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How did they know thats what they took?i wonder how many thl users are on it lol

Judgin by some a the shite spouted on here, id say more than ye think haha

do you not realise your the mouthiest piece of shit on here.

Still not ginger tho


keep trying though,you white harvey.haha

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Jon Jon walk 2 miles in them boys shoes ..... Feckin knob

I kinda see where you're coming from mate but some junkies don't help themselves...addiction is precisely that but no one forced them to start taking drugs in the first place. Edited by daveee88
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Aye till its yer son or daughter or a relative .......f**k them all eh



I have family members an close friends who ruined themselves with Drugs it was their choice so fcuk them all. There's more help out there for junkies cnuts get everything they don't have to work get free travel methadone tablets social workers at their beck and call. cull the lot of them.

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Jon Jon walk 2 miles in them boys shoes ..... Feckin knob

Bollocks. It was their choice to start taking it in the first place.


I've got more common sense than to walk a yard in their shoes.


....... dick head.

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Jon Jon walk 2 miles in them boys shoes ..... Feckin knob

Bollocks. It was their choice to start taking it in the first place.


I've got more common sense than to walk a yard in their shoes.


....... dick head.


Fcuking spot on mate on all acounts .

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