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Trump Under Fire

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27 minutes ago, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

What a crack up!

Arguing that Trump has signs of dementia by comparing him alongside all these globalists, politicians and monarchs who haven't a bloody clue what planet their own and are sucking all your taxes, pensions and opportunities dry right in front of your eyes!

You both deserve what you get?


Not arguing at all. Make up you're own mind. 

If a family member was acting like he is I'd have serious concerns about their mental state.



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You no it makes sense mate, this one is also cat C sea worthy so I can really get on if needed and if nothing happens don’t think it’s a bad move anyway, like yourself have felt things were not right

If Biden gets in he will have forgotten why in the morning .

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25 minutes ago, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

Obviously someone's doing something wrong eh? Maybe a good idea.

Oh I forgot, all the environmental organisations funded by all the usual suspects prevent people from making fire breaks aswell as the forestry commissions. 

No......that's got nothing to do with it!lol

Look at the data?

That's right mate. If someone goes out and rakes up all those leaves it will fix the problem for good. :rolleyes:

A more sensible response would be along the lines of "There's clearly an issue here and we need to look into how forest management needs to be improved to save lives, homes, and businesses."

Or he could've simply said nothing but instead chose to prattle on while everyone stood around hoping the world would open up and swallow them whole. :laugh:

Better still would have been refraining from flat out lying to everyone present as the Finnish president denies even discussing raking leaves as a method of prevention as the Finnish people have been posting pictures of themselves on social media mocking the sh*t out of him for even suggesting it! :laugh:

27 minutes ago, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

Look at the data?

Living in wildfire country I actually do a considerable amount of that. Here's a pic of this summer's fire taken from the end of the street...



... so when Donnie opens his mouth the old saying "You can't b*llsh*t a b*llsh*tt*r" springs to mind. :laugh:


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But the most glaring indictment of the Clinton Foundation came from what happened last year, after Hillary Clinton lost the election — and effectively ended her political career.
First, the Clinton's almost immediately shuttered the Clinton Global Initiative and laid off 22 employees.
Now, fresh financial documents show that contributions and grants to the Clinton Foundation plunged since Hillary lost her election bid. They dropped from $216 million in 2016 to just $26.5 million in 2017 — a stunning 88% fall. Throughout Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, the foundation pulled in an average of $254 million a year. (See chart below for a timeline.)
If the Clinton Foundation was as good as defenders claimed, why did all its big-time donors suddenly lose interest? The only reasonable explanation is that donors weren't interested in what the foundation supposedly did for humanity. They were interested in the political favors they knew their money would buy ,, just an add on 

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Clinton isn't president though.

Remember he was the one who said "I'll drain the swamp". 

Same here folk keep referring back to Blair lol

Trump is worse and folk keep saying "well look at the democrats" 


As I said he was the one who said he would make it fairer and have an open system no more lies blah blah blah.


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As we all know politicians lie dons no different . The degree of lie is the difference instead of bleating in  about his lies look at Barry’s and killarys lies  major league liars setting up Isis disrupting raping savaging  killing other country’s economy’s people in the name of humanity you must get things into perspective yes trump lies yes he spits his dummy out  so wat ? He’s put Kim in his place he’s got Americans back to work hes got no blood on he’s hands yet unlike the swamp leaders oh and the swamp foundation is down 200 mill year if he didn’t have the dems chucking shit at him 24 he might do more but for now wat about killary Russia and the urainium it sold them and the bung kill and bill slotted no mention of that on cnn msnbc lol it’s well and good saying forget about Hillary but I’m afraid the average joe who works in USA couldn’t  and will not forget in a hurry how close Hillary and Barry came to turning the USA into a Mid East sattalite state  now the dems have showed ther cards inc an open door to South America  and were quite happy to let it happen . This country could go the same way as Merkel  may macron are no different  and will sell ther country’s out traitor cnts 

Edited by green lurchers
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2 hours ago, green lurchers said:

As we all know politicians lie dons no different . The degree of lie is the difference instead of bleating in  about his lies look at Barry’s and killarys lies  major league liars setting up Isis disrupting raping savaging  killing other country’s economy’s people in the name of humanity you must get things into perspective yes trump lies yes he spits his dummy out  so wat ? He’s put Kim in his place he’s got Americans back to work hes got no blood on he’s hands yet unlike the swamp leaders oh and the swamp foundation is down 200 mill year if he didn’t have the dems chucking shit at him 24 he might do more but for now wat about killary Russia and the urainium it sold them and the bung kill and bill slotted no mention of that on cnn msnbc lol it’s well and good saying forget about Hillary but I’m afraid the average joe who works in USA couldn’t  and will not forget in a hurry how close Hillary and Barry came to turning the USA into a Mid East sattalite state  now the dems have showed ther cards inc an open door to South America  and were quite happy to let it happen . This country could go the same way as Merkel  may macron are no different  and will sell ther country’s out traitor cnts 

That wee c**t macron said he now has a hold over uk an its fishing waters because of the backstop, what a wee wanker he is, typical commie looking to keep a share of something aint his

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37 minutes ago, Francie said:
2 hours ago, green lurchers said:

As we all know politicians lie dons no different . The degree of lie is the difference instead of bleating in  about his lies look at Barry’s and killarys lies  major league liars setting up Isis disrupting raping savaging  killing other country’s economy’s people in the name of humanity you must get things into perspective yes trump lies yes he spits his dummy out  so wat ? He’s put Kim in his place he’s got Americans back to work hes got no blood on he’s hands yet unlike the swamp leaders oh and the swamp foundation is down 200 mill year if he didn’t have the dems chucking shit at him 24 he might do more but for now wat about killary Russia and the urainium it sold them and the bung kill and bill slotted no mention of that on cnn msnbc lol it’s well and good saying forget about Hillary but I’m afraid the average joe who works in USA couldn’t  and will not forget in a hurry how close Hillary and Barry came to turning the USA into a Mid East sattalite state  now the dems have showed ther cards inc an open door to South America  and were quite happy to let it happen . This country could go the same way as Merkel  may macron are no different  and will sell ther country’s out traitor cnts 

That wee c**t macron said he now has a hold over uk an its fishing waters because of the backstop, what a wee wanker he is, typical commie looking to keep a share of something aint his

Francie a vote for the shinners is a vote for macron and they’re ilk, they’re at it too, 

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On 27 November 2018 at 10:08, green lurchers said:

As we all know politicians lie dons no different . The degree of lie is the difference instead of bleating in  about his lies look at Barry’s and killarys lies  major league liars setting up Isis disrupting raping savaging  killing other country’s economy’s people in the name of humanity you must get things into perspective yes trump lies yes he spits his dummy out  so wat ? He’s put Kim in his place he’s got Americans back to work hes got no blood on he’s hands yet unlike the swamp leaders oh and the swamp foundation is down 200 mill year if he didn’t have the dems chucking shit at him 24 he might do more but for now wat about killary Russia and the urainium it sold them and the bung kill and bill slotted no mention of that on cnn msnbc lol it’s well and good saying forget about Hillary but I’m afraid the average joe who works in USA couldn’t  and will not forget in a hurry how close Hillary and Barry came to turning the USA into a Mid East sattalite state  now the dems have showed ther cards inc an open door to South America  and were quite happy to let it happen . This country could go the same way as Merkel  may macron are no different  and will sell ther country’s out traitor cnts 


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46 minutes ago, VOON said:

lock him up, lock him up...


drain the swamp, drain the swamp....


Make The World Great Again


We all have different opinions...but to use such discredited media outlets as a point of any reliable reference really is laughable mate. 

Either your a complete idiot or someone that was bullied as a kid and you relish the opportunity to be a brown shirt for the biggest political bullying and smear campaign that's ever existed. 

I think your probably both.

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