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Think most lurchers are capable of what your asking

Anything except a fkn saluki

Forget to say Liverpool residents not allowed to answer they only get meat from Tesco any way

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  On 27/02/2017 at 19:25, nothernlite said:

Think most lurchers are capable of what your asking

Was thinking that. The original question is a tad vague, and as you say, I would expect the majority of types/crosses to be capable of it

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  On 27/02/2017 at 17:46, leethedog said:


  On 27/02/2017 at 17:41, slip lead said:

Depends how big your family is.

If you have 5 kids and a wife, pointless catching hares and rabbits.

Best dog I ever seen providing for a large family was a 1/4 alsatian 3/4 greyhound.

Caught hundreds of fallow back in the day.

But I think you will have trouble finding a good alsatian, probably better with a mal cross..

Better delete that post mate or bird will be all over ya lol


haha :thumbs: well being honest mate, the best catch dog i've had , as a lurcher x lurcher bitch , she was 25 in brindle smooth coated , she was mainly greyhound,whippet, and god knows lol. But she was good dog, had few hares in the day , good in the lamp plenty rabbits, she kill foxes easy , didnt do much deer back then, had few munjacks thats it . but most dogs will pull deer down , she would of made easy work of them deff :yes: . But unfortunately she had real bad injury one night, she had cruciate ligament tear , and never ran again proper , i had 12 rabbits and a fox that night, she was going great , then her knee went. she was 4 1/2 kept till she died 14 as pet. there deff some great lurcher x lurcher out from proven dogs doing great jobs , but with anything you need that bit of luck picking a pup today as there all different abilities even in the same litter . on paper a good x is pit x grey x saluki x grey , dont think you go wrong with one of them good dogs :thumbs:

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cant be dependent on a dog or one dog to put the food on the tabble ,good take dogs come in diffrent sizes breeds ,if putting food on a tabble it would have to be more of the man in the house than what breed of dog ,snaring trapping shooting fishing and then a dog reared to take all game no matter of what breed ,so maybe it would have to be a good man with a dog and knowing how to supply meat for the table for his family atb bobza

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  On 27/02/2017 at 20:54, bobza said:

cant be dependent on a dog or one dog to put the food on the tabble ,good take dogs come in diffrent sizes breeds ,if putting food on a tabble it would have to be more of the man in the house than what breed of dog ,snaring trapping shooting fishing and then a dog reared to take all game no matter of what breed ,so maybe it would have to be a good man with a dog and knowing how to supply meat for the table for his family atb bobza

Has your kebab wrap turned up yet ?
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  On 28/02/2017 at 06:11, edrd said:


  On 27/02/2017 at 15:41, desertbred said:

if you were dependant on a Dog to put your food on the table daily in any location terrain and climate what breed or x and

that's some way to talk about your woman DB


careful dont over step the mark

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