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7 Weeks To 7 Month

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What height are they mate
aaround 24 tts pal
nice mate they look through part how's that black and white dog doing?
if im honest miles behind the white dog he Doesent seems to have the spark the other pup does but hopefully it will come the white dog run very very well tho and has set the standard for him black and white ines been getting realy back travel sickness tho dribbling loads ect so I don't no I thats throw in him off
hopefully he turns out okay mate maybe does throw him off who knows atb with them
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Well lads me pups are 7 month old today times flew by not had any grief with them at all so far if I hinest havent put a foot wrong Romans had 2 little nights lamping in the last week nothing serious

Feck me you still got them

yes mate we ended up miveing a week before christmas an I more room here so dissied to have him back just dident have room at old house

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What height are they mate
aaround 24 tts pal
nice mate they look through part how's that black and white dog doing?
if im honest miles behind the white dog he Doesent seems to have the spark the other pup does but hopefully it will come the white dog run very very well tho and has set the standard for him black and white ines been getting realy back travel sickness tho dribbling loads ect so I don't no I thats throw in him off
hopefully he turns out okay mate maybe does throw him off who knows atb with them
they can't all make it at mate that's why I kept a few back we can't expect the to all make the grade still the bitch pup to get going as well
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Its right all we can do I try I need to keave him off for a few weeks realy and just guve him the odd night out tilk him say 10 month by its hard when there run in well and i have no older dog here

seasons nearly by away pal my wee dog will be a year by next season hopefullly he turns out okay he's 5 months and 21tts
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