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Fox Hunting With Dogs In Scotland

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The Scottish Countryside Alliance welcomes the cabinet secretary’s statement to invite key stakeholders to work together to develop a code of practice for the use of dogs in fox control and explore the potential for a new monitoring scheme.

Director Scotland James Stewart said:

“We welcome the ministers endorsement of Lord Bonomy’s findings, particularly that the searching and flushing of foxes by two dogs would not be as effective as that done by a full pack of hounds, and also that imposing such a restriction would seriously compromise effective pest control in the country.

“Those using dogs to flush foxes and other wild mammals to guns under the law have always been open and transparent and therefore have nothing to fear. They have been subject to hundreds of hours of covert monitoring and filming, none of which has produced evidence of law breaking. We welcome the opportunity to work with the Scottish Government, Police Scotland and stakeholders on a Code of Practice to strengthen the scrutiny and accountability of practitioners in the management of wild mammals.

“We will look at the consultation and respond in detail but remain of the view that, despite any technical shortcomings in the original drafting, the existing law is capable of being enforced by the Police Scotland and the courts, as can be seen from the fact that it has been used successfully used on many occasions.”


The appointment of Lord Bonomy to undertake the review was announced on 26 December 2015. The remit of the review was to ascertain whether the 2002 Act was providing a sufficient level of protection for wild mammals, while at the same time allowing for their effective and humane control where necessary.

Almost 300 submissions were received following a call between 1 February and 31 March 2016. Those for which consent was received were published on 24 October.

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They and English government know 100% it isn't working and never will.flushing with 2 dogs bullshit .and standing with a hawk is plausible.might as well Been wrote on bog roll .

Edited by Ronny
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Interesting but I'm not sure what to make of it. Over 170 views, no-one got any opinions?

Never understood these type of sanctions/hunting act, are they supposed to be a benefit to wildlife or conservation or what, and if so how ?


I know what you mean. I used to live between Wragby and Baumber (Lincs) before the ban and because of the North Lincs Coursing Club the farmers tolerated a good population of hares on their land. Since the ban there is no longer any incentive to do so. Even members of the LACS sometimes come to realise this and get kicked out as a consequence. Below is from wikipedia:-


In the late 1980s, League Executive Director Richard Course was fired from the League after he expressed views divergent from the League's mission. He had begun to spend some time with the mounted fox hunts as an outgrowth of his work. After a period of time talking with professional wildlife managers and hunt supporters, he concluded that: "I find it repugnant that some people will kill another living creature for recreational purposes" but said that the dogs easily outpace the fox within a minute or two and kill it within a second or two and that how the fox is located is "totally irrelevant" to animal welfare considerations. Richard Course has since denied that he supported hunting as a humane method of culling foxes. James Barrington, an ex hunt Saboteur then assumed Course's position within the League. Barrington later resigned stating that he concluded that an absolute ban on hunting was not in the best interests of animal welfare; he later joined the Countryside Alliance as an Animal Welfare Consultant.[47] Barrington admits that he did not fully understand hunting and therefore could not fully condemn it.

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Any thing that chips away at the draconian Hunting with Dogs Act North or South of the border has got to be a good thing for dog work in general. Also if this is going to be occupying the poisonous Sturgeon IN Scotland it will hopefully stop her interference in the Campaign to revoke the English version of this Act South of the Border, when it comes up for discussion. if the Antis and Lacs get stretched from pillar to post it helps the cause,of working dogs.

Edited by desertbred
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If a licence were possible what kind of conditions, fees ect would we expect.

For me I'd think a fee of £100 for a five year licence would be fair.

To be granted a licence no form of animal cruelty convictions.

A fire arm or shotgun licence for humane dispatch.

Written permission from the landowner.

I would also like to see a relocation clause of some kind, so you can move quarry to areas which are void of the said quarry, this i think would be beneficial to the health of the quarry involved.

Any more ideas lads if we got the ball rolling maybe someone might take note ( I doubt it though).

One more thing, I wouldn't want it to be like France were you have to be part of a club and go out mob handed, that's not my cup of tea.

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I think £100 per annum would be more than fair for a hunting licence a Tv licence is £145. Yes Written permission from the Land owner/ Farmer. Third party and public liability insurance . I dont think to tie the hunting licence into having a shotgun or firearms licence would be a wise move as areas for shooting would have to be strictly controlled. and the public may be put off by gun proliferation., driving to guns by two dogs has been allowed under the present legislation but the law that needs removing is restricting the number of dogs and the type of control they are allowsed to do,

Edited by desertbred
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I understand where your coming from db about the guns but as I said in my second post I was referring more to terrier work, for which to keep in with the general public it's a must. We've got to get rid of the old ways were a spade, drawing dog or any blunt instrument was used to despatch. Good point on the insurance. Keep them coming.

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I think for the digging lads some kind of high powered tazar for humane despatch dont know if available or could be developed. Lads with running dogs risk fines of 500 to a few grand so I think most of them would jump at an annual licence of a £100. the powers that be would be more likely to support a licencing system if it was self financing and some revenue was there for the public exchequer. Also a portion could be earmarked for wildlife preservation and habitat upkeep that after all is what most genuine hunters are about. hunting in a respectable manner

Edited by desertbred
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I think it's a shame some of these points were not put forward and may be we would not have found ourselves where we are now, I also would put forward live time ban for any one causing cruelty to wildlife, humane despatch every time respect for pest species.

There was talk of some sort of licensing system from the ALC before the hunting act came in they called it The middleway group
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