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A Bit More Practice On Those Standing Shots

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I got to work nice and early this morning so, I thought, sod it, I'll practice some standing shots in the warehouse while no one else is here.


I took the .177 HW97kt in and, after a few warm up shots, I took 10 shots at each target from 20yrds.


Now, here's the bit I wanted to try - I did the first 10 shots right handed, then the second 10 shots left handed.

....... The left handed shots felt really feckin weird - everything about it was just odd - head position, stance, totally different kind of wobble. It took a lot of focus.

...... I don't think I'll be trying that too often.


I'm fairly pleased with the groupings but, there's definitely room for improvement.


Also, I'm really liking this 97, it just seems to fit me well.



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Well I will tell you this Jon...................................left handed, bloody good on yer mate because that is very impressive for a right handed shooter. Must have a go at that for the sheer hell of it.



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  On 19/03/2017 at 10:57, philpot said:

Well I will tell you this Jon...................................left handed, bloody good on yer mate because that is very impressive for a right handed shooter. Must have a go at that for the sheer hell of it.



Cheers Phil :thumbs:


It did feel very alien. I've never tried it before so it was definitely a challenge.


Being right handed, I thought I might have more control with that as the supporting arm but, I found that everything else fights against it.


Give it a whirl mate - good luck :)

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  On 19/03/2017 at 13:16, RSVNelly said:

Decent shooting JJ from standing unsupported ??

I've got to admit I always tend to try and stabilise the position a bit more with the use of the sling.

I must admit mate, I don't go for those type shots when I'm out with a springer if there's any other way. I much prefer some kind of support.

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  On 19/03/2017 at 14:01, si brown said:

as if... thats ace jon :thumbs:

I've tried left handed and i couldn't hit a barn door never mind a shoot n see :laugh:

Oh mate, that was bloody hard work - like I said, it's so unnatural and everything is fighting is against you.


I had to at least hit the target - I'd be in deep shit if I put pellet holes in the wall at work :laugh:

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