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Vegan Dogs

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Why should he.?


If I invited him to my home I`d have the respect to make something suitable for him.


He`d be making an effort making something I like but to his beliefs.


Why would that be an issue for you ?


And the Vegan stuff he`s made tastes excellent by the way.

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I feel sorry for the poor dogs fed on it as they got no say in the matter. Atb

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Do you not think he's quietly forcing his beliefs on you. As I say you would go out your way to make him something he's comfortable eating, but he's giving you stuff he eats and makes anyway. Although this fella from your description seems different to the ones I've met...they were all c**ts. But don't think I've got a hatred of them, my missus was a veggie when we first starting courting, but once she sampled my meat she was hooked.

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I've got a friend who won't eat any mass produced meat . It's to do with the emissions used in producing the meat . He's explained to me few times when I've asked . He picked it up when he was in university. Theirs a documentary on Netflix called cowspirscy that is along the lines of it . He's never pushed it on me or given me grief for eating a steak in front of him. He's cast iron in his beliefs and I'll give him his due he even says he'd love a bacon sandwich but he's made a decision years ago and stuck with it . He's been shooting with me and eaten the rabbit and has eaten venison I was gifted by a friend aswell .


Flip side tho , god's honest truth me and my boss were driving through our town this week and their was a runner on the road with a high Viz vest on that had "vegan runner" on it . We pissed ourselves laughing . WHATS THE POINT . Problem vegans got is some are perfectly fine . But theirs a large portion of them that are very vocal and pushy about their beliefs and they have created a stereotypical view of vegans that lots love to live up to . Most are idiots but their is a big portion that are normal. Think it has more to do with the person than the actual veganism .

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