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Guard Dog For The Yard

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  On 14/02/2017 at 15:17, bird said:


  On 14/02/2017 at 12:47, Waz said:

Anyone ever seen a beauceron?

Made my arse nip tight the other day, & I know the farmer & family well, plus met the dogs before. Different story though when no one was home!

Told my mate (same family with the farm next door) & she was pissing herself at me.


only in books , dont think there in this country ?

Some advertised in our local paper, ill get the ad later at work


Cheers, D.

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Agreed this bitch of mine never forgets a face and once introduced is very laid back different dog with strangers though and won't let anybody barring my family and parents into the house unless unles

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IMG-20120914-00020_zps039347c6.jpg Have to agree with the bouvier comment great dogs and a natural guard with some brains. This bitch is now 11 years old and has taught me more about dogs than any other dog I have known or had. In truth in her youth she was too much for me too handle but I learnt quickly too work with her rather than against her with regards her guarding as I had never had a guarding breed previously. Got her as a pet and guard for when I was away on long stints in the forces and she has been a top dog and bomb proof with the family. She has travelled everywhere with me over the years and once trained up has been a pleasure to own. Shame there not more popular tbh as they have a lot too offer (although they do stink lol) be a sad day and a few tears in our house when she goes atb Edited by matt1979
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  On 14/02/2017 at 19:10, matt1979 said:

IMG-20120914-00020_zps039347c6.jpg Have to agree with the bouvier comment great dogs and a natural guard with some brains. This bitch is now 11 years old and has taught me more about dogs than any other dog I have known or had. In truth in her youth she was too much for me too handle but I learnt quickly too work with her rather than against her with regards her guarding as I had never had a guarding breed previously. Got her as a pet and guard for when I was away on long stints in the forces and she has been a top dog and bomb proof with the family. She has travelled everywhere with me over the years and once trained up has been a pleasure to own. Shame there not more popular tbh as they have a lot too offer (although they do stink lol) be a sad day and a few tears in our house when she goes atb

very nice dog you have there. I love the breed as I believe they are the most underestimated protection dogs their are. I have had a couple of them and have a friend who has a line of his own and they all have one thing in common, no stranger can touch them. With that said they are very loving with kids and their own family.
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  On 14/02/2017 at 19:45, Shoebootie said:


  On 14/02/2017 at 19:10, matt1979 said:

IMG-20120914-00020_zps039347c6.jpg Have to agree with the bouvier comment great dogs and a natural guard with some brains. This bitch is now 11 years old and has taught me more about dogs than any other dog I have known or had. In truth in her youth she was too much for me too handle but I learnt quickly too work with her rather than against her with regards her guarding as I had never had a guarding breed previously. Got her as a pet and guard for when I was away on long stints in the forces and she has been a top dog and bomb proof with the family. She has travelled everywhere with me over the years and once trained up has been a pleasure to own. Shame there not more popular tbh as they have a lot too offer (although they do stink lol) be a sad day and a few tears in our house when she goes atb

very nice dog you have there. I love the breed as I believe they are the most underestimated protection dogs their are. I have had a couple of them and have a friend who has a line of his own and they all have one thing in common, no stranger can touch them. With that said they are very loving with kids and their own family.

Agreed this bitch of mine never forgets a face and once introduced is very laid back different dog with strangers though and won't let anybody barring my family and parents into the house unless unless I am around. Very smart breed, pic of her back in her heyday 40kg of pure bone and muscle back then, but beaten up nowadays probably because she used to do regularly 20 milers with me in her youth. She came from a litter of three and her two brothers went into the prison service I was very lucky to get her tbh and we have had some fun times with her atbMollyampGeorge005_zps66940812.jpg

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  On 14/02/2017 at 20:07, king said:

What sort of size.weight is she matt.

Lovely looking bitch fair play.

Solidly built.ive never seen 1 in the flesh before.

She is around 25tts and weighs around 37kg she is bred from a foreign working line that is generally smaller than many bouviers but they are all pretty closely related tbh. Her brothers ended up about 28-29tts and around 55kg I would guess and her dad 30tts he was a serious dog, they tend to look alot bigger with there thick coat but they have a fair bit of bone and a big powerful head on them. Iam probably biased but Great breed a lot more popular on the continent and are used pretty widely as police dogs in Europe.despite my incompetence I managed to train her to a pretty high standard back in her youth which is testament to her brains because I was pretty clueless back then tbh


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Yea you are right matt she does look a lot bigger than 25" in the pics.

It's piece of mind with such a powerfull bitch around the house though.

I tried biking the pressa we had yrs ago.

Hitting a parked car and being dragged down the pavement by the horse lead when he seen a cat.i decided it wasn't a good idea lol.

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Its good bouviers aren't more popular,so don't go down the show and puppy farmer road,as most guard dog breeds have here.You have to keep looking for unusual, unpopular breeds that haven't had their instincts bred out of them.Bullmastiffs were, when I was young,very hard sharp guards,40 years later are no more than a big soft lap dog apart from the odd exception.

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  On 14/02/2017 at 22:29, Aussie Whip said:

Its good bouviers aren't more popular,so don't go down the show and puppy farmer road,as most guard dog breeds have here.You have to keep looking for unusual, unpopular breeds that haven't had their instincts bred out of them.Bullmastiffs were, when I was young,very hard sharp guards,40 years later are no more than a big soft lap dog apart from the odd exception.

Agreed I wouldn't want them to be the next big thing and get ruined but there are so few it's a fine line between keeping them decent and a breed dying out. Here in the U.K. They are a predominantly show breed anyway thankfully those very few that own and show them do seem to appreciate their qualities as a guarding and herding breed and are sensible about where pups end up and they continue to do a job on the continent where most of the bloodlines come from atb

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