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Shots Fired Outside Parliament

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How charming of the Guardian


I felt the photograph was very symbolic of the divide in this society between them and us and represented how a large proportion of their community looks the other way. I'm sure most people who responded knew that.

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KHAN SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE!!!!!   He's a fuucking treacherous Musl1m piece of shit.

" fight "....what fight ?.............you call driving a car into people who have no idea whats going on a fight ?.....i call that basic everyday cowardice.   If someone barged their way into my hou

he has so many multiple personalities that when he threatened to kill himself the police looked at it as a hostage situation

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She's still just walking past while other people are helping. i wouldn't make her a saint just yet.

Be plenty doing that. Lots of people would just freeze or even run away. Never been in that situation but if I ever am I hope I get stuck in and help.
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i never give that pic a second thought, just thought there somebody in wrong place at the wrong time

deffo in the wrong place..................

unless shes on holiday...LOL




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It's the far right extremists we need to worry about :huh:


wtf is it with thesetossers . its about time we had someone with a pair of balls in charge...".the muslin comunity feels anxious " who gives a flaying fk about them i dont they can all piss off tomorrow for me there a fkn nuisence

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She's still just walking past while other people are helping. i wouldn't make her a saint just yet.


No one is calling her a saint.

I'm willing to gamble there were quite a few people that day got their head down and kept on walking, that's their choice.

I just don't get why she has been singled out.


I do, because she's Asian looking. I despise terrorism, but I Don't despise all Asians because one has committed terrorism

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They called Mandella a terrorist then you know the rest. They called Che Guavara a terrorist, They called Castro a terrorist. They were fighting for what they beleived was right. Martin Mcguiness realised his early years were the wrong way to Unite Ireland so became a politician and worked for peace. Terrorists are the people like the guy on the bridge The murderers of Lee Rigby. the 7/7 bombers/ terrorisiing and killing injuring "innocent" People. They all claimed to be Muslims so do Taliban , Al Quaeda , Daesh, Boko Haram they slaughter innocent women children sick, elderly and ordinary Folk going about their business taking care of yheir families. Are they pious Muslims are they f**k, Do they live as Muslims do they f**k, a name doesnt make a Muslim.

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They called Mandella a terrorist then you know the rest. They called Che Guavara a terrorist, They called Castro a terrorist. They were fighting for what they beleived was right. Martin Mcguiness realised his early years were the wrong way to Unite Ireland so became a politician and worked for peace. Terrorists are the people like the guy on the bridge The murderers of Lee Rigby. the 7/7 bombers/ terrorisiing and killing injuring "innocent" People. They all claimed to be Muslims so do Taliban , Al Quaeda , Daesh, Boko Haram they slaughter innocent women children sick, elderly and ordinary Folk going about their business taking care of yheir families. Are they pious Muslims are they f**k, Do they live as Muslims do they f**k, a name doesnt make a Muslim.


Yeh but, Che Guevara looks cool on a T-shirt, Isis never will! Haha....

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The dead terrorist will probably be bumming that other dead Ira terrorist tonight

That Ira terrorist your on about was the very man that fought tooth and nail for the pease process so let him RIP.


Did he fcuk

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They called Mandella a terrorist then you know the rest. They called Che Guavara a terrorist, They called Castro a terrorist. They were fighting for what they beleived was right. Martin Mcguiness realised his early years were the wrong way to Unite Ireland so became a politician and worked for peace. Terrorists are the people like the guy on the bridge The murderers of Lee Rigby. the 7/7 bombers/ terrorisiing and killing injuring "innocent" People. They all claimed to be Muslims so do Taliban , Al Quaeda , Daesh, Boko Haram they slaughter innocent women children sick, elderly and ordinary Folk going about their business taking care of yheir families. Are they pious Muslims are they f**k, Do they live as Muslims do they f**k, a name doesnt make a Muslim.

Yeh but, Che Guevara looks cool on a T-shirt, Isis never will! Haha....


Not on BGD,s he doesnt he looks like Corbyn :laugh:

Edited by desertbred
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The dead terrorist will probably be bumming that other dead Ira terrorist tonight

That Ira terrorist your on about was the very man that fought tooth and nail for the pease process so let him RIP.


Did he fcuk


peace process..lol...prosesed fcukin peas..it was all a con job.

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