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Rhodesian Ridgeback Bushing


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I'm not trying to re invent the wheel guys nor am I claiming it is the new next best thing. I've rescued the bitch from being put down and hopefully she will find a place in my pack and she will slot

The bitch is doing just fine. She has settled right in with the family and my other dogs. She is a good watch dog to have knocking round the yard. Hunting wise she is very keen and seems to have team

You know what's fellas,f**k it I'll post what I like about what I like. The mighty hunter brigade pissed me off a bit but oh well. It's quite amusing how people get so offended about what another man

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Most of ye seem happy to settle with what ye end up with,no mention of a dog not making the grade.ye seem to tailor yer expectations according to the ability of the dogs ye have.that is bollix.if ye had high standards and only kept dogs that met the standards you expect there would be a lot less shite around and there wouldn't be anybody trying to use a fukin ridgeback to hunt cover.thank god this website doesn't reflect real life because every retard with access to a computer seems to be here but thank god people like this would not be entertained in real life on a days hunting,probably why they live on here.

You're a cad
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I'd get that dog hunting for you :yes: Two weeks.


Just noticed, you can have it hunting yourself if you've got some gear to put in front if it. get it weight down a bit, get it on the raw, feed it a few herbivores and Bobs ya Muvva's Bruva.


If you got to feed it and pick up its shite, it may as well join in. The very least it's gonna be is a wicket keeper.

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I had the Breed for 37 years and hunted every one of them some were good some were Ok some no good. Those were good finders They just about all loved chasing rabbits most dogs do. they do prefer to hunt in open wood land rather than close cover. But Its great to see them crashing through cover after a rabbit or fox if they spot one.


Like all dogs they learn better from dogs doing the job than they will from you never had one that could read my mind but if they have it in them they will pick it up farely quickly. ridgebacks are more suited to large game and mine made fair pigdogs finding pigs that other dogs would have walked past. some were very capable of stopping and holding a pig while others were bailing dogs either way they would find there own way. One of the best hunters I owned was a dog that I took on at 18mnths of age he took to hunting like a duck to water.

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Most of ye seem happy to settle with what ye end up with,no mention of a dog not making the grade.ye seem to tailor yer expectations according to the ability of the dogs ye have.that is bollix.if ye had high standards and only kept dogs that met the standards you expect there would be a lot less shite around


Well said ......

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do people realise how hard and how much effort you have to put into a bushing dog to get it to a high standard. It helps if you have something that is of bushing type ie spaniel, terrier, beagle etc yes you get the odd exception but there rare. Mine are out from pups with top bushing dogs and still I've seen a few purpose bred dogs fail or not up to standard ! There's a dog on here the lads not on now but bigs a dog up to high heaven the flying dog lol and I had it's brother and its was the biggest pile of shit i have seen ! There's dogs different purposes end of the day, you don't see people using Labradors to lamp it's no lurcher ! Same as you don't see people use lurchers as gun dogs, but I suppose this is thl and anything and everything's possible

ive seen working wheaten greyhounds used as gun dogs, they were fine at that job too as the harder job they done. A dog brought up and trained in that life do just fine as a rough shooters dog aswell as other work
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I'm not trying to re invent the wheel guys nor am I claiming it is the new next best thing. I've rescued the bitch from being put down and hopefully she will find a place in my pack and she will slot into a role

She's a good guard and well behaved,my missus likes her so happy days

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I'm not trying to re invent the wheel guys nor am I claiming it is the new next best thing. I've rescued the bitch from being put down and hopefully she will find a place in my pack and she will slot into a role

She's a good guard and well behaved,my missus likes her so happy days

Good on ya mate. Keep us posted ?
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I've seen spaniels, failed earth dogs, housing estate dogs and even labradors making excellent bushing dogs they are not that hard to get if they smash cover and have a good nose and preferably bark then there isn't much to it and doesn't have to be a specialised breed. If you think getting a good bushing dog has a high fail rate then try getting a good earth dog from scatter breeds.

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Ffs no need to get all man utd about it ,the lad is going to try it out with his other dogs ,it might turn out useful or it might not ,either Wayne's giving the dog a second chance to have a decent life ,good on him ...BTW my standards are incredibly low .

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What can't you believe mate? I've rescued a dog from being PTS and I'm going to try and get her hunting with my dogs. Plenty of people all over the world use ridgebacks for a variety of uses.

I haven't said she will be the greatest dog in the world but I'm sure she will get involved

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