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Gas/electric Bills.

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I don't know if it's a left or right wing solution, it's just good for all customers, I saw arron banks the multi million pound business man behind the brexit campaign calling for energy company,s to

sadly mate as long as the energy company,s are owned by share holders, they expect an increase on there money every year, so us poor saps bills go up every year even though the cost stays the same to

I was with a pre pay company for two years and decided to switch to another pre pay company. That week the company I was with rang me and offered me 70 euro free credit to stay with them. So I rang

Those smart meters are to smart ....fek that ive managed upto now

I had our meters read a couple of weeks ago and the meter reader was telling me not to get the new smart meters fitted as they are the same as the ones in the USA and have been linked to lots of illness's,apparently they emit radiation and you cannot read them from outside as they tell you, I will not be getting them fitted, you are legally within your rights to refuse them, your only obligation is to have a meter,it doesn't matter what type, WM

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Those smart meters are to smart ....fek that ive managed upto now


I had our meters read a couple of weeks ago and the meter reader was telling me not to get the new smart meters fitted as they are the same as the ones in the USA and have been linked to lots of illness's,apparently they emit radiation and you cannot read them from outside as they tell you, I will not be getting them fitted, you are legally within your rights to refuse them, your only obligation is to have a meter,it doesn't matter what type, WM
been told this myself about these smart meters lucky for us when they came round they said they couldn't fit one
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Good going Neil. Our contract is soon up so will have to try that.

Would you agree that the pre-pay is a lot better than the ESB, ect.

Atb j

It depends. if you're one of those folks who keeps ahead of bills then maybe not.

But, as someone mentioned if you're using a meter then it's easy to see what your using day to day.

OR, if you're like me who's useless with money then it's nice to have the bill paid up front.

If your contract is nearly up then don't wait. Ring the opposition now and ask them how much they'll give you to join.

Then ring your current supplier and tell them.

Get the ball rolling. Push push push.

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Good going Neil. Our contract is soon up so will have to try that.

Would you agree that the pre-pay is a lot better than the ESB, ect.

Atb j

It depends. if you're one of those folks who keeps ahead of bills then maybe not.

But, as someone mentioned if you're using a meter then it's easy to see what your using day to day.

OR, if you're like me who's useless with money then it's nice to have the bill paid up front.

If your contract is nearly up then don't wait. Ring the opposition now and ask them how much they'll give you to join.

Then ring your current supplier and tell them.

Get the ball rolling. Push push push.



It would be f**king nice to get the meter working....I've put mine in the garage as it can't even get a signal lol

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Why do you need a signal. Can you not just plug it in or have it connected straight to the main meter.

At j


It's wireless and works if it's near the meter which is in the garage. I tried putting it in the kitchen which is the perfect location to see how much electricity we're using and we cant get a signal....tried moving it aroundthe house but as we have a very long bungalow it can't get a signal....I got pissed off with it and put it back in the garage next to the meter.

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we are with sse our electric bill was £195.58 this time and the gas £141 weve got 3 young children the oldest being 4 and the drier is on flat out and i leave every light on in the house lol. i think our bill is good.


the gas only runs our central heating and water, thats set to come on at 6am and go off at 11pm we got it set on auto so its controlled by the thearmastat we can turn it off or up and down accordingly.


water bill is £343. a year non meter. i thrash our water in the summer.

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Npower. Just had a letter off them to say it's going up, robbing b*****ds, so I'll be moving. But to where?


Same here, just had a bill £395.50, there's only me and the Mrs.



That is a huge amount of electricity for a quarter if there is only two of you. Did you try the Uswitch site?

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Npower. Just had a letter off them to say it's going up, robbing b*****ds, so I'll be moving. But to where?


Same here, just had a bill £395.50, there's only me and the Mrs.



That is a huge amount of electricity for a quarter if there is only two of you. Did you try the Uswitch site?



Yes, been on the site, having a ring round again today, normally our bill is around the 250 mark, so I think it's time to change.

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elecy about £20 a week,,,we got smart meter and top up every week,,,i hate getting big bills at the end of a quater,,,oil central heating about 500 litre every 8 week ,,till may then its off till oct-nov....water is £200 for the year,,split in to 2 bills one in march,,other in sept,,£100 each

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Energy companies and water should be nationalised. They don't compete with each other to keep prices down. They conspire with each other to keep prices high.

Railways and old folks' homes should be nationalised too. It's immoral to make profits out of basic needs.

Or is that too wildly left wing for some of you fellas? :laugh:

Edited by jukel123
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Energy companies and water should be nationalised. They don't compete with each other to keep prices down. They conspire with each other to keep prices high.

Railways and old folks' homes should be nationalised too. It's immoral to make profits out of basic needs.

Or is that too wildly left wing for some of you fellas? :laugh:

I'm definitely no leftie, and I'd agree with every word !

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We've got pre-pay meters - they were here when we moved in. Changing times have meant we have to budget more carefully, and these meters help hugely. Definitely wouldn't change them ! We use as little as a tenner a week on leccy and three or four quid a week on gas, during the summer.


As far as 'smart' meters are concerned, we all pay for them, whether we've got one or not - energy suppliers absorb profits, consumers absorb costs !


The adverts say that everyone can have one - free of charge......but nothing is free. There is no direct charge for them, but guess who pays in the end ?

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Those smart meters are to smart ....fek that ive managed upto now


I had our meters read a couple of weeks ago and the meter reader was telling me not to get the new smart meters fitted as they are the same as the ones in the USA and have been linked to lots of illness's,apparently they emit radiation and you cannot read them from outside as they tell you, I will not be getting them fitted, you are legally within your rights to refuse them, your only obligation is to have a meter,it doesn't matter what type, WM
and for the privalidge of giving you a small dose of radiation on a daily basis it will cost every home £360 roughly to get them fitted, the only reason a shareholder owned company is happy to invest 11billion pounds in a project is to increase profit and once everyone is on a smart meter they can start charging more at times of higher use, they can insist on you having one on the grounds your old one is in need of replacement for a number of made up reasons, but it's your legal right to have the meter set in dumb mode which means it's basically turned off and has to be read like a normal meter, I would advice everyone to refuse them until they force it on you and then insist it remains set on dumb mode, we are now at a stage of renewable energy were every home should be almost self sufficient not spending a quarter of your yearly salary on cooking and staying warm, it's just another way for the rich to keep taking the piss and keep the peasants poor, Kents
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