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Rifle for Rabbit & Fox

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I use a 17HMR for this, I'm sure others will have other ideas but I'll explain why its my choice.


As a rimfire rifle, it is often easier to get this on your FAC than a centerfire and or a centerfire and a .22 for the bunnies if its a first rifle. For some reason the police are of the opinion that "little" rimmy cals are less fdangerous than cf cals.


Its relativly quiet, with a mod compared to a cf. noisier than .22sub.

The trajectory of the bullet is very flat.

Does not ricochet like a 22, the head hits bone and its game over.

It can be used "legally" ie specified on your FAC for both rabbit and fox.

Up to 150 meters everything is dead.


On the minus side;

rounds are expensive, £10 for 50 compared to £3+ for .22; about the same or a little less than cf rounds.

It doesn't have the range on larger vermin that a cf does

The mess it makes of bunnies means there is little left for the pot.


All in all I feel the +'s outweigh the -'s so thats why its my choise for just that job. Price wise, if you go with good but basic CZ they are the same (ish) as their .22, so kitting out it quite cost effective compared with some of the larger cals.


CZ varmint, sak mod, Schmidt scope, Harris bi-pod;


put a half decent scope on and forget the bi pod and you'll do it new for under £500

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Guest JohnGalway

Are you wanting the rabbits for eating? Because if you are, and still want a long range fox rifle I'm afraid of the new I have for you.


The best compromise calibres in my opinion (and what do I know) are .22WMR or .22Hornet. Both have problems, Wmr is a rinfire with it's loopy trajectory. Hornet ammo will be expensive, and probably overkill on rabbit anyhow.


.17HMR will be mentioned, I don't think it's suitable as a foxing rifle plain and simple, good on headshooting rabbits and busting safely landed winged vermin though.


My honest advice to you is buy two rifles.


Either a .22lr or .17HMR for the rabbits. Then move up to either a .223, .22-250 or even a .243 if you can get away with it for the foxes.

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  JohnGalway said:
Are you wanting the rabbits for eating? Because if you are, and still want a long range fox rifle I'm afraid of the new I have for you.


The best compromise calibres in my opinion (and what do I know) are .22WMR or .22Hornet. Both have problems, Wmr is a rinfire with it's loopy trajectory. Hornet ammo will be expensive, and probably overkill on rabbit anyhow.


.17HMR will be mentioned, I don't think it's suitable as a foxing rifle plain and simple, good on headshooting rabbits and busting safely landed winged vermin though.


My honest advice to you is buy two rifles.


Either a .22lr or .17HMR for the rabbits. Then move up to either a .223, .22-250 or even a .243 if you can get away with it for the foxes.


I'd say the exactly the same john..

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This is going to depend on the way your firearms region view the situation more than what is the correct gun.


Some of the main rimfire range .22LR, .22WMR, .17HMR and the .17Mach2 could be considered a long range rabbit tool, and a fox tool, but it is quite possible your FLO will not consider that to be the case.


Then you look at the .22 centrefire calibres which most FLO's are quite happy for fox but you may have a job getting these on your ticket for small ground game and vermin (rabbit).


If you are trying to go for 1 gun then a .22WMR or a .223REM.


Loads of people will argue on this one and you may well have a problem finding one gun for both uses.


Why don't you just talk to your Firearms office or your FLO, most are quite approachable, and ask them what they suggest/will let you have?


EDIT John& Ian got in as I was writing this but as you can see I basically agree with both of them!!!!

Edited by Deker
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Guest bruno527

.22 hornet 'hands down'..........no other option :yes:


as for the .17 lmao...blades of grass deflect the round, its so light, wind throws the accuracy to 'the wind' :thumbdown:


hmr is a very expensive round& also hornet can be reloaded!



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  bruno527 said:
.22 hornet 'hands down'..........no other option :yes:


as for the .17 lmao...blades of grass deflect the round, its so light, wind throws the accuracy to 'the wind' :thumbdown:


hmr is a very expensive round& also hornet can be reloaded!




all you do in this situation is to have the wind at o value, facing straight to you or blowing from straight behind you. hornet for rabbits isn't an option, if it's for the table .22lr, or accurate shots to the head with the .17,

my advice is also the two rifle route, .22lr, and .223 22-250 for the foxes and if you want to go all out try for the .243. :thumbs:

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  • 1 year later...
  dartmoorman said:
I gotta go with John. Two rifles - .22LR for rabbits and a 223 or 222.50 for foxes. I know there is a lot of hype about the .17, but I have been shooting rabbits for around 37 years, and I dont think you can beat the good old .22LR workhorse......Cheap too!



Yup, there isn't a better tool for pot or problem rabbits than the .22 rimfire but with good, subsonic ammo, it makes all the difference. That does for zero to say 80 yds, can be longer, but is near silent and if you have loads to shoot offends no one, quiet is quite important sometimes.


I have to say I've only just set up with the .17hmr. Fantastic round for crows (grounded) etc out to 150yds or so. Shoots more accurately than I generally can, but it's a real confidence basher when the least bit of wind blows, easily shooting 3 or 4 inches wide at 100yds in relatively low cross winds.

I would have no hesitation shooting the odd fox with either at sensible range, but if I specifically wanted to go foxing I'd get a .223, infact there's a unfilled slot on my ticket for one. ;)

Edited by cyclonebri1
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