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Blaming Lampers !! Sheep Killed In Ireland .!

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Not sure why they are blaming lampers below in the article, as its not a lamping breed .!

Its bad what the dog did, but trying to get lamping banned is a bit of a harsh move as its not a lurcher.



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Its just another tactic they will use to ban lamping, then all field sports with dogs. And if they ever did get a ban in place sheep worring and will still keep happing. Atb j

If we have had approximately 15 to 20 cases of worrying over the years, only once that I can remember it was from a working type dog. 9 times out of 10 it's pet owners who don't know or have over loo

The is Pablo is that they made out that the Belgium shepherd was a large hunting hound. That's utter rubbish that they have printed, tying to blacken every man with a hunting dog. Atb j

It's just those tiny lines in local rags and on local tv that plants the seed in peoples heads. Little bits, just to make people aware of something they wont have heard of before but you betcha they'll hear it again and again.

Tip of the iceberg for you Irish boys... Keep your noses clean and your cards tight because its coming...

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I dont lamp myself but most of the lads I know that do their dogs are broken to stock and really steady. i wonder but I have often wondered if the actual facts are that most sheep worrying and killing is in fact carried out by pet dogs who arepermitted to run wild daily and even at night , I appreciate that most pet dog owners are responsible owners but how many actually do break their dogs to live stock/ has it ever been collated whether its domestic or working dogs responsible for stock worrying, I think it wont be suprising what the outcome would show.

Edited by desertbred
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Thats true bosun 11. 90 to 95 % of the sheep killers here are collies. Rarely does a working sheep dog turn killer but does happen. The ones that kill aren't used for work at all.

Its one of the most sicking to find a field of sheep half torn apart.

Atb j

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I don't bother lamping myself anymore. But use to like mad. I am slowly getting back into a bit of mooching, well, once i get a dog..lol.. as have nothing at the moment.

Just thought the link i put up was a bit drastic, to ban all lamping, as their is decent lads out their that do it right, but will get the blame. !

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I have read somewhere that the worst offenders for sheep worrying is the pastoral breeds.

As hearding is only a quazi form of hunting for those breeds they tune in to it better than other breeds.

yeh paul , was talking to a old farmer few years go, regards dogs and sheep, and he told that some working farm collies , that been round sheep 24 /7 from pups up to 7 years old, have flipped and stated killing sheep , he said to me never trust any type of dog 100% with sheep. and reading that report the farmer said his cattle were scared of dogs from lamping , well thats a new one, because most cattle will go for any dog in a field , feck me i had them chase the dogs out the field , never mind run from them. lol its just another way of keeping lampers with dogs of there ground :yes:

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