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Little Ted's First Day Out

Guest Rabbiteer

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Guest Rabbiteer

Had my first day out today with my good friend Butch Dingle. Whilst I have been away he was able to secure permission on a 200acre golf course. We arrived and received our area to work from the head groundsman and headed off for a few hours with the ferrets.


It was the first time that I have been able to get my whippety/collie X out so I was really nervous about having him running about the greens and fairways. We tipped up to the 2nd hole checked the direction of the wind and let Little Ted off the lead. The hope was he would hunt up in to the wind and I would start to see how he marks. Bearing in mind I have never really had the chance to do this it was a steep learning curve for us both.


I should not have worried and if he continues to mark like this I dont care if he never catch's a rabbit in his life, because thats my job and what I use nets for.




I also spent a bit of time with him trying to calm him down and stopping him running aroundlike a loon.




Im sure he knew what was going on more than me at times............................................ :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper:




And at the end of the morning we hard a few bunnies to show for it. Im pretty sure with Little Ted showing me which holes to ferret we would not have had so many.




And a big thanks to Butch Dingle for the invite to his new permission.




Happy Hunting

Edited by Rabbiteer
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Guest Rabbiteer

cheers all for your kind words............................. :)


I didnt have any anti's luckily enough, but I was nearly killed by a few fast moving golf balls.


I think at times I was in more danger from the golfers than I was in the last four months......................... :blink:


Here's hoping I dont spoil my dog..................


have missed you all,



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