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Holy smokes! Mate, setting the traps properly and chuckinhg the traplines is what you need to be doing.   Bait for mole traps??? I've heard it all!!! ??

A grands worth ,, , mate you really should have found this forum earlier ...

a grands worth...part time for beer money...

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Putanges ordered. Looking forward to trying them out.

Make sure you attached the trigger to the trap with some cordage, weather them well because there easier to set when slightly rusty and set the trigger slightly further away from the jaws than the instructions tell you cause this stops the mole been caught by its front feet. Good luck [bANNED TEXT]

I don't think to weather the trap is the way to go. The triggers set easy if you put them in square and I think it would push over easier without rust to hinder the process...


I Might be wrong and it won't be the first time.

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Putanges ordered. Looking forward to trying them out.

Make sure you attached the trigger to the trap with some cordage, weather them well because there easier to set when slightly rusty and set the trigger slightly further away from the jaws than the instructions tell you cause this stops the mole been caught by its front feet. Good luck [bANNED TEXT]

I don't think to weather the trap is the way to go. The triggers set easy if you put them in square and I think it would push over easier without rust to hinder the process...

I Might be wrong and it won't be the first time.

If it works for you stick with it. For my I found the traps would go off whilst placing them and also if moley moving earth it helps stop the trap going off prematurely
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Caught a problem mole this afternoon that had been a right so and so. The clients gardener had been after him with all sorts including some nasty old scissor traps - so moley was well spooked. I eventually got him under a railway sleeper with a Trapline. Me Putangs have still not turned up.

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If you bought your putanges from Norfolktrapper his postage time is up to 8 working days a's it sas on his website. They will turn up.

They turned up. Set 10 against 10 trapline today. My first outing with putanges. I like the fact you can get the business end much further into the run than traplines. Also good that you can anchor them in place which stops the quarry dislodging them. On the minus side, side The gape of the jaws seems quite small. I measured it against the shoulders of a big boar and couldn't see how the animal could fit through it !??
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On the minus side, side The gape of the jaws seems quite small. I measured it against the shoulders of a big boar and couldn't see how the animal could fit through it !??




It amazes me the gaps that they can riggle or squeeze through,like through tree roots and very stoney soil . They twist & manuver themselves about as the search tight or narrow runs and galleries daily so dont be surprised to see moles caught on there sides alot with putanges some certainly have to be seen to be believed.

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If you bought your putanges from Norfolktrapper his postage time is up to 8 working days a's it sas on his website. They will turn up.

They turned up. Set 10 against 10 trapline today. My first outing with putanges. I like the fact you can get the business end much further into the run than traplines. Also good that you can anchor them in place which stops the quarry dislodging them. On the minus side, side The gape of the jaws seems quite small. I measured it against the shoulders of a big boar and couldn't see how the animal could fit through it !??


I always set my putanges with the so called square more of a rectangle on mine turned to its widest lenght,and put the trigger closer to the jaws then probally most people and I always have great succes with them,always a neck chest area clean kill,give them a brush up with a fine wire brush were the trigger fits every time you reset I use a spark plug wire brush there cheep as chips, set the trigger fine but not to much of a hair trigger and you should be catching,I found Putanges like learning to ride a bike ones your up a going its plain sailing lol.

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If you bought your putanges from Norfolktrapper his postage time is up to 8 working days a's it sas on his website. They will turn up.


They turned up. Set 10 against 10 trapline today. My first outing with putanges. I like the fact you can get the business end much further into the run than traplines. Also good that you can anchor them in place which stops the quarry dislodging them. On the minus side, side The gape of the jaws seems quite small. I measured it against the shoulders of a big boar and couldn't see how the animal could fit through it !??

I always set my putanges with the so called square more of a rectangle on mine turned to its widest lenght,and put the trigger closer to the jaws then probally most people and I always have great succes with them,always a neck chest area clean kill,give them a brush up with a fine wire brush were the trigger fits every time you reset I use a spark plug wire brush there cheep as chips, set the trigger fine but not to much of a hair trigger and you should be catching,I found Putanges like learning to ride a bike ones your up a going its plain sailing lol.

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I'm doing a little experiment with fishing ground bait additive. They sell stuff like 'liquid worms' you can add to your carp chum, and I'm wondering if a squirt of this on a bit of cotton wool set behind the trap trigger might make the difference between a mole bulldozing earth or obliging with a headlong charge for a clean kill.

Now I know there ain't nothing new under the sun and someone out there has probably already tried this, but anything to reduce the number of foul catches...

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Lethal edge?? I hope you don't have access to sharp instruments!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Do you ever get the feeling that there is a split personality lurking behind the names on the forum? LuckOrJudgement, Molekatcher, Shropshire Mole - all the same kind of posts...??? :blink:

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