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It might make you and your wife feel a bit safer mate so will be worth it?? Had to have some fitted at mine couple years back and came in handy a couple of times, go for it bud

I think it will stop opportunists but don't want to draw extra attention to my workshop that is full of tools and fishing tackle. I'm getting an internal steel gate made for the workshop though, plus the keeper's alarm gun.....Can't do much more

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I bought a plug and play set up from Maplins for around £200 it takes up to four cameras and the picture quality is great, even picks up mice and frogs on the lawn at night, and for all the people say

if you get one, make sure its a good one. I wouldn't recognise myself in some of the ones iv seen.

An aggressive dog that you have to feed with a catapult would be better.

There's a lot more people can do to make it harder for thieves to target them, like stop posting pics of little johnny's new bike he had for x mas & posting pics of your new Audi with the reg in the pic on facebook & stop telling the world when your off to Ibiza


Fella over from me has 3 cameras on the front of his house , it was useless when his van was broken into as the pictures where so dark & grainy they where useless

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I bought a plug and play set up from Maplins for around £200 it takes up to four cameras and the picture quality is great, even picks up mice and frogs on the lawn at night, and for all the people saying it makes know difference they just cover there faces, that may be true and would not be helpful for the police to get a prosecution, but they still wear the same shell suit everyday so face or know face, if I have a photo of a faceless smack head that's still enough for me to collect them from the street and carry out a thorough interview in the back of my van, they will grass on there own mums when they know the game is up, and when the appropriate actions have been dealt out, they tell all the other little pricks and they should avoid your property like the plague, thieves are like predatory animals, they want the easiest meal with the east chance of being injured

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I got six cameras up and the monitor is above the kitchen tv. only 4 are for security the other 2 are for rat watch. The mrs tells me when she sees a rat and i shoot the fecker out of the bedroom window lol. I would not be without them now they have saved me getting my motorcycle and my workshop from being turned over. Another thing i find works for me is wiring another spotlight to the ones on the yard and having it point directly at the house soon get your attention (that's if there is someone in)

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I bought a plug and play set up from Maplins for around £200 it takes up to four cameras and the picture quality is great, even picks up mice and frogs on the lawn at night, and for all the people saying it makes know difference they just cover there faces, that may be true and would not be helpful for the police to get a prosecution, but they still wear the same shell suit everyday so face or know face, if I have a photo of a faceless smack head that's still enough for me to collect them from the street and carry out a thorough interview in the back of my van, they will grass on there own mums when they know the game is up, and when the appropriate actions have been dealt out, they tell all the other little pricks and they should avoid your property like the plague, thieves are like predatory animals, they want the easiest meal with the east chance of being injured

Correct ! Also ive noticed a few people by there "shape" and movements if you catch my drift. Dont always need a face. And for any thief a alarm spot lights and cameras are a ball ache and would prefer go else where because once there aware of the security measures youve took it kind of hinders there activity and takes there thoughts away from thinking about the prize and puts them in paranoid mode so to speak


Which normally leads to silly mistakes

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Should have said the make is Swann, it's around £200 and it takes about 30 mins to set up all the plugs are colour coded so it's pretty idiot proof, and most of the 30mins was taken up clipping the wire along the underside of the facia, it comes with two or four cameras depending on what you need but you can add more cameras if you want, I got it in Maplins, it's been running for over a year and there is still loads more storage space, there is a small box that sits under the telly and you can go back over all the recorded footage or watch it live on your telly,

Highly recommend it, even if it is just for piece of mind, but I really enjoy watching all the wildlife that comes into the garden when I,m in bed sleeping, I have a cat and fox that come to my garden together and share any food that's left out for them, which I was totally unaware of before I fitted the cameras, plus all the mice and smaller vermin that come in to feed under the bird feeders, it's better viewing than most of the shit on telly if I,m honest

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CCTV is only worth it if it's HD. It's not going to prevent anyone who wants it enough but it could pull details that may help secure a conviction. If you're the kind of person that would attract a home invasion I'd go with hardening the structure before you sink money into cameras.


Security systems have to be multi-faceted and will only buy you time to deal with whatever that may be.


I have a trail cam that I bought from the local sporting goods store. Cost me $90USD. It runs on 8AA batteries and is camo. It takes HD pictures and film. It time stamps them also. It has IR capability so it will take sharp night pictures as well. You can read the number plate on the car 30 feet away, with it. It's hidden, so it won't deter, but it would be enough to get a decent investigation should the need arise.

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