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Trump Under Fire

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  On 26/03/2019 at 14:59, WILF said:

Blimey, you lads are getting into The minutiae of it all and it’s too much for me.....so, seeing as you have to live under that government mate I’ll ask you a couple of simple things:

Is he mostly doing what he said he would do before he was elected?

What have been the positives and negatives to you as a private citizen under Trumps administration?

  1. No although he talks the talk. The situation is largely unchanged from the previous administration. Like the previous Presidents a lot is said and little is done. No real solutions have been offered and despite two years of having all three branches under his influence he's opted to squander the time.
  2. The only real negative for me personally is that my tax has gone up. His moving and shaking has been primarily for the benefit of large corporations. Overall negative is the cancer that is American politics but that's across the board not just his adminstration.
  On 26/03/2019 at 15:19, Francie said:

Because there's sensitive information, or classified information Chris an it has to be redacted first bud.


That's understandable and acceptable. Information that isn't for prying eyes shouldn't be made public. The point is that they've blocked releasing it after it's been redacted. Twice. Trumps appointed attorney general released a 4 page report exonnerating him, within two hours of it being submitted for review yet the Mueller report is over 20,000 pages and has involved multiple agencies and dozens of investigators. No one outside of team Don think that's sufficient oversight.

While yourself and others are cracking the champagne a lot of us not affiliated with any of these people want to know what's in the report and not what someone else made a summary of and despite a 420 - 0 vote to release it and Don himself saying he wants it released Mitch McConnell has blocked that release twice in as many days.

Hillary Clinton was cleared from any wrongdoing at Benghazi after 11 independent investigations and everyone still believes she's dirty. Why is any similar criticism of the Trump administration met with a disproportionate amount of scorn?

If he's done nothing wrong then why block political transparency? :hmm:

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You no it makes sense mate, this one is also cat C sea worthy so I can really get on if needed and if nothing happens don’t think it’s a bad move anyway, like yourself have felt things were not right

You would think, with Bruce being Born in the USA, that he would know that Trump was always Born to Run for president. Trump is Tougher than the Rest & he’s got a Hungry Heart, he’s not going to l

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  On 27/03/2019 at 17:50, ChrisJones said:
  1. No although he talks the talk. The situation is largely unchanged from the previous administration. Like the previous Presidents a lot is said and little is done. No real solutions have been offered and despite two years of having all three branches under his influence he's opted to squander the time.
  2. The only real negative for me personally is that my tax has gone up. His moving and shaking has been primarily for the benefit of large corporations. Overall negative is the cancer that is American politics but that's across the board not just his adminstration.

That's understandable and acceptable. Information that isn't for prying eyes shouldn't be made public. The point is that they've blocked releasing it after it's been redacted. Twice. Trumps appointed attorney general released a 4 page report exonnerating him, within two hours of it being submitted for review yet the Mueller report is over 20,000 pages and has involved multiple agencies and dozens of investigators. No one outside of team Don think that's sufficient oversight.

While yourself and others are cracking the champagne a lot of us not affiliated with any of these people want to know what's in the report and not what someone else made a summary of and despite a 420 - 0 vote to release it and Don himself saying he wants it released Mitch McConnell has blocked that release twice in as many days.

Hillary Clinton was cleared from any wrongdoing at Benghazi after 11 independent investigations and everyone still believes she's dirty. Why is any similar criticism of the Trump administration met with a disproportionate amount of scorn?

If he's done nothing wrong then why block political transparency? :hmm:


Sorry Chris you are the one who needs specs mate killary is guilty of Benghazi u know it  , that we all know that fkn Jesus Christ even knows it , if u asked Comey he knows It , if you had the chance to ask Hillary and umma they would tell ya she’s fkn guilty ask all the terrorists she armed they would even tell ya !  Hillary not guilty ??? she’s the more guilty than the most guilty person on death row in the whole world   Ask the fbi ! hold tight she had them bought n paid for  guess your glasses got steamed up with lynch and her lies ? 

Edited by green lurchers
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  On 27/03/2019 at 22:14, green lurchers said:

Sorry Chris you are the one who needs specs mate killary is guilty of Benghazi u know it  , that we all know that fkn Jesus Christ even knows it , if u asked Comey he knows It


The point is, mate, is that the same judicial system that found her innocent 11 times has just exonerated Donald. Actually scratch that because no one other than Mueller has actually looked into the report but Don's mouthpiece has blurted out a prepared statement without so much as a glance it appears. This is why we want to see what's in it before everyone on Team D starts cracking the champagne.

With all the calls of whitewash and witch hunt when it appeared to be going the wrong way how come there's integrity to the investigation all of a sudden? :hmm:

I honestly don't like Donnie. That's hardly a secret but as time goes on he's just proven that he's as f*ck*ng useless as the rest of them. All talk. As far the Mueller investigation has gone I've been pretty neutral until the due process worked it's course.

  On 27/03/2019 at 22:14, green lurchers said:

he’s the more guilty than the most guilty person on death row in the whole world   Ask the fbi !


We don't need to ask them, mate. They've found her not guilty 11 times. The same FBI that have just allegedly exonerated your man... Can you see why we're not exactly seeing a brief statement from a two year investigation as any form of closure? Compounded even more when McConnell has refused to release it to Congress and the public. Twice!

  On 27/03/2019 at 22:14, green lurchers said:

hold tight she had them bought n paid for  guess your glasses got steamed up with lynch and her lies ?


Before we get into steamed up glasses can you show me anywhere on THL I've supported/sided with any of the Clinton family? :hmm:Stating the fact she was cleared of wrong doing doesn't mean I don't think she was up to her neck in political filth her entire career...

You are utterly sure that she was guilty despite millions invested in the case and evidence to prove otherwise yet you're utterly sure that another millionaire couldn't possibly have had any influence over the same investigatory body? Despite the entire world being against Donald Trump he couldn't possibly get a fair hearing... Until it seemed to clear him. Yet this political machine that's had it in for him since day one hasn't managed to stick it to him... at least that we know of.

So is he innocent of all charges? Do we crack the champagne and celebrate a rare victory for his useless administration? Or do we get the actual report and see what is in it before we take a politicians word for it? :thumbs:

I know what I want to see! :laugh:

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This is to amusing Chris as you said they believe wholeheartedly with the decision for trump but won't for the other side conducted by same law enforcement.

This is the state of politics and the public today what a lot of shite it has become. 

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  On 28/03/2019 at 15:31, scothunter said:

This is to amusing Chris as you said they believe wholeheartedly with the decision for trump but won't for the other side conducted by same law enforcement.

This is the state of politics and the public today what a lot of shite it has become. 


Agreed, mate. It's a textbook double standard.

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Not an expert on politics in general and certainly not American politics, but I was under the impression the reason they believe the dons outcome and not the Hillary outcome is because the mueller team are all democrats so Hilary’s outcome was expected and dons was not ??

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  On 28/03/2019 at 16:47, Greyman said:

Not an expert on politics in general and certainly not American politics, but I was under the impression the reason they believe the dons outcome and not the Hillary outcome is because the mueller team are all democrats so Hilary’s outcome was expected and dons was not ??

  • Robert Mueller is a paid up card carrying Republican, registered in the District of Columbia. He's made many donations to their election campaigns at both statewide and national level.
  • US law forbids the use of political affiliation to bar candidates from federal jobs. That means they couldn't favour/discriminate for the position based on political party affiliation.
  • There will be democrats on the investigation team the same as republican and independents. The FBI, as most LE in the US, are overwhelmingly republican.

In an interesting who's f*ck*ng who comparison though...

  • Donald Trump donated five times to Hillary Clinton's senate campaign between 2002 and 2006, $4100 in total. He also donated to her initial presidential run in 2008. Twice. Totalling $2300.
  • Melania Trump donated to Hillary Clinton's senate run, in 2006. Once for $2000.
  • Ivanka Trump donated three times to Hillary Clinton's senate run in 2006, and 2007. Totalling $4400.
  • Don Jr donated three times to Hillary Clinton's senate run in 2006, and 2007. Totalling $6100. He donated a further $2300 to her initial presidential run.

So to be an expert on American politics just have a look at this picture...


... and that's all you need to know. :laugh:


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Take trump out the way and you’ll all be chanting 5 times a day acting out sharia law   getting away with murder oops selling uranium and paying to play fkn Jesus plenty on here need help lol  unless arming terrorists is something the sits ok with you and the USA morphing into a Mid East state well does it ????  ! As it did with Obama’s Clinton control then crack on ? and trump towers a great place ? and don whatever he’s guilty of bring more cos the dope heds are fkd and the spec savers just can’t see well enough and never will lol 

Edited by green lurchers
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