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Blair What A €¥#@

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  On 17/02/2017 at 14:56, MickC said:

He took Britain to war on a pack of lies,his day will come when his " masters " have no more use for him .

yep hes just a mass murderer as far as i am concerned. he effected alot of peoples life going to war and so far not for the better. hes a wanker

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Blair is completely irrelevant to the politics of this country. His reputation counts for nothing, he is a proven liar and his former constituency voted "Leave".....the people he used to represent, wi

He said in his speech   "...perceived knowledge becomes accepted fact."   A bit rich coming from him !!

The man needs roping https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/politics/768563/Tony-Blair-speech-Brexit-any-cost-second-EU-referendum-Remain-rise-up-Theresa-May/amp?client=ms-android-sonym


Blair is completely irrelevant to the politics of this country. His reputation counts for nothing, he is a proven liar and his former constituency voted "Leave".....the people he used to represent, with a massive majority, don't even agree with him !


The only interest in him is from the news channels, and that interest lies solely in the fact that he was once Prime Minister.....once, a long time ago.


He is yesterday's man, a has-been - he should be consigned to history, where he belongs.


Ask yourself, honestly, does anyone actually give a flying f*** what he thinks - about anything ?

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Who the fck does this despicable little piece of sh1te think he is, he is trying to tell half of the country that we did not know what we were voting for, we were voting so we did not have to listen to all the bullshit from the likes of him and all his other cheating, lying, scheming, arrogant mates. We sent a message to the govt and you would have thought the likes of Blair would have wizened up.

Another prick that won't keep his gob shut is our local MP and leader of the so called liberal democrats, Farron, he thinks that there should be another referendum, he does't realize that we had a democratic vote, i think there idea of democracy is to keep voting till you get the result that you want.

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  On 17/02/2017 at 19:15, myersbg said:

Who the fck does this despicable little piece of sh1te think he is, he is trying to tell half of the country that we did not know what we were voting for, we were voting so we did not have to listen to all the bullshit from the likes of him and all his other cheating, lying, scheming, arrogant mates. We sent a message to the govt and you would have thought the likes of Blair would have wizened up.

Another prick that won't keep his gob shut is our local MP and leader of the so called liberal democrats, Farron, he thinks that there should be another referendum, he does't realize that we had a democratic vote, i think there idea of democracy is to keep voting till you get the result that you want.


Tim Farron ? Jesus....and I thought my MP displayed advanced levels of muppetry !


Farron always gives me the impression of a slightly bewildered geography teacher.

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Blairs Middle East job ( peace envoy for fcuk sake) come to nothing , I think the traitor is back pitching for a Place at the Euro trough ..he has no shame or morals and would slide nicely into place among the Euro Elite.I detest the man with a passion .

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Just a little snippet of what comes up when you google Charles Lynton Blair ;


Tony Blair War criminal , bisexual , torturer, liar , psychopath , multiculturalist , control freak, Bilderberg Group member. Believed to have amassed a fortune of between £50million and £250 million since leaving Office. Two convictions for cottaging (1974 &1983) subject to D-Notices. He first came to the attention of MI5 as a potential future Prime Minister after repeatedly being caught importuning young boys in Public toilets around London in the 1970s. A notorious cross dresser, his nickname when he was a lawyer was Miranda. Allegedly some of those caught up in the FBI Operation Avalanche/Ore Child porn investigation in 1999/2003 were : Sir Gerald Kaufman, Gordon Brown, Alan Milburn, John Prescott, and Peter Mandelson. Blair stopped any Police investigations by claiming a threat to National Security and put a D-Notice on the press to stop any reporting on it. It is believed the CIA/FBI used Operation Ore and Jersey/Islington information to blackmail the Labour Party and the BBC in to supporting the Iraq War.


Now granted this is off the internet, but when you remember what the likes of mandelson and others have gotten away with, well it makes some people think

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  On 18/02/2017 at 11:00, Onlyworkmatters said:

Just a little snippet of what comes up when you google Charles Lynton Blair ;


Tony Blair War criminal , bisexual , torturer, liar , psychopath , multiculturalist , control freak, Bilderberg Group member. Believed to have amassed a fortune of between £50million and £250 million since leaving Office. Two convictions for cottaging (1974 &1983) subject to D-Notices. He first came to the attention of MI5 as a potential future Prime Minister after repeatedly being caught importuning young boys in Public toilets around London in the 1970s. A notorious cross dresser, his nickname when he was a lawyer was Miranda. Allegedly some of those caught up in the FBI Operation Avalanche/Ore Child porn investigation in 1999/2003 were : Sir Gerald Kaufman, Gordon Brown, Alan Milburn, John Prescott, and Peter Mandelson. Blair stopped any Police investigations by claiming a threat to National Security and put a D-Notice on the press to stop any reporting on it. It is believed the CIA/FBI used Operation Ore and Jersey/Islington information to blackmail the Labour Party and the BBC in to supporting the Iraq War.


Now granted this is off the internet, but when you remember what the likes of mandelson and others have gotten away with, well it makes some people think

thats it they all piss in the same bucket .most ex public school boys ,although blair was the figurehead and ultimatly takes responsability ,desisions were not made by him alone .

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