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  On 20/06/2018 at 21:12, Born Hunter said:

I can't believe you're still talking about children in cages, we've been doing that for thousands of years. Old news.

What we haven't been doing for thousands of years is building a space army! A f***ing space force! I love it. Sign me up for the USS Battlestar Gallactica!



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You no it makes sense mate, this one is also cat C sea worthy so I can really get on if needed and if nothing happens don’t think it’s a bad move anyway, like yourself have felt things were not right

You would think, with Bruce being Born in the USA, that he would know that Trump was always Born to Run for president. Trump is Tougher than the Rest & he’s got a Hungry Heart, he’s not going to l

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  On 21/06/2018 at 17:10, Born Hunter said:

Are you intentionally confusing Battlestar Gallactica with Stargate to 'trigger' outrage from my inner nerd?

Both fantastic shows btw.

But yeah I would probably be Daniel, lol.


Fukc off you would be sheldon lol .......

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 Once there were many heroes like this




thankfully we still have the odd survivors from those days.


For me, it began near dusk on a day near the end of April 1945 when my RAF unit made camp close to the Dutch-German border.

In the distance, artillery rumbled, sounding to my ear like thunder did when it struck the moors, miles from my mother’s one-up-one-down house in an ugly part of Halifax. The fragrance of spring flowers coming into bloom jarred against the remnants of war that surrounded me, from burnt-out German vehicles to the bloated corpses of horses that lay at the side of the roadway.

All of Europe ached from the pain of battle, hunger, injury, loss, and death. We were a generation bleeding out from the madness of fascism that had butchered a continent. Humanity, however, hadn’t deserted my generation even if the war had stolen our innocence.

That’s why, on that night, when scores of refugee children came to our perimeter fence enticed by the smell of stew that cooked on our camp stoves, we didn’t turn our backs on those children, like so many well-fed people do today in Europe and America. No, we fed them, played with them and gave them a safe place to kip until the Red Cross arrived and took them to safety.  




Edited by sandymere
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Here we go again you have a different opinion you're an idiot or heads up you're arse. 

Exactly the point I was making earlier. Politics has become a joke.

No debate no discussion no trying to persuade each other .

If that news reader got an Oscar then that other women should get best supporting actor award. 


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  On 20/06/2018 at 19:07, Francie said:

Yes there are john, it was obama who put them in cage as you say, not trump.

There caught out lying again 


Sorry mate it was actually the Bush administration that started it. It was scaled back under the Obama administration and cranked back up under Trump. No one has really given a sh*t since it started but now it's a political football.

  On 20/06/2018 at 20:20, WILF said:

Trump just signed an executive order to end family separation for illegals........what have our resident couple of fannies got to add to that?

I suppose that was bad was it ya wankers? Lol 


Here's the kicker. He's doing what every president in the last 40 years has done to save face. The executive order. It's not a magic wand that will suddenly end this travesty its point of order that says he wants this to be discussed urgently in both Congress and the Senate. It certainly won't repeal the law that was brought in by the Bush administration. The only change will see them scaling back the enforcement of separating children from their families. They'll simply re-adopt Barry's policing strategy.

In other news house speaker, Sarah Sanders joined a growing list of Don's aides who have been asked to leave restaurants because of who they are and who they represent. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

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  On 24/06/2018 at 13:07, scothunter said:

Here we go again you have a different opinion you're an idiot or heads up you're arse. 

Exactly the point I was making earlier. Politics has become a joke.

No debate no discussion no trying to persuade each other .

If that news reader got an Oscar then that other women should get best supporting actor award. 



Was nothing to do with sandys opinion scot, we all know what that is an thats all his, its the comparison between children in ww2 an illegal immigrants lol

An that ladies story is 100% true, she did lose her son, the info is easily sourced.

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See, this is what I don’t get.........

Now I have said till I’m blue in the face that I don’t think Trump is where anyone wants to end up at but what he is on lots of things is “Not them!”

Our democracy, our freedom and our cultures are absolutely f****d and I mean f****d !.......the attack has been vicious, continuous and is relentless.

And let me tell you this my friends, they are winning !.......them c**ts are f***ing winning so what you gonna do ?

Slag off the only bone you have been thrown in The last 20+ years and the only one you are likely to get thrown because make no mistake, they won’t f**k up again and let the likes of Trump win again........the campaign has already started and the worst bit is, we are f***ing helping them !!

At the end of Trumps term when you get a new Obama or Blair dont f***ing cry because YOU did to yourselves.......he ain’t the answer but he is all we have f***ing got ! 

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