Cork or the Belfast Muslims who caused the 1916 uprising that led to a civil war in Ireland. When were the Folk i the 3rd world subjugated along with Africa America oh it must have been the Muslims. Did the Muslims ignite the Hundred year war with France. Study History its a great leveler as it has a habit of being truthfullYou're at it again, they have their reasons obviously but it's no excuse to go and kill innocent civilians. Go and fight in the battlefield instead of running down old men. No one said it was a reason but its certainly a contributing factor towards raicalisation . As for battle fields I certainly dont need some one whos probably never even visited one never mind fought on one telling me what i should do.I don't care, all radicalisation should be squashed immediately no questions asked. Give over with yaslef Rommel, don't try and kid me you're a battle hardened vet when you can't walk a field with ya dogs. You comment on things you have not even got a clue about even dogs and you dont even own one. LOL I'd say my knowledge is about on par with yours, I very much doubt you've been in any war zone but if you want to tell stories than carry on son. I don't have to have a dog on to know yours are not much cop, I wouldn't be buying Iranian anytime soon. poor poor guy you havent got a clue about the day of the week your a joke. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 (edited) At the end of the day all these attacks are carried out by Muslims..... From un educated to the highly educated Its not one or two attacks or even ten or twenty its hundreds So any one of them could suddenly get the calling Nothing to do with illegal wars , invasions ,political decisions ,over throwing Sovereign Governments, Hatred ,Predjudices. All the turmoiland strife has ignited without a spark and tinder and its the Muzzies responsible for all .Was it the Cork or the Belfast Muslims who caused the 1916 uprising that led to a civil war in Ireland. When were the Folk i the 3rd world subjugated along with Africa America oh it must have been the Muslims. Did the Muslims ignite the Hundred year war with France. Study History its a great leveler as it has a habit of being truthfullYou're at it again, they have their reasons obviously but it's no excuse to go and kill innocent civilians. Go and fight in the battlefield instead of running down old men. No one said it was a reason but its certainly a contributing factor towards raicalisation . As for battle fields I certainly dont need some one whos probably never even visited one never mind fought on one telling me what i should do.I don't care, all radicalisation should be squashed immediately no questions asked. Give over with yaslef Rommel, don't try and kid me you're a battle hardened vet when you can't walk a field with ya dogs. You comment on things you have not even got a clue about even dogs and you dont even own one. LOL I'd say my knowledge is about on par with yours, I very much doubt you've been in any war zone but if you want to tell stories than carry on son. I don't have to have a dog on to know yours are not much cop, I wouldn't be buying Iranian anytime soon. poor poor guy you havent got a clue about the day of the week your a joke. probably punchy off the pads LOLas for knowledge ive forgotten more than you ever learnt Edited March 26, 2017 by desertbred Quote Link to post Share on other sites
DogMan85 722 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 At the end of the day all these attacks are carried out by Muslims..... From un educated to the highly educated Its not one or two attacks or even ten or twenty its hundreds So any one of them could suddenly get the calling Nothing to do with illegal wars , invasions ,political decisions ,over throwing Sovereign Governments, Hatred ,Predjudices. All the turmoiland strife has ignited without a spark and tinder and its the Muzzies responsible for all .Was it the Cork or the Belfast Muslims who caused the 1916 uprising that led to a civil war in Ireland. When were the Folk i the 3rd world subjugated along with Africa America oh it must have been the Muslims. Did the Muslims ignite the Hundred year war with France. Study History its a great leveler as it has a habit of being truthfullYou're at it again, they have their reasons obviously but it's no excuse to go and kill innocent civilians. Go and fight in the battlefield instead of running down old men. No one said it was a reason but its certainly a contributing factor towards raicalisation . As for battle fields I certainly dont need some one whos probably never even visited one never mind fought on one telling me what i should do.I don't care, all radicalisation should be squashed immediately no questions asked. Give over with yaslef Rommel, don't try and kid me you're a battle hardened vet when you can't walk a field with ya dogs. You comment on things you have not even got a clue about even dogs and you dont even own one. LOL I'd say my knowledge is about on par with yours, I very much doubt you've been in any war zone but if you want to tell stories than carry on son. I don't have to have a dog on to know yours are not much cop, I wouldn't be buying Iranian anytime soon. poor poor guy you havent got a clue about the day of the week your a joke. That much of a joke you poo poo'd your pants a few year ago when I gave you a call. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
kanny 20,928 Posted March 26, 2017 Author Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 Australian government paid a baby bonus for a decade or so which was a prolific breeding program. My wife hasn't worked since shortly before my first child was born 13 years ago. It has been a financial struggle at times as raising kids properly is damn expensive, and I am considered to be on a high income (I disagree). People who are on low wages simply could not do that and I can see how the strain on families and ultimately communities is enormous. The trouble now is if you bring in government funded breeding programs the muslims will have even more kids and cash in for their troubles. I have known of a few muslims here with more than one wife,the man works (at least sometimes, muslims are the highest unemployed demographic)each wife has four or five kids and receives single parent payments, rent assistance, etc. Tax payers like me are funding my own people to be bred out of existence! Then they fill up the gaols, sell drugs, gang rape, severely disrupt the education system, etc.I might be cynical when I speak against islam but I have tried hard to look for the benefits of having them in my country but the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. I just woke up after working a double shift so forgive my grumpiness. what a load of Tosh. In Islam it is encumbant on Muslims that follow the Faith to Earn there own living. The benefit system in Islam is called Bayt ul Mal or Zakat, the sick, the orphans and the Widows are the only ones who are supported by the state.. Islamic society is actively encouraged to have an extended family system where the old the sick those without income are supported within the family group. Those that pretend to be practicing Muslims and sponge and exploit welfare and benefit systems do not put into practice the islamic faith. In Middle Eastern lower and Middle class Society if you dont work you dont eat unless you have the extended family support system. It is not uncommon now in these times of austerity to find one wage earner supporting more than a single household. The benefit frauds and cheats in the UK Muslim community must think this is eutopia being handed money left right and center they certainly wouldnt get that kind of Welfare help "Back home" as they like to call it. i always assumed that a Welfare system was there as a safety net for those whose life and crcumstances meant short term support in times of need not as A "Way of Life" as many from all walks of life appear to do. immigration policy within a Countries own borders and how they choose to apply it is theeir own concern and should be. If a desk is set up by that country in their ports of Entry and Airports advising immigrants of all status, refugees, assylum seekers, Economic Migrants how and where to get benefits and in many cases even how to exploit the system then whose fault is it when the unscrupulous elements who want to be kings without any work take the piss and live on the benefits System. I see myself many who receive benefits dont need them its just free money and the irony is thegenuine folk who need short term assistance or possibly long term support cant get it. CHARITY IN MOST CASES IS A PISS TAKE, they are run as businesses Boards of Directors CEO,s etc getting large salaeies and even larger expense accounts Donations that do get distributed especially internationally rarely if ever reach the intended people usually ending up buying Palaces, and supporting playboy life styles of the corrupt. No Industrial development or infrastructure in these charity supported places will be made on a large scale as it would cut of the money supply to the Corrupt. One final point I give to Charity I give from my hand direct into the hand of the ones I help i dont give to third party business.I read your first line and I'd read enough, drive to Bradford Bolton etc etc and you'll see in 10 seconds what Muslims are all about whether there good Muslims or bad Muslims does not make one difference to anyone who can see through the liberal bullshit, we do not want you here, our numbers are growing and it's not through being brought up that way, i was brought up to believe the liberal crap there were no tribes where i grew up then when i was older and seen first hand and mixed with scummy foreigners i made my own mind up, there's that many scummy foreigners here now EVERYONE grows up with them so will see first hand what the craic is. This bullshit will come to an end one day. i read your first oparagraph and understand you cant, wont and are not capable to do f**k all about the present situation . I live in Manchester right in the middle of Bolton Blackburn Burnley Bradford Sheffield Derby I have dealings in multi ethnic matters in many of the hotspots as some like to call them I walk the walk a well as talk the talk unlike your ilk many problems are out there and some hard choices and decisions and actions need to be taken but the ethnic divide is not getting any smaller the communities here are here to stay even your own Countries laws will not allow or accept any forced repatriations or taking law into your own hands so come up with answers and solutions instead of huffing puffing and blowing hot air.There is no solutions no one will come up with any, the tax burden to house and feed an ever growing population of scroungers will erode our society until there is no society to speak of and only when we've got rock bottom will we start to climb back up. I've read your views on here for years and were the same in 99% of them. But neither me nor you will get over the 1% and your in all fairness one of the "decent ones". Whenever you see something derogatory or damaging to your ilk you jump to their defense, I commend you for that and it's human nature i however am driven by the exact forces of nature and you lot being here is damaging to me and mine and that's the long and short of it. I know excactly what scum has embeded itself in Muslim society and communities. And like a cancer it needs major cutting to get rid of it. i am a true believer in if its our shit clean it up our selves. IN this Country our hands are tied excactly the same as yours in this country so solutions need to be found. Some of the crap the peadophiles the terror activities the drugs menace goes on in our countries in IRAn we like things dealt with quickly if some ones accused put them in the Shariat court on trial within a week get the verdict innocent or guilty if theyare guilty no appeal as Shariat in our System is the Law of Allah who can an appeal go to higher than Allah or God as you folk say. The sentence is swift imprisonment isnot a prefered punishment in islam either community service or death the sentence of death is usually on a Friday after Prayers. beheading occaissionally shot or hung. People say our system is Barbaric I say what are molesters, rapists, murderers, drug smugglers and dealers Angels?. Commit a Heanious crime then any human rights are forfeited and the only compassion is a swift death.. eAnd you think that's how we should be doing things? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
DogMan85 722 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 I think the conclusion is when DB has no answer on a particular subject the wisecracks appear. The terrorist cowards have their reasons even though they are braindead, they should be squashed like the little bugs they are immediately when known to authorities. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
AXUM 255 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 I see a world wide persectuion of muslim families in next 50 years and the rise of hitler like leaders. Next world war is bout islam. You could just read thr views of the people in youtube and forums and facebook.. so much hate If anti muslim groups get control of leadership then we are f****d if they dont any rise up willbe squashed by gov forces.. As long as western forces are in muslim countries it will sadly continue.. then you have caliphate supporters and movement.. Muslims be ready next world war if its china vs usa then even muslim issue willl be brought up and gov will use the opportunity to mass deport all muslims Hope im wrong Quote Link to post Share on other sites
AXUM 255 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 Those who hate muslims want them out of europe.. only ww3 could provide the opportinity Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,535 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 What do you want folk to do about it? I wouldn't risk my freedom, my job or my family for an event that didn't directly affect me even if I would deport the lot today given half the chance. They are allowed to carry out these acts because the government allows it despite their entire knowledge of the situation. Forgive me for using you as an example Dogman but these few lines are typical of where we are at as local communities.....ive seen some of your posts Dogman you sound like an aggressive kind of chap most probably a decent physical challenge to the average man in the street. But the harsh reality is that Wilf is right your average capable Englishman is just not up for it.....not because he doesnt have the stomach for it because i have a lot of belief in the capabilities of people......i just dont think the majority of folk think its all that important.....i honestly think people are too comfortable in their lives to take pride in their communities anymore.....when we was having the battles we was having in my area back years ago it was because although we was from a shitty horrible area it was our shitty horrible area and its all we had we didnt have the luxuries of social media and suchlike to rant and holler our frustrations at we had to square up and look into a black face if we wanted our voices heard. Your not willing to take a risk because you dont think it directly effects you......i dont know if its a generation thing but we just seem to of completely lost pride in our communities and dont seem to have any loyalty to each other anymore i think its so sad..........or maybe like i say its just not all that important to todays generation of young men.....maybe it will take a 9/11 type event to kick some of us into gear. What can we actually do though? Everybody is of the mentality of "it will never happen to me." I could quite easily do some serious harm to someone if me or my family are at threat but like Wilf said it's a much easier life just getting on with things even though I'd get rid of the lot in a heartbeat if given the chance. I've had enough of listening to folk say "not all Muslims are bad!" Big fcuking deal, do they want a medal for being Mr Average Joe. The facts are fanatical Muslims are commiting atrocious acts against innocent people with no justification at all. Thats exactly what im saying todays generation of capable young English men think " its a much easier life just getting on with things " other words its not really that important,certainly not important enough to get out there and take a risk and stand up for our communities........rightly or wrongly far right groups back in the 70,s and ,s were making a f****n nuisance of themselves and letting it known on a national scale that we wasnt happy and we wasnt going to sit by and do nothing while our areas were snatched from under our it turned out those groups were betrayed by their own people but the point is we didnt know what to do either hence it was all a bit of a shambles but we knew we couldnt just sit back and watch and thats what would worry me about todays generation the fact they just have no togetherness or desire to protect what they have its like we have already given up. Heres a quick little story that shows even in the times we now live in what can be done when groups of men stay solid and together ok the scale of it cant be compared with what we are talking about but its a small victory the start of the football season Tottenham fans were officially warned in their match day program that anybody caught singing songs about Jews would be thrown out,their season ticket confiscated and receive a lifetime ban from the you may or may not know their fans are referred to as " Yids " and many of their chants contain the word within songs they have sung for first they went a bit quiet and didnt quite know how to play it but within a few weeks they realised their own worth and the power that numbers have and they sung their Yid songs loud as ever as they still do today and the club have done other words the authority of the club had to bow down to the people knowing that if they stuck to their guns they would end up with a near empty pains me to say it as i cant stand the little pricks but i admire the way they stood on for each can draw your own comparisons. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
AXUM 255 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 Im starting to think its better for my kids to be christian or atheiest for their survival.. not safe to be muslim anymore Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jacknife 2,005 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 I see a world wide persectuion of muslim families in next 50 years and the rise of hitler like leaders. Next world war is bout islam. You could just read thr views of the people in youtube and forums and facebook.. so much hate If anti muslim groups get control of leadership then we are f****d if they dont any rise up willbe squashed by gov forces.. As long as western forces are in muslim countries it will sadly continue.. then you have caliphate supporters and movement.. Muslims be ready next world war if its china vs usa then even muslim issue willl be brought up and gov will use the opportunity to mass deport all muslims Hope im wrong I see a world wide persectuion of muslim families in next 50 years and the rise of hitler like leaders. Next world war is bout islam. You could just read thr views of the people in youtube and forums and facebook.. so much hate If anti muslim groups get control of leadership then we are f****d if they dont any rise up willbe squashed by gov forces.. As long as western forces are in muslim countries it will sadly continue.. then you have caliphate supporters and movement.. Muslims be ready next world war if its china vs usa then even muslim issue willl be brought up and gov will use the opportunity to mass deport all muslims Hope im wrong fingers crossed............hope you're right Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scothunter 12,609 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 Stop being c**ts and maybe you wont get "persecuted "! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Silversnake 1,099 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 Those who hate muslims want them out of europe.. only ww3 could provide the opportinityI just want to clarify again, I don't hate muslims, especially as individuals. I want them out of Western countries simply because they cause too much trouble and that is not going to change. I actually think in the long run kicking them out or helping them migrate to islamic countries would be better for decent muslims too, because as you say if it comes down to war things will be much messier. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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