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What The Fck ?

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Anyboby seen the new country side alliance logo ?, what a pile of crap, what has that got to do with country pursuits ?.


I dont know how to paste it up, so i was hoping someone else might do it so you can all have a look.

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And the people who thought that was good are meant to be getting hunting back!!...... yep, good luck ! Lol


Are they even trying?


I'm not a member, I am still with BASC but to be honest I'll look for cheaper insurance when I can

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Even when they were the British field sports society they did not give shit about the man and his ferret and they disliked him even more if he happened to have a lurcher,

It wasn't until they thought hunting was fcked that they said they were on our side, they needed our money and our numbers, but we all know how that went.

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You have not a clue about the battles being fought behind the scenes nor how hard people are working for Hunting....Maybe one day when this whole difficult period is over the stories can be told.


And the comments about not caring about ferret or lurchermen is rubbish....As long as your not poaching the CA is behind you. Maybe some of the activists are a bit clueless but the men working night and day behind the scenes are coursing and terriermen through and through.


I agree the logo is shit

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You have not a clue about the battles being fought behind the scenes nor how hard people are working for Hunting....Maybe one day when this whole difficult period is over the stories can be told.


And the comments about not caring about ferret or lurchermen is rubbish....As long as your not poaching the CA is behind you. Maybe some of the activists are a bit clueless but the men working night and day behind the scenes are coursing and terriermen through and through.


I agree the logo is shit

Good post.


Can you give us some perspective? Are you employed by the CA?


Do you habe first hand experience of the battles you speak of?

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