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I phoned Rob , at best fox calls early on in the week to order a istoc 500

With the ad 400 , as a bundle

But unfortunately he was out of stock ! So I recived a phone call dinner time off rob saying

The new delivery had arrived and did I still want one

Any way after having a long conversation with him about the inns/out of the unit I Bought one


And because I had to wait a couple of days , there is no delivery charge

And best of all he's included foc a sd card , with 70 English calls on it ready to rock

IMO he's a gent , and a pleasure to do business with

Just hope my frigin knee get better soon so I can get out


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  • 2 weeks later...

Your not wrong there wilt the first calls I did had a slight rasp on them but worked really well .the new ones I did last year have been field trialed and got shit loads close in and have put them on DVDs even my hand calls are also on DVD .dave Evans don't mean to be rude but which of the English calls are actually robs calls or are they some body else's

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Not sure Mac

But I belive there robs , I can only go by shooter that have the same card , and all say there 100% better than the USA ones

So I can't really answer you ,


Every body that has got one or had both seem to,say that the ictoc is the better out the two? I don't know

But nothing works every time , no matter what you do


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