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Donald Trump's 'muslim Ban' Live: Federal Judge Defies President And Temporarily Blocks Ban In Dramatic Court Hearing

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I bet the Americans are heartbroken about that....

Celebrities are shouting and screaming. Western politicians are either slagging him off or agreeing but trying not to admit it as they know the MSN will turn on them. The lefties, feminists and anarch

We could do with the same ban in this country keep the c**ts out

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To be fair If that's true that's a bad show from him

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Trump reassured people that its not " a muslim ban ".


He does think of consequences by not being too direct and not banning saudi and emirate and afghan, also shows his fear of muslim backlash by not clearly stating that it IS a muslim ban.


"Prior to the court ruling Mr Trump had said the order was “working out very nicely. You see it at the airports, you see it all over”. He said it was “not a Muslim ban” and said the measures were long overdue."


I guess even trump doesnt have the ballz to say it, if he cant no one else will.

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He is thinking of the consequences. If he hadn't done anything, he'd be just as weak and pathetic as his predecessor.


I wish we could do something like that.

No he isn't, executive order that bans people who fought for America, British MP's, His own officials don't even know the consequences of the ban, whose affected by it, or the legality around it. But maybe Ronald McDonald Trump is pulling a hawarden kite, the bill is tested in the courts and whichever way it goes, he can't lose, gets his ban or blames the judiciary. But I don't agree that he's thinking of the consequences, leader of the free world my foot. If he wants to bring in any bill or order, the i's should be dotted and the t's crossed, not bills coming in on a whim.....very unprofessional and unpresidential......be interesting to see how he deals with Russia and China.....yes interesting times.....best of times, worst of times....just depends which side your allegiance lies closest to in America. But if this is the way he goes about things, it will be a bad term worldwide.

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