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Anyone watch this ?


It's about subsistence living in Alaska, and I've got quite into it !


I particularly admire Sue Aikens. She lives at Navik River Camp, 195 miles inside the Arctic Circle, on the northern Alaskan coast. She is a hunt guide and runs an aircraft refuelling stop - the nearest neighbour is over 500 miles away, and she lives utterly alone for 290 days of the year !


Worth a watch...Weeknights Travel Channel 10pm.

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that camp she lives in can accomadate 83 hunters at a time ,this is a quote from sue after getting attacked by a grizzly I had to sew my own head together and my arm and before my hips popped out,i

Because she's American .......

I watch it, she seems like a good old sort that Sue.......that Glen is an interesting dude, that f****r really is off grid ! You wouldn't want to live next door to the Hailstones though would you !..

Anyone watch this ?


It's about subsistence living in Alaska, and I've got quite into it !


I particularly admire Sue Aikens. She lives at Navik River Camp, 195 miles inside the Arctic Circle, on the northern Alaskan coast. She is a hunt guide and runs an aircraft refuelling stop - the nearest neighbour is over 500 miles away, and she lives utterly alone for 290 days of the year !


Worth a watch...Weeknights Travel Channel 10pm.


That's another of the current drama-out-of-everything series currently on. Strange woman though. She decides to live there, then it's all "If i don't get enough fuel, i'll freeze." "If I don't shoot enough caribou I'll starve." "If the bears get in they'll eat me." "If I don't get any headache pills dropped off...I'll have a headache."


No shit sherlock!


For someone supposedly self-sufficient, she doesn't half have the old boys with the plane risking themselves to bring her something she's forgotten.


Wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of her, mind.

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I watch it, she seems like a good old sort that Sue.......that Glen is an interesting dude, that f****r really is off grid !

You wouldn't want to live next door to the Hailstones though would you !.........like the Eskimo version of chavs ! Lol

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Anyone watch this ?

It's about subsistence living in Alaska, and I've got quite into it !

I particularly admire Sue Aikens. She lives at Navik River Camp, 195 miles inside the Arctic Circle, on the northern Alaskan coast. She is a hunt guide and runs an aircraft refuelling stop - the nearest neighbour is over 500 miles away, and she lives utterly alone for 290 days of the year !

Worth a watch...Weeknights Travel Channel 10pm.


That's another of the current drama-out-of-everything series currently on. Strange woman though. She decides to live there, then it's all "If i don't get enough fuel, i'll freeze." "If I don't shoot enough caribou I'll starve." "If the bears get in they'll eat me." "If I don't get any headache pills dropped off...I'll have a headache."


No shit sherlock!


For someone supposedly self-sufficient, she doesn't half have the old boys with the plane risking themselves to bring her something she's forgotten.


Wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of her, mind.

I think the "stating the obvious" is for the American audience !


I know these things have to be made as dramatic as possible, but it's still a hell of a life - formidable woman !!

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I watch it, she seems like a good old sort that Sue.......that Glen is an interesting dude, that f****r really is off grid !

You wouldn't want to live next door to the Hailstones though would you !.........like the Eskimo version of chavs ! Lol

Yeah, I reckon old Chip would struggle without Agnes and the kids !

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Last I saw old Chip was waiting to be sent off to the nick and was on bail pending appeal.......the whole family had a row with another lot and it all went boss eyed.......I bet that was real Jezza stuff ! Lol


I think Glen genuinely can't hack civilisation or the responsibilities that go with it........fair play to him

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that glenns always got his kit off,,,wtf....lol....that sue does my head in to be honest,,,,its the way she talks,,,she talks in "quots",,,like one liners from action movies,,,boils my piss...


bb,,,if you look on line its somthing like 6 serries,,,,in usa,,,,but they only show the first 2 on travel channel,,,


i ofton wonder if chip does more when there not filming ,,,cos hes not aloud to do some stuff cos hes not native

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what serries you got up to then wilf,,,if chips in nick?


i know the blond woman ,,whos name escapes me,,has left her fella,,the ones with the huskies

Can't blame her, he is one grumpy c**t ! Lol

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that camp she lives in can accomadate 83 hunters at a time ,this is a quote from sue after getting attacked by a grizzly I had to sew my own head together and my arm and before my hips popped out,i went across the river ,found the bear shot him and the called the trooper and lay there for ten days

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The new series is about to start on travel channel ...

Sue thinks she is some sort of fukcing marine with all the shit she spouts ....

Glen mad as a hatter .....

Chip lazy b*****d .......

Andy f***ing bully glad his wife left him .....

Eric good lad like watching him .....


To watch truly off grid guys watch the last alaskans ........

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