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9 minutes ago, WILF said:

Maybe it takes a mentally ill person to combat the mental illness effecting the world?

I have always respected you're views and pretty much agree with a lot you say. But if you think trump is going to change this world I think you are way off the mark on this one.

Look at the last idiot they had in the white house . Did f**k all tbh America is a f***ing joke. You slate our politicians and justified in a lot of cases but I'd have them any day of over the mutants they keep electing as president. Trump has achieved nothing and changed f**k all. 

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You no it makes sense mate, this one is also cat C sea worthy so I can really get on if needed and if nothing happens don’t think it’s a bad move anyway, like yourself have felt things were not right

You would think, with Bruce being Born in the USA, that he would know that Trump was always Born to Run for president. Trump is Tougher than the Rest & he’s got a Hungry Heart, he’s not going to l

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Fair enough mate, but we won’t know how Trump affected world politics until 5 or 10 years after he has left office......same as the full affects of Blair’s tenure are Even today still raising their ugly heads.

All I do know for sure is that every type of left wing prick and globalization politician are screaming about him like stuck pigs and that to me can only be a very good thing.

Hes a cock quiet obviously, but he’s a cock f***ing everyone I hate in the eye ;) 

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There all the same wilf.  They serve themselfs and the ones who orchestrated their  power,  and im not referring  to the electorate.  

Personally we are past the point  of ever stopping or changing anything. They have all angles covered. We would  lose if ever we challenged them.

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Trump is worst than  abbot lol, scot thats your opinionn you sound like your a bit mad, your watching to much cnn, msnbc etc.

Theve had complete an utter fools on, saying that trump is mentally ill haha, even tho these same fools have never met the man or had a chat with him, and its totally illegal to diagnose a patient, without medically examining them, your just repeating the cnn narrative, who clearly dont like trump.

Now your diagnosing trump with dementia without a medical test, dont be a fokl yourself scot, is there anything thats actually true what trump said or did, that you dont agree with?

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Trump is racist, a total tosser and got pissed on by the prossies in Moscow......that's OK if you're a normal lad.....not ok if you're the POTUS.....


said bad, bad things yesterday.....denies it today.......fake news MAGA......


but he's like really, really smart....genius smart actually....he's a fooking cock.....same as Boris....except Boris is eloquent and speaks posh.......way with Trump.....

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10 minutes ago, VOON said:

Trump is racist, a total tosser and got pissed on by the prossies in Moscow......that's OK if you're a normal lad.....not ok if you're the POTUS.....


said bad, bad things yesterday.....denies it today.......fake news MAGA......


but he's like really, really smart....genius smart actually....he's a fooking cock.....same as Boris....except Boris is eloquent and speaks posh.......way with Trump.....

Truth can be a bitter pill

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2 minutes ago, kanny said:

What's fake about it?

Don't know.....but from now on....anything that doesn't suit my agenda, I'm going to rubbish it as fake news and say MAGA.....seems to work for Trumpie....if you can't beat them join them...off out for a shine....enjoy the evening, Kanny....

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4 minutes ago, BGD said:

Kanny I was looking forward to the examples of folk in a "liberal rage" over Trump chickening out of his London visit, I could do with a laugh :D

I've just got in mate ....whining cnts on the radio today 

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4 minutes ago, VOON said:

Don't know.....but from now on....anything that doesn't suit my agenda, I'm going to rubbish it as fake news and say MAGA.....seems to work for Trumpie....if you can't beat them join them...off out for a shine....enjoy the evening, Kanny....

May the force be with you :thumbs:

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6 minutes ago, kanny said:

I've just got in mate ....whining cnts on the radio today 

And they were actually angry about him not coming and saying that he should come after all? All I've seen is people laughing about him changing his mind and a few folk disappointed they weren't going to get a chance to protest his visit, I certainly haven't seen anyone who was originally against the visit saying they think he should come now.


Sounds like fake news to me ;)

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