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Trump Under Fire

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You no it makes sense mate, this one is also cat C sea worthy so I can really get on if needed and if nothing happens don’t think it’s a bad move anyway, like yourself have felt things were not right

If Biden gets in he will have forgotten why in the morning .

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even by his standards that is bizzare, and folk think he's f***ing normal lol
You don't have to be normal to save the world mate......;-)
I can't say I have ever heard anyone call Trump normal...
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Can someone tell me what Trump has wanted ed to do that's not normal?


Wanting to stop travel from countries that basically hate you!.......normal


Wanting to put Christianity back in the class room of a Christian country......normal


Being anti killing babies........normal


Wanting to put Americans first in America......normal


Wanting to make it more difficult for other countries to undercut American industry.......normal


Pulling out of a climate deal where you are basically paying other countries with YOUR taxpayers money to ignore it and produce good cheaper than your own industry.......normal


So tell me, what is it exactly about Trump that's not normal ?

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Can someone tell me what Trump has wanted ed to do that's not normal?

Roll back environmental protection, to allow corporations to use more public lands for profit. Invade NK, and play golf! :laugh:


Wanting to stop travel from countries that basically hate you!.......normal

He could've done that but he used the word 'muslim.' That's against the 1st amendment, as it forbids laws that discriminate against any religion. If he was normal he could've gotten a travel ban very easily but he has a tendency towards bullshittery. He also failed to list a country that had some of it's citizens commit the worst terrorist attrocity on US soil.


Also there is little evidence that immigration into the US has increased the crime rate but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that areas with higher populations of immigrants have lower crime rates. That's made using 'The Sky Is Falling' a difficult argument to change the law.


Wanting to put Christianity back in the class room of a Christian country......normal

Despite the shift in demographics, since the 50's, the US is not a christian country. It was founded as a secular republic. Also the 1st amendment forbids a state sponsored religion. Christianity in the class room is strictly for information purposes. :thumbs:


Being anti killing babies........normal


Whilst simultaneously bombing them like his predecessor, and his predecessor, an so on... Restricting their access to healthcare, and food...


Wanting to put extremely wealthy Americans first in America......normal

Fixed that one for ya! ;)


Wanting to make it more difficult for other countries to undercut American industry.......normal

Whilst simultaneously outsourcing labour to other countries, and installing a framework that restricts competition. American industry has to move with the times, as does everyone else.


Pulling out of a climate deal where you are basically paying other countries with YOUR taxpayers money to ignore it and produce good cheaper than your own industry.......normal

Against the wishes of the majority of Americans is seems, they're pretty big on clean air, and clean water, at the minute. :laugh:


Don's got 9/10 for rhetoric, but only 2/10 for substance.



Edited by ChrisJones
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Can someone tell me what Trump has wanted ed to do that's not normal?

Wanting to stop travel from countries that basically hate you!.......normal

Wanting to put Christianity back in the class room of a Christian country......normal

Being anti killing babies........normal

Wanting to put Americans first in America......normal

Wanting to make it more difficult for other countries to undercut American industry.......normal

Pulling out of a climate deal where you are basically paying other countries with YOUR taxpayers money to ignore it and produce good cheaper than your own industry.......normal

So tell me, what is it exactly about Trump that's not normal ?

exactly wilf and God bless him too
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Big lad, I know you live there and I don't so it's a given you will be more aware of the situation on the ground, however I'll point out a couple of things.


The US and Christianity.......

"One nation under God......etc etc etc" (just looked it up and not added until the 50s I see)

The founding fathers were Christian men, the constitution was written (as far as I know) by Christian men based in Christian principals, a separation of church and state but the dream was a moral, just, Christian country was it not?


Rhetoric from both sides I'm sure you will agree........I doubt a chemical soup has started running from the taps has it?.......they save that for feeding the cows ;)


Abortion claims 50 million children a year!.......now I know the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas of this world have had a good go.......but they ain't even in the same league as abortion clinic doctors........them boys sure know how to make the bodies stack up ;)


The wealthy have always been on top since man came into existence.......the stronger man, the best hunter, the best breeder, the man with money.........nothing new there.

But a land based on Christian principals advises that he use that wealth to do good things........or we could just stick to the current state legislated robbery........at least we have foodbanks huh ;)


No one is going to let this fella win, that much is clear........I don't think the world has the guts for it personally.

But someone's going to have to bite the bullet one day for change because this train is heading clean off the rails of liberty.

Edited by WILF
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The US and Christianity.......

"One nation under God......etc etc etc" (just looked it up and not added until the 50s I see)

The founding fathers were Christian men, the constitution was written (as far as I know) by Christian men based in Christian principals, a separation of church and state but the dream was a moral, just, Christian country was it not?


If you're thinking of the puritan fathers then they were indeed christian men. They fled England because their practices/beliefs were considered unscriptural by the then Archbishop of Canterbury (William Laud if you fancy a Google.) They attempted to colonise the Americas as a Christian nation. They created their congregational churches and ruled as all dark churches have done. Tax and execution for heresy.


The founding father's (a century and a half later) were indeed christian men. Most protestant, or offshoot, but three were Roman catholic. 18th century everywhere pretty much dictated that white guys, in power, were christian but the private views of the founding fathers shed light on their degree of religious activity. Numerous sources indicate that non-christian deism was the driving factor behind the republic, have a Google if you're interested. Washington never received communion in his adult life.


Washington took the oath, as the first president, to "faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States" and pledging to the best of his ability to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." the constitution doesn't make any reference whatsoever to God or divine rule, citing as its sole authority "the people of the United States." That's the important bit because it brings us to the first amendment, and the foundation of the secular state.


It reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


Pray. Don't. It's none of my business.


The senate proposed a possible establishment of a christian religion/orthodoxy, but the house of representatives rejected it. No church of the United States. America would not represent itself to the world as a christian republic. There a numerous quotations from the likes of Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, etc, etc that clearly draw line as to federal meddling in what is a liberty issue between man and his chosen (or not) deity.


I'm not disputing the influence of christianity on the founding of the nation, but equal credit has to be given to reason and intelligence by men who were anti-clerical at best. Athiest at worst.


Abortion claims 50 million children a year!.......now I know the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas of this world have had a good go.......but they ain't even in the same league as abortion clinic doctors........them boys sure know how to make the bodies stack up ;)

With all due respect, sir, I refuse to be drawn into an abortion discussion. No uterus. No opinion. ;)


Cutting food stamps and medical coverage for the most vulnerable children in society is disgusting. This is the proposal of a christian majority that are currently governing. Not very christ like. :no:


The wealthy have always been on top since man came into existence.......the stronger man, the best hunter, the best breeder, the man with money.........nothing new there.

But a land based on Christian principals advises that he use that wealth to do good things........or we could just stick to the current state legislated robbery........at least we have foodbanks huh ;)


No one is going to let this fella win, that much is clear........I don't think the world has the guts for it personally.

But someone's going to have to bite the bullet one day for change because this train is heading clean off the rails of liberty.

Fair comments, mate, but I refer the honourable gentlemen to the comments I've made elsewhere on this forum. I judge the man on his actions, not his words. I applaud the idea of bringing in private sector analysts to eliminate public sector waste and if he leaves the place better than he found it his tenure will be a success. Don's promised a hell of a lot but he hasn't actually delivered anything. Deep cuts to education. Deep cuts to medical coverage for the elderly, veterans, and kids. He's removed a lot of environmental protection legislation. He's basically penalised anyone that doesn't make $300,000+ a year. He then pledges over $700bn to the military! That's a lot of textbooks, a lot of meals, and a lot of elderly people, and ex-servicemen/women that require immediate attention.


We want Don to do the right thing. We want Don to succeed. This isn't a case of pointing the finger and saying 'Look At This C**t' because what he does/doesn't effects the constitutionally mandated right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of every single one of my neighbours. Pointing the finger and blaming doesn't solve anything, only compromise and action does.


Why this thread is still going is to highlight that the poster boy of the populist right (and THL favourite) isn't doing such a great job at the minute. If it's all for nothing and we're all doomed from the off then it highlights the need to parody him even more. You can't say he's having a bad time of it and say they're out to get him, and then say politicians are all parasites in another thread. If it highlights his failings and someone votes for something else based on that information then it's worth the five minutes of typing.


Judge him on his actions. Not his words. ;)

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Thank my friend, always clearly explained and always an education.

I tend to take the most simplistic view because I'm not too clever, he's not "them" so get behind him and see how a "not them" pans out.

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Thank my friend, always clearly explained and always an education.

I tend to take the most simplistic view because I'm not too clever, he's not "them" so get behind him and see how a "not them" pans out.

Likewise, my friend. Always a pleasure to engage in this kind of discourse. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. :thumbs:

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Does the presidents swear on the bible, in the innauguration? Yes, what does it say on the american money, in God we trust.


Whats that all about chris mate, lol


No matter what the non beleivers say, God of the bible is in charge,?

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