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Wrongfully Arrested Accused

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Yes, every single time

I got life and had to share a room with this c**t. Every f****n day I woke up to find the same c**t just looking at me. Ate, shit and slept together. oh no wait....thats marriage.

No mate, they will wait until his bail date unless he was arrested for something very tasty and they want him off the streets. Nowerdays the police cant go around arresting people willy nilly, they n

Yeah only ever been nicked twice and both was wrongly accused. And both nfa .never been in court.. my old man was nicked last week wrongfully aswell just because hes had previous and done heavy time only nicked as he was known to be in the area ... nearly got remanded aswell. Wankers

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Got picked up twice after 2 muppets said I'd threatened to shoot them also got picked up for a post office job just because I knew the bloke that did it . Never got charged with any of them because there was absolutely no evidence or witnesses to the first 2 despite them telling me there was . They never even interviewed me and wouldn't let me see a brief for a day and a half then just realeased me . They didn't charge me for the post office either because I had a cast iron alibi and the bloke who did it held his hands up and told them I had nothing to do with it .

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Nope, iv done everything i ever got caught for haha luckily i got away with a bit as well tho haha

Sayin that i was once accused of havin a good dog, a night out soon proved otherwise haha


Same as myself pal I've always being guilty of what I was nicked for. But I was never acused of having a good dog that must have been nice for you.

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I spent two weeks in a foreign jail after being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was released without charge once they had checked my background.

Can you tell us more about your experience ?
This is quite funny looking back on it but it wasn't at the time. I don't want to go I to the details of where or what I was doing but I ended up getting stopped at an army checkpoint. I had a British passport and camera in my pocket, they put two and two together and got seven, and assumed I was a spy. Then it was off to small military prison where I was interviewed and sat in limbo for two weeks. Conditions and food were fine in a large communal cell with soldiers, civilians, men and women, all watched by a camera. Conditions were not so good if you were a local who had done something bad. Whenever I asked the commander when I was getting out he'd say "You'll either be in here for a short time, or a very long time" :D Edited by C556
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