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Sad that someone died but saying that chargers should carry warnings is ridiculous...it's common f***ing knowledge that electricity and water don't mix...even my 5 year old daughter knows that

Edited by daveee88
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That doesn't make sense the element of the charger should only be 5 volts or 1 amp coming from transformer so dropping the phone and lead of charger in bath shouldn't of killed him unless he dropped the plug and extension lead in.Either way a stupid thing to do and a warning sticker won't change stupidity it's like putting a sticker on a gun saying don't fire if pointing in your face.

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I bought some jig heads recently that had a warning on the packet saying that they may contain hooks and they were not for human consumption. I'd have sent them back if there were no hooks on them and why they feel the need to warn people not to eat a lead ball with a big hook stuck in it is a mystery.

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I bought some jig heads recently that had a warning on the packet saying that they may contain hooks and they were not for human consumption. I'd have sent them back if there were no hooks on them and why they feel the need to warn people not to eat a lead ball with a big hook stuck in it is a mystery.



Awhile back aldi recalled packets of nut because it didn't say my contain nuts

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Never underestimate stupidity. By putting warnings on everything (don't poke this pencil in your eye) (don't drink this battery acid), the manufacturers are just ensuring that the stupid dead person's family can't sue them.

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