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Gas/electric Bills.

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Just got my bill £276 for gas and electric for the quarter with Npower was paying £92 a month its now dropped to £79 a month and got a refund of £134, what I did do before the winter was fix my tariffs till next October so the recent rises won't affect me till then.


And I've just invested in a Nest thermometer it's a clever piece of kit works out when you are there and when your out and you can control it on your phone and iPad also gives a daily report on how you are doing house feels warm because the temperatures are more accurate, last thermometer was useless I used to crank it up and it just didn't seem to warm up.


Npower customers are getting £40 reduction on them at the moment.

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I don't know if it's a left or right wing solution, it's just good for all customers, I saw arron banks the multi million pound business man behind the brexit campaign calling for energy company,s to

sadly mate as long as the energy company,s are owned by share holders, they expect an increase on there money every year, so us poor saps bills go up every year even though the cost stays the same to

I was with a pre pay company for two years and decided to switch to another pre pay company. That week the company I was with rang me and offered me 70 euro free credit to stay with them. So I rang

We have a septic tank so our water bills are even cheaper as we don't pay for sewage :D

yep same here , but have it emptied every 2 years , so about say 100£ quid per year and get our water from wales , it always tasted bit like old mutton to me as well haha , only joking lol,

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I've rang a few companies, they all want to tie me into a long term deal, or put me on some pay monthly contract, it's like they're scared your going to rob them, I only want some electric at right money, and then pay the bill at the end of the quarter. How hard can it be. :laugh:


sadly mate as long as the energy company,s are owned by share holders, they expect an increase on there money every year, so us poor saps bills go up every year even though the cost stays the same to the company, it's one of the few things I think should of remained nationalised, so we pay only for the fuel and not to line some fat b*****ds pockets
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We have a septic tank so our water bills are even cheaper as we don't pay for sewage :D

yep same here , but have it emptied every 2 years , so about say 100£ quid per year and get our water from wales , it always tasted bit like old mutton to me as well haha , only joking lol,
I Don't pay for water , septic tank gets one empty a year from the council for free
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Are there different types of septic, my neighbours who seems to know everything say every 20 years!


The fibreglass "onion" ones need emptying every couple of years. We have an old brick chamber one that has never been emptied. If you don't use too much bleach, the bacteria maintain it.

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Are there different types of septic, my neighbours who seems to know everything say every 20 years!

Most common around here are biological, maintenous free as long as you are mindful of what cleaning products you use so as not to kill the bacteria off. They can also be under used apparently!

But just the collecting chambers need emptying, how often depends on size and how many people in the house.


House im doing up will have a septic tank, also got a well which I need to get the water tested to see how much use I can get from it.

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Think it should be like petrol. Gas and leccy kWh rates on front page of website. 1month rolling contracts. 2 simple they'd never stand for it as would loose too much money. The whole industry is smoke and mirrors I refuse to take part. Time better spent earning elsewhere

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Why don't ye use the pre pay electricity. My sisters bill the other day was 380 euros. We have the pre pay here and the most this time of year would be 15 euro a week, going down to around a tenner in summer.

Atb j

I was with a pre pay company for two years and decided to switch to another pre pay company.

That week the company I was with rang me and offered me 70 euro free credit to stay with them.

So I rang the new company and told them. They were already giving me 10 euro free credit and said they'd up it to 90.

I rang the first company and told them and they said 160 was their final offer.

I stayed with the new company and took the 90 free credit as I reckon they're cheaper every week (my electric is less than 20 euro a week) and I had taken out a 12 month contract anyways.

I rand the first company back and asked why in two years they'd never offered me free credit and they told me it was because I'd never asked.

SO, when my current contract expires I shall be negotiating again.

3 months free electricity is always a bargain.

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