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bit of a rant realy.i have for the last few years been desperate to get on one of the local shoots as a beater,a mate sugested contacting a well known beaters and pickers up association,which i did they then politely pointed out that theyed be happy to help with getting me on a shoot if i joined,so i did now i find tht theyed be all too happy to get me beating on a shoot all i have to do is put my hand in my pocket ro pay a furthur £60.00 for a course on beating.now call me a sinique (sp?) but this just seems to be a way of screwing money out of folk with the promise of a placement!and if i found the money to do the course would i then meet another hurdle,perhaps i have to buy their insurance? :doh:

anyone else had the same problem? :(

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£60 for a beating course??? :icon_eek: Never heard anything so ridiculous in my life :no:


What do they teach you? How to listen to the 'keeper, keep in line . . . and???


Sounds preposterous to me my friend. Find a local shoot and offer your services, that is pretty much all that's needed if you are the 'right' sort of person. 'Keepers can be a funny breed though, so good luck!!



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  stork said:
Us keeper`s are a funny breed.......................like OTC said try your local estates NOBS i have yet to have a good look at the site. :thumbs:


The site is pretty basic, a bloody great idea, to get a national database for beaters and pickers up to find oportunities which is how it stated out, but charging for a course like this is just stupid.


I'v had afew dealings with NOBS, I think the guy who set it up has a great idea, and I know he has put a serious amount of effort into it, not one that will prob make him a fortune but a good idea to help guys wanting to get into shooting. Some (most) of the other "staff", I think they are all volunteers are :censored:


Mark - great guy, great idea. The beating course, ok for a total novice maybe, but probably not necesarty for anyone on here. The other guys floating around NOBS, well the name says it all!


Use NOBS as a resource for what it is, but paying for a course to beat, don't bother.

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  fishfish said:
bit of a rant realy.i have for the last few years been desperate to get on one of the local shoots as a beater,a mate sugested contacting a well known beaters and pickers up association,which i did they then politely pointed out that theyed be happy to help with getting me on a shoot if i joined,so i did now i find tht theyed be all too happy to get me beating on a shoot all i have to do is put my hand in my pocket ro pay a furthur £60.00 for a course on beating.now call me a sinique (sp?) but this just seems to be a way of screwing money out of folk with the promise of a placement!and if i found the money to do the course would i then meet another hurdle,perhaps i have to buy their insurance? :doh:

anyone else had the same problem? :(



Load of rollocks mate never heard anything like that :no: , who is running this course ?

come & beat for me i will pay you give you a brace to take home & my keeper & all the other beaters will show you how its done for nothing :thumbs:


£60 to do a course :laugh::laugh::laugh::censored::censored:

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It's not a bad organisation and does a lot to promote and encourage.


The trouble is that membership carries no weight with keepers as it doesn't prove anything - anyone with a fiver can join. The sort of background checks, personal 'vouching' and other sorts of screening that a real beaters 'staff agency' would need are impractical.


In the end it will always come down to being recommened by a mate or a face to face with the keeper so he can weed out anyone that doesn't seem right.


I have, through NOBS, found someone some beating but NOBS was only the start - it wasn't till we realised that he drank in the same Pub and we knew him that the doors opened.


All I can suggest is get on the fourm and get yourself known a bit that way.

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otc and co, i must agree, but you would be suprised how many people cant under stand simple instructions like

chap up


walk slowly

etc etc but a beating course is a piss take :blink: i certainly wouldnt take part , but if they get you on a estate and you manage to get 1000 acres of permission you would then think it was 60 notes well spent..


the shoot im on was not used for 33 years till we arrived and being in a big shooting area getting beaters was hard as they were all spoken for by other estates, i got in touch with nobs in the summer and now have a squad of 20 on most days plus pickers up

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I joined awhile ago, got a few emails, put myself forward, but nothing came of it! A mate who I ferret / lamp with picks up for a local shoot.....I get invited along sometimes as an unpaid observer :)


As with everything, it's who you know at the end of the day!!

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