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Trump Counter Petition

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Watch the numbers go up once the Russians get on the act ....140k + now

DB From what I can tell regarding Australia trump has questioned why Australia are palming there refugees onto America and not accepting them themselves I think he's got a point tbh .it was a bad dea

Pointless petitions he's coming wether they like it or not     TRUMPS the president...... Get used to it







2 million non natives don't count for Jack! Have you seen the geographic map? It's a joke lol

They do if they have a vote
Whether you like trump or not he's just trying to sort out the mess left by his predecessors ... he's put a temporary stop on people from certain country's entering the USA so he can put better vetting procedures in place to protect his people from terrorism it's not a attack on Muslims its a attack on terrorism so with that in mind anybody trying to stop trump or hinder him because of this tempory ban whether there aware of it or not is terrorists sympathizer ...it's nice to know we have 2 million terrorists sympathisers mostly in the London area... if Muslims really want peace then they will get on board instead of playing the victim card .... get of your Camel and milk your goat and give the man a chance ...hes already started to pull the suidi's and alike into line ...if you don't give him a chance then you don't want peace.

Iran test fired a missile for its own defence the Terrorist financer Saudia along with zionist Isreal the ones who terrorise the Palastinians start crying and whinging abot one of their ships being sunk and Trump the terrorist supporter who kept the sponsors of Isis ,Al quaida and Taliban of his terror list clearly indicates he andhis proxy cabinet are what they accuse others of being terrorist supporters. Even today hes insulted and given abuse to the Prime Minister of Australia because he wont accept Trumps alternative facts, took all of 10 days in the seat lol ,put a mark on the calendar lets see how long his "Special relationship with Britain lasts he will stab them in the back as he has already told America before all .you think Trump wants peace how nieve can people be LOL
We get it, the Muslims are all innocent and the western world and the Jews are the devil.

Well the jews are

Put it this way I know who I would rather try and live in peace with....

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Dear Waz & Aunt Sally..,

The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.”.

Government responded:

Click this link to view the response online:

HM Government supports this petition.

During her visit to the United States on 27 January 2017, the Prime Minister, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, invited President Trump for a State Visit to the UK later this year. The invitation was accepted. This invitation reflects the importance of the relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom. At this stage, final dates have not yet been agreed for the State Visit.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

HM Government believes the President of the United States should be extended the full courtesy of a State Visit. We look forward to welcoming President Trump once dates and arrangements are finalised.


This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.

The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee: https://petition.parliament.uk/help#petitions-committee

The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament

Edited by Waz
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