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I can tell its winter because...

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Ive just got ready to go out tonight for a few :drink: And instead of the usual "Girls Aloud" style outfits tits oe ass out - Ive opted to wear a jumper and jeans! :icon_eek:

I can also tell its winter because i have bronzing powder on my face to stop me looking like "winter rigomortis" :blink:

And also because i am sat here shivering but that maybe due to the fact my boss will be in the pub tonight and i didnt turn up for work this morning! :icon_redface: - Was too cold to get out of bed!!!! :angel:


When do you know its offcially winter....?

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When do you know its offcially winter....?


When my nipples are like hard midget gems and my balls go the size and texture of a golf ball!! :tongue2:


:clapper::clapper::clapper: Golf ball? you lucky bugger i wish for that in the summer :clapper::clapper:


you know its winter when you cant breath in the house because your missus has the heating on full :wallbash:

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i know it's offically winter when my legs can hardly carry me with all the fooking walking i'm doing. the again my six pack has come on leaps and bounds, and my biceps form carting all the shooting shit about the place, oh i only wish :icon_redface: had you all going eh......

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