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Where to fly

Guest Lord B

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Falconry is something I've had half an eye on learning and getting into for a while, I've a few books on the subjes and have just read the post about starting out for beginers, very concise and informative.


I will pick up a lot from reading post on here, general bots of info that one might not think to or know to ask, and I've got a course "almost" booked with a guy in the Cotswolds.


One question I do have, which I haven't seen answered and may be a real bonner of a question (sppologies if it is :doh: )

is, where can one fly a falcon/hawk? I.e what restrictions etc??


I have my own land, so thats a given, but appart from that, where? Is it like all things game, anywhere just get permission? What about places such as common land etc?


Appologies again if its a stupid question, but it's one that has been racking my mind.

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permission land only, the same rules apply just like for dogs and ferret, i think if anyone say's common land is ok openly on here would be a fool and is shooting him/herself in the foot, just stick to permission land :victory:


Thank you, that makses obvious sence. But, if I walk my dogs (terriers), I can do that anywhere, they don't need to be working, in the same vain, just because I have a bird with me doesn't mean he's hunting either, or dare I say it on here (but we have all seen it done) a ferret on a lead walking in a park, again not working?


I guess what I'm saying is hypthetically, because there are times when I wwalk the dogs on land I don't own believe it or not, can I have abird with me? Whats stopping it being exercised? As long as its not working.

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Hello Lord b


I have permision to fly on a few acres here in Norfolk thats suitable to me but now and again a Hawk/Falcon can go AWOL or fly quarry over the borders, I had a Pere x Prairie a good while back bring a crow down in the middle of a houseing estate which couldn't be helped! this flight had already covered some distance from the flying land and out of all the places to bring it down it had to be there, by the time we arrived the whole street was out :icon_eek:.


It can be hard in this area with flying due to the conflicts with the game keepers, many a time I get permision from the landowner ony for the game keeper to stick his boot in. a couple of years back I picked up some land totally 5 different farms and adding up just short of 11,000 acres! the landowner did everything above board wanting to see my Guns, Certificate, BASC and British Falconers club Memberships and supplied with a year to year permit complete with my picture amd maps.


To cut a long story short 3 times I have now been on this land and 3 times the Gamekeepers was onto me, the first two times he was ok but the last time he spat his dummy out telling me that the syndicate belonging to some Greek cypriots are shooting on the estate and implied the bird could end up being shot, after a few words we went on our way. being a landowner yourself you may well be able to help me on this one weather I should get onto the landowner and tell him about the keeper? or just let it go? so far I have kept kept quiet about it thinking if I mention this to the owner he will probably take alegience with the keeper and ask me not to go on there anymore :hmm: ...



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permission land only, the same rules apply just like for dogs and ferret, i think if anyone say's common land is ok openly on here would be a fool and is shooting him/herself in the foot, just stick to permission land :victory:


Thank you, that makses obvious sence. But, if I walk my dogs (terriers), I can do that anywhere, they don't need to be working, in the same vain, just because I have a bird with me doesn't mean he's hunting either, or dare I say it on here (but we have all seen it done) a ferret on a lead walking in a park, again not working?


I guess what I'm saying is hypthetically, because there are times when I wwalk the dogs on land I don't own believe it or not, can I have abird with me? Whats stopping it being exercised? As long as its not working.

as far as i can see you've just answered your own question :doh: if your gonna do it with terriers whats stopping you with a bird? nothing

but as for giving faconry lads/lasses a bad name thats all it takes if you get caught and prosicuted

no im not perfect either but its your own choice :thumbs:

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Hello Lord b


I have permision to fly on a few acres here in Norfolk thats suitable to me but now and again a Hawk/Falcon can go AWOL or fly quarry over the borders, I had a Pere x Prairie a good while back bring a crow down in the middle of a houseing estate which couldn't be helped! this flight had already covered some distance from the flying land and out of all the places to bring it down it had to be there, by the time we arrived the whole street was out :icon_eek:.


It can be hard in this area with flying due to the conflicts with the game keepers, many a time I get permision from the landowner ony for the game keeper to stick his boot in. a couple of years back I picked up some land totally 5 different farms and adding up just short of 11,000 acres! the landowner did everything above board wanting to see my Guns, Certificate, BASC and British Falconers club Memberships and supplied with a year to year permit complete with my picture amd maps.


To cut a long story short 3 times I have now been on this land and 3 times the Gamekeepers was onto me, the first two times he was ok but the last time he spat his dummy out telling me that the syndicate belonging to some Greek cypriots are shooting on the estate and implied the bird could end up being shot, after a few words we went on our way. being a landowner yourself you may well be able to help me on this one weather I should get onto the landowner and tell him about the keeper? or just let it go? so far I have kept kept quiet about it thinking if I mention this to the owner he will probably take alegience with the keeper and ask me not to go on there anymore :hmm: ...




I personally wouldmention it to the landowner, not explain the situation calmly, don't get the keeper in trouble just explain what has happened.


With estates like this very often shooting rights etc are sub let; its probably the case that this guy owns the land, but he may lease the rights to a syndicate or agent who runs the shooting. The keeper could be employed by the estate or the shoot, but if the shoot are paying tens of thousands per year for the lease they see it as theirs, and in real tearms its for them to say who can and can not "hunt" the land.


It really depends on the situation, buy yes do say something.

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I already work Terriers to ground and have a Lurcher, so in the nice position of having Land to hunt on. I would not dream of going on ground without permission with the Terriers, ESPECIALLY with the political climate being what it is in this millenium! Exercising a Hawk is fine, but when you are actually hunting with it then that is illegal. I am not too sure of 'trespass' laws, but we also have a 'right to roam' now. I wouldn't get too worked up about permission mate, landowners like to see the novelty of a Hawk hunting, it will come.

I have 9,500 Acres to Hunt on, if you come unstuck come down to Devon bud.

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