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Blaming Lampers !! Sheep Killed In Ireland .!

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Its just another tactic they will use to ban lamping, then all field sports with dogs. And if they ever did get a ban in place sheep worring and will still keep happing. Atb j

If we have had approximately 15 to 20 cases of worrying over the years, only once that I can remember it was from a working type dog. 9 times out of 10 it's pet owners who don't know or have over loo

The is Pablo is that they made out that the Belgium shepherd was a large hunting hound. That's utter rubbish that they have printed, tying to blacken every man with a hunting dog. Atb j


They sound like real handy dogs rabid. Would like to see them working sheep. As you said it's down to the owner of the dog at the end of the day. But it's the dog that's pays the ultimate price for their laziness or lack of understanding.

Atb j

Where you from ?


Yes mate they are real handy, keep me on my toes though, they can quickly switch from been a good Shepherding dog to a killer, fortunately our sheep are dog trained and play by the book, but you still have to be 100% on the ball with them at all times.


Multi purpose dog, good around the yard as a presence, they know who is allowed in, and are wary of strangers so guard real well, they pick fur up under the lamp, (took a while to teach them recall when lamp goes off).

And during the day they herd sheep and cattle if required, in between they sleep on the sofa alongside us, a proper part of the family.

lm in Ireland. They sound like an ideal dog. Fit for every purpose and task. Not many can say that.

At j.

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