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hi there guys,


This is a quallity dog kennel made by dad who is a joiner he made this for my lab but i dont need it its never been used i will put up picks these things sell for £600 but we need room at the workshop so is for sale at £350 for quick sale it has been treated with wood stain will last for years, heavy gauge mesh pm me for details

kind regards robin :victory:


Heavy duty construction with mortice and tennons to all framework to run and doors. 3x2 framing and 15 mm finish T&G. Quality heay duty galvanized hinges and fittings, fully preserved timber.Dimensions 5ft x 6 ft run area approx. Sleeping area 4ftx3ft approx. Onduline roof. delivery available

Edited by hawklad
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Heavy duty construction with mortice and tennons to all framework to run and doors. 3x2 framing and 15 mm finish T&G. Quality heay duty galvanized hinges and fittings, fully preserved timber.Dimensions 5ft x 6 ft run area approx. Sleeping area 4ftx3ft approx. Onduline roof.

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Heavy duty construction with mortice and tennons to all framework to run and doors. 3x2 framing and 15 mm finish T&G. Quality heay duty galvanized hinges and fittings, fully preserved timber.Dimensions 5ft x 6 ft run area approx. Sleeping area 4ftx3ft approx. Onduline roof.

where abouts you from

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