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I Get A Nosebleed Just Watching?

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Nar, I think I reckon I'd rather see my kids playing Minecraft than visit them in the morgue tbh.

They're a throw back to when mankind lived by his whits and courage. It was these crazy b*****ds that would run from the cave to lure away the saber-toothed cat trying to eat their family! Like the fo

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What the f**k are young lads lives coming to these days....i can just picture them meeting up on a Saturday morning " right what shall we do today then boys shall we go and kick f**k out of a rival estate ?....go and play footie ? go and pull some fanny ? go try and make a bit of coin ?.......no lets jump around on some high buildings " !!...f****n idiots.

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Same as any other sport i spose like snowboarding down moutains or wingsuiting down mountains... some people dont see the glamour in fighting other estates and would rather keep out of trouble climbing a building lol im sure they still pull birds and play other sports .. if thats what makes them tick then fair play i know a few of these fellas are very well known now and have made alot of money from it.. so goodluck to them i say aint us thats gonna slip and die its them

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Maybe not everyone's cup of tea but I would get a serious thrill doing that kind of stuff. I can understand exactly why they do it. I couldn't do all those flips and things, I imagine it would take quite a bit of training but the world looks completely different just being at those heights.

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They're a throw back to when mankind lived by his whits and courage. It was these crazy b*****ds that would run from the cave to lure away the saber-toothed cat trying to eat their family! Like the folk that find hunting exhilarating, there are folk that find risking their lives exhilarating.


I reckon they're f***ing mad but I think I understand them and kinda respect them.

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Mincing about on high buildings " a sport " :laugh: ....ive heard it all now.


No doubt its a way for these dopey little skateboarder types to show how really really crazy they are......kids these days just aint got nothing about them at all.

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Mincing about on high buildings " a sport " :laugh: ....ive heard it all now.


No doubt its a way for these dopey little skateboarder types to show how really really crazy they are......kids these days just aint got nothing about them at all.

Na I'm not having that. Good luck to them They've got real balls. They're getting the same bang as kids on dangerous drugs, knicking cars, knocking feck out of other kids. But they're not hurting anyone. I take my hat off to them. they're getting rid of their testosterone and youthful exuberance I wouldn't dare do it. It's the joy of life mixed with the fear of the grim reaper. :yahoo::notworthy::notworthy:

Edited by jukel123
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Is Parkour considered a sport?

Parkour Is A Discipline. Parkour matches the definition of a discipline much more closely than that of a sport. There's no competition, no showing off, and no government. There is, however, intensive training physical and mental and a code of conduct.

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So yeah i guess alot of people think of it as a "sport" even the olympic comitee :laugh:




Imagine chasing one of these fuckers lol

I wouldnt even try kev lol

They must be strong as a bull to do that.

I might catch them on the fen, but tight fields with fences, hedge or any type of cover I would not stand a chance!
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